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Longest Running Thread EVER

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When I started teaching full time, the lab next to my room (a physics lab, oddly enough) had long been disused and converted into a makeshift storage area.  One day years before, the story goes, a couple of students who had finished their daily work had been given permission to explore the room.  They dug through the old cabinets and found a device consisting of a power cord, a wand, and a box with a readout dial.  They plugged it in and started pointing the wand at things.  They found a rock in another cabinet, and when they pointed the wand at it, the dial jumped and the box started clicking furiously.  They told the teacher, who recognized the device as a Geiger counter and told them to get out of the room until he could get someone to come and take a closer look.


The rock turned out to be pitchblende, and had apparently been in the school since it was built in 1951.  They had to call a hazmat team to come and take it out.

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Pitchblende rarely is hot enough to be a hazard, barring impressive stupidity.


I note that a half-pound container of salt substitute (usually half salt, half KCl) will make the counter click too, from the potassium-40 in it. And that product is explicitly a food additive ... supposedly it is better for you than straight salt.

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