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... and in the serendipitous evil department, asking students to work out the units explicitly for an electric field turns out to be insanely amusing because so many of them have forgotten what units electric field is supposed to have (and it doesn't occur to them to reason it out). So there are many lines of algebra involving units, starting with garbage and ending with unrecognizeably different garbage.


It makes me laugh like Darth Sidious.

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"I don't find it confusing ... do you? The units and abbreviations all make perfect sense: 


"I" stands for current, measured in amps; 

"C" stands for capacitance, measured in farads; 

"R" stands for resistance, measured in ohms; 

"E" stands for voltage, measured (oddly enough) in volts; and 

"L" stands for inductance, measured in henrys. 


And they will tell you, with a straight face, that electronics requires a logical mind." 


(Amdahl, K. There Are No Electrons: Electronics for Earthlings; Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc.: Broomfield, CO, 1991; p. 186.)

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