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Longest Running Thread EVER

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It's always both at once until measured.

But once you define one quantity, you can never be sure of the other associated with it.


I must have defined all the unimportant ones.

At least my wife thinks so.  She says I am always wrong and clueless.

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That qualifies as "night", does it?

Depends on the time of year. Right now ... it's pretty bright outside at 0530 here. And what's worse, there are extended periods where my alarm goes off at 0530, independent of how bright it is.
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If I am not working, I'm up at 0430 for chores, and by 0530 I am out running my 2 miles with the youngest girl and 14 y/o boy (he usually tags another mile or so to the end now as he is trying to get ready for football practices to start).



Our day shift works 0700-1500(-ish); evening shift works 1330-2200 (mostly); and the night shift works 2100-0700.


I've worked night shift a couple of times -- it's not for me, I get jet lagged.

 That is pretty much our shifts, other than the fact Peds is straight 12's from 7-7 and all weekends are 7-7.

I would rather work nights.  Period.


First, I am a bit of a nocturnal critter.  I have always loved to go fishing all night, or hunt raccoons till dawn.  I was also the one who sat in the hay loft all night long to shoot the coyotes and foxes that would get into the livestock.


And then in the work arena - I will never work days.  First off, I will never have enough seniority.  I didn't start off right out of school as a nurse, where most of the gals here did.  Second, far to many people who think they are important work days.  And I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when they are doing something stupid.  So it's safer if I am not around them.

And I hate evenings (3p-11p).  Evenings means that I almost never see my wife or kids.  By the time they are getting back from school/work - I'm gone.  When I get home - they are asleep.  Nope, don't like that at all.

Working nights, I leave after they go to bed.  I get home in time to see the kids off on the bus and the wife as she leaves.  I and the dog sleep in a quiet house while everyone is gone.  And then I get up to get the kids off the bus and we spend the afternoon & evening together.  To me, that is the perfect schedule.


That, and the crew on nights tends to be more 'team players' than the day crew in our hospital.  That seems to be the nature of the beast most places I have worked.

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