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Longest Running Thread EVER

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I keep having this conversation the last few days.


"Mr. ______, is there something I can do to bring up my grade?"
"Like what?"
"Like extra credit?"
"Did you do either of the extra credit assignments I offered this quarter?"
"Which ones?"
"Science Day or the chemistry carols."
"Then I don't know what to tell you."


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This is a learned behavior. Those who ask for for extra credit work tend to do half-assed jobs at it, and/or waste my time in other ways. And as I get closer and closer to the end, I get more intolerant of those who make me waste time in ways I don't like.

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Also, I have always had a creeping suspicion that students blow off assignments they don't like (i.e., the ones that would do them the most good) much more if they think they can do extra credit to paste over the hole in their grade made by that avoidance. Telling them up front that this cannot happen wastes less of my time (certainly) and (I think, but I don't have double-blind test data to prove it) improves the completion rate of assignments.

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