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Longest Running Thread EVER

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ULS Classification: C-3
Label: Myth and Magic
Powerset: Various transmundane abilities sourced in non-natural and unscientific origins (e.g., preternatural strength, endurance, or perception; special abilities such as healing others, opening transdimensional portals, etc., communicating with supernatural beings)
Notable Members: Wonder Woman, Thor, Captain Marvel (DC), Dr. Strange, etc.

Out of the pages of myth and legend, you step-nay-stride with a bold and unconquerable spirit. 
You need no introduction, you're the one they call when the chips are down and they need a miracle. You put the "Deus Ex" in "Deus ex Machina."

You regularly face down demons (both inner and outer) that would make lesser men faint (although, to be fair, you've made quite a few people swoon yourself  Noble of spirit, you have high ideals and a creed you must live up to. Beware deviations from your true quest, you were born for higher things and cannot suffer yourself to get entangled with the temptations of a prodigal mortal life.

Genre Savvy Hint: When consorting with mortals, try and speak to them in their own language, in terms they can understand. I know it's tempting to be intimidating and impressive, but trust me, you already are. Sometimes it's important just to be relatable too.
Quote: "Verily"

Took it again and got: Cosmic Guardian, e.g. Silver Surfer


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ULS Classification:F-6
Label: Fundamental Forces
Powerset: Manipulate/control forces of physics and similar characteristic (e.g. gravity, light, magnetism, density, probability, etc.); telekinesis
Notable Members: Invisible Woman, Marvel Girl, Magneto, Shadowcat, Vision, Flash
If people ignore you, it's their loss (or their DOOM). While not always as flashy as the big hulking smashers of brick walls, it's no exaggeration to say that you just very well might be the most powerful member of your superteam. Watch out for the quiet one indeed!
Your particular skill set also means you have likely had to spend more time learning and developing your powers--yours are not the sort of abilities that any idiot can wield like a blunt instrument--You have power, but it requires... finesse.
"Mind over matter" is a trite expression that has reached its zenith in yourself as you are always mentally controlling your environment, reshaping it to suit your vision--or more likely, putting things back in wisdom and order after the chaos of the wall-smashers!
Genre-Savvy Tip: As you walk through walls of life, remember, some borders and barriers are there for a reason!
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