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You can measure the magnetic field due to the cardiac nerve at a point right outside the chest. In the crude assumption that the nerve acts like a straight wire, you can compute from that the current in the nerve. If you know the number of axons in the nerve, then you can estimate the current in one axon. I already know the potential difference with which axon firings operate is about 90 mV. The power consumed in a circuit with potential difference V and current I is P = IV. Now, you have an estimate of the number of axons in the brain (10^11) and can get estimates of what fraction of brain neurons are firing at any one time (~1% is the number I grabbed). This lets you estimate the power consumption of the brain. And that I want to compare to the power supplied by food (2400 kCal/day) and see if this works at all.

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Yup, I know that. Which is why this is strictly a back-of-the-envelope sort of thing. What I want to make sure of is that this doesn't grossly overestimate the power consumption already, because if it does, then something else important is going on that I haven't thought of.

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I have appropriated from somewhere on the Web the convention that zero point energy is the energy field concentrated around teaching labs that causes students to get zero points on their lab exercises.


The amount of zero point energy present is highly variable in both space and time.

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