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Longest Running Thread EVER

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One of my proudest moments was when I caught a mistake on CSI. They were looking at an IR spec and saying "This confirms the presence of acetone at the crime scene" and I blurted out, "No it doesn't! There's no carbonyl peak at 1700!"


My roommates looked at me funny.

I've found an error in The Big Bang Theory. I know you don't watch it but Marcus does, which is why I'm posting. :)


For LM: it the episode when Sheldon teaches Penny "a little physics" and mentions Aristotle and motion.

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Meh, I've had people think that parsec was a liqueur, like triple sec.


Those people aren't science fiction writers, though.

Yeah, that was a case of Lucas just Not Doing The Research.


I've heard it described as 'a neglect of facts of Meyerian proportions'.

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Imagine if the old Greek guys had stumbled upon the Scientific Method!


Well. they should have.

  • The Hippocratic approach to treating disease was pragmatic in treating causes & testing medicine. It is one small-ish step from that to applying it to Greek science. 
  • They already had a theory of atoms 
  • And they had Aristotle's description of what a science is in the Organon, as well has a whole system of scientific knowledge. 
  • The Greek "big bang theory" was Plato's Timaeus
  • They had mathematics, geometry and astronomy. As well as Pythagoras' point-of-view that nature can be described in mathematical terms. 


The pieces were all there, just waiting to be assembled. 

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Well. they should have.

  • The Hippocratic approach to treating disease was pragmatic in treating causes & testing medicine. It is one small-ish step from that to applying it to Greek science. 
  • They already had a theory of atoms 
  • And they had Aristotle's description of what a science is in the Organon, as well has a whole system of scientific knowledge. 
  • The Greek "big bang theory" was Plato's Timaeus
  • They had mathematics, geometry and astronomy. As well as Pythagoras' point-of-view that nature can be described in mathematical terms. 

The pieces were all there, just waiting to be assembled. 


From the Hippocratic Corpus, Precepts (although Precepts seems to have been written 1st or 2nd century AD)


"In medicine one must pay attention not to plausible theorising ("logismos") but to experience and reason ("logos") together.... I agree that theorizing is to be approved, provided that it is based on facts, and systematically makes its deductions from what is observed but conclusions drawn from unaided reason can hardly be serviceable; only those drawn from observed fact."


Seems like an early scientific method, do others agree? 

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