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I read comics while we were overseas and thus had no TV (and a lower availability of entertainment in English in general). Once back in the States, that wasn't a problem any more, for the most part, so 8 or 10 comic magazines a month was no longer needed.

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No idea. Never read the whole thing. I don't remember Thanos ...


okay no worries


I read comics while we were overseas and thus had no TV (and a lower availability of entertainment in English in general). Once back in the States, that wasn't a problem any more, for the most part, so 8 or 10 comic magazines a month was no longer needed.


cheers, okay no worries. 

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As further context, my comics-reading years were 1962-65 and 1968-71. Substantially different times in both comics and RL than, e.g., ten years later.

no worries. 


you are always welcome to join in with us for our Superdrafts. More the merrier. 

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Yea, some difference between Cancer's reading group and later.  I wound mostly with 70s - '92 when I stopped.  (Spiderman Carnage 12 parter pushed me over the edge)


There are good stories in all those age ranges (and to the present), but a lot of crap as wel.  I got more tired by the big events that didn't actually have any effect, and seemed more about selling different covers.  And the constant retelling of a story that was already done a few times.  I stil have a few long boxes with some comics I enjoyed.  Most independants, though I haven't even looked at them for five or six years.

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no worries. 


you are always welcome to join in with us for our Superdrafts. More the merrier.


Yeah, I know. I did the first one that Solomon started long ago, and had a concept for one last summer that I just ran out of inspiration on in the middle. Just doesn't seem to hold my interest.
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Not really. He's been through a lot lately: last week he had the "replumbing" surgery (I don't know what it's called), altering his urinary tract away from the usual male parts which were scarred and blocking, after 5-6 weeks of fighting urinary tract obstructions. Most of the time he has to wear the "cone of shame" -- he can't be allowed to wash/lick the sutures. He has been largely confined to one bathroom most of the day for his first couple of days home (he came home last Thursday evening). So I have the impression that he's chumming up to people as much as he can, since he's spent lots of time sore, bored, and lonely.


At the time I typed that earlier entry, I was eating my morning Cheerios with this largish cat sitting across my shoulders.

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Yeah, for Fluff Butt I think one of the important things in his life is "shoulder surfing", riding around while across the shoulders and taking in the sights from that height. And in the family, only my shoulders are broad enough for him to do that comfortably (for him).


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