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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Last night I went out in the driveway, pulled out my phone, and figured out Pluto's current position--in Sagittarius--and then used another app to figure out where Sagittarius was.  And then I peered into the sky, looking to where history was being made.  Couldn't quite make out the probe, or Pluto, but still.

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That's reasonable. Since I teach planetary astronomy on a regular basis, I'm a bit more ... personally invested.

That could be fun.  Or not.

i did a fair stint working as a physicist.  Astrophysics (observational mostly, although some consulting on the theoretical end of it).

But I tend to have a bit of an 'ornery' side, and feel no guilt 'messing' with students/interns/etc - so teaching might not be the best idea for me.

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Sounds almost ideal! Learning Through Fear!


During the anatomy course, we had two lectures on the limbs by a hand surgeon. He went a bit Drill Sergeant Nasty on us, minus the swearing, during the first. His daughter was in the class, and she must have had a word with him, because he began the following lecture with the words "I understand that I came across as unusually unpleasant yesterday; I feel that I must apologize -- I was just going for usually unpleasant."

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I did my time in the Army.  Never met a teacher who could even be considered in the same league as drill sergeants.

Not that I wanted to meet one though.


And mine generally wasn't instruction through fear.

More, see if they were actually functioning, or still in the 'deer in the headlight' phase.

I would do things like ask them ot calculate a number of values (usually dopler and gravitational redshifts).  Then, if they worked them out - I would take their work over to the chart on the wall to check them.

The looks on their faces usually was somewhere between disbelief and homicidal rage...

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Pascal would be the god of sages and academia.  His clerics would know a lot of spells but be unable to actually cast any.


Java would be an uncountable horde of trickster demons.  They're everywhere and you can't avoid them, and they're always looking for ways to trip you up.


Assembly would be Ilúvatar himself, the all-powerful overgod who rarely gets directly involved in anything.  Only obsessed lunatics know how to call upon him for aid.


Python would be the god of hearths and smiths, the one that gets a lot of menial, unglamorous stuff done.


COBOL would be the demon of accountants, money, and ancient knowledge.  You will have to deal with him eventually.


Flash would be the demon of quick and seductive power.  Flash will do whatever you want, right away, but she will exact a heavy price.

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Basic is sort of an avatar of Pascal. C++ is one of the principal consorts of assembly, but one who offers strongly double-edged aid; for by its tools does one become lost outside of time and space, in places that never were and never will be, and all that remains is your last unwary step en route to the faults of segmentation, the infinite void of null pointers, leading nowhere but the darkness where no one can see you scream.

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To work in this field you have to start out a little cracked, and then the work does the rest.    *twitch*


Your talking to a guy who works as (the only male) nurse taking care of little babies and their moms on a unit with 40 other women as the staff.

And you want to talk about starting as a bit 'cracked'...


Yeah, I resemble that statement.


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