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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Like when the twits in Conferences and Events steal most of the chairs out of my classroom over the weekend and leave my 35-student class only 10 chairs in the classroom for the 8AM Monday class. Since the responsible office only opens at 8AM, I left something of a tirade on their voicemail at 0745 on Monday.

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Really strange here this morning. I'm almost the only one here. It's as if the rest of ... campus? the city? ... has decided to take today & Friday off (after yesterday the federal holiday) and turn this into a clone of Thanksgiving week, but a couple weeks ahead of schedule.

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*sigh* MLK was still alive while I was in elementary school; that assassination happened shortly before I started junior high. (Well, technically, I had about 2 months of 6th grade left at the time.)


We get Veterans Day off here in WA partly because of the accident that 11/11 is also the anniversary of Washington's statehood. (That happened in 1889 so the juxtaposition with the end of WW1 is, in fact, an accident.)

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