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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Story time!....

I don't think I actually said anything. I hope I didn't because I don't think I was capable of coherent speech. But my wife didn't slap me or anything, so I probably succeeded. Still, it was a real nosebleed moment.

At last, the true origin of hardened x3 is revealed! :sneaky:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


10 things you will never hear a barbarian say.


10. Ewwwww! Blood!

9. Wait a minute guys. Maybe we should think this over first.

8. I think mages are the coolest.

7. Thank you (as well as "please", "excuse me", and "so sorry, I would

appear to have stabbed you in the stomach with my broad sword").

6. Gee, I'd like to help you guys hunt down that rogue dragon, but NightFlyer and I are going shopping for curtains this weekend.

5. Swords and alcohol don't mix.

4. Couldn't we just talk this over? Violence never solved anything.

3. Sometimes, I just want to be held.

2. Do these boots go with this tunic?

1. If this wasn't such a nice inn, I'd kick your ass.




10 "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?"

9 "I need to go on a diet."

8 "Does anyone have an aspirin?"

7 "Not tonight, honey. I've got a headache."

6 "I have an allergy to...."

5 "Personally, I prefer lighter, one-handed weapons."

4 "It's rude to talk with your mouth full."

3 "Anyone interested in a game of Bridge?"

2 "I'll have a sherry please."

1 "When I was doing my Ph.D...."

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sitting at the computer and hear major excitement from the living room, where Kara's watching the Rams play football with Faith, our four year old. As I step into to see what happened, I see Faith jump up on the couch and high five Kara. :) And Faith was the first one yelling as Steven Jackson was crossing into the end zone.


I do believe she knows what a touchdown is. lol

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


where Kara's watching the Rams play football with Faith' date=' [/quote']



I'd be nervous if the Rams were in my living room, using my daughter as a football.



Oh, what, I get it! She was the opposing team. :yes:

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