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Longest Running Thread EVER

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I've read some of it. The American Astronomical Society has collected a number of things about that.


I mean, if it was really an affront to the native spirits, wouldn't Pele have opened a new pit on Mauna Kea to get the point across? It's been active within the last 200 years IIRC, so that seems quite plausible. And, the astronomers are doing more than anyone to preserve the silversword plants and raise up new ones.

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I have this guess that it's a dumb emotional battle against some Very Visibly White People that the locals sense they might have a shot at winning. Though the gender ratio has swung drastically away from the nearly all male it once was, the professional astronomy community remains whiter than any other group I know enough to be able to characterize, and they don't really have any real power or money. So if you need a moral victory and nothing else matters to you, picking a fight with astronomers is a reasonably good-odds choice if you can plausibly do it.

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