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Longest Running Thread EVER

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I got:


ULS Classification: A-1

Label: Uber-man; Paragon

Powerset: Better at everything; Superhero lottery; Leadership skills; Strength (both physical and character); Resolve; Big heart

Notable Members: Superman, Captain America, and, apparently, You!


Faster, Stronger, Better. You do it all with a smile.

But you are more than a pretty face and amazing powers, you are an icon--a living symbol.

People look up to you. You have the ability to inspire, just as you take inspiration from your fellow man. 


Genre Savvy Hint: You may want to consider Blue and Red your mandatory costume colors.

Quote: "Truth, Justice, Great Power, and Greater Responsibility"


Can't say that I agree with all of it, but I'm pretty happy with it.  :-)

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