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In an AP conference earlier this fall, one of the readers mentioned a peculiar difficulty some students had: They wrote too much.  She said that on numerous exams, students who were trying to explain a phenomenon as directed by the exam would wander around (so to speak) and eventually stumble into the neighborhood of the correct answer. And then just when they were about to win the point, they would write something to obviously and irreparably wrong that the graders had no choice but to mark it incorrect.


Her advice for us to give to our students: Take a moment to think about the question, decide what the correct answer is, and write it down. Then stop.

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or ask better questions. :winkgrin:


Criticizing the question is the hallmark of the weak student.


The brain dump response is the hallmark of desperation in someone who thinks mastery is achieveable by memorization ... so all they must do is puke everything they have memorized onto the paper. All too often, it has always worked in the past, so it must work now, mustn't it?


... To which I respond: welcome to Broken Bulldozer Gulch. This is a trap. And yes, malice aforethought.

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Criticizing the question is the hallmark of the weak student.





I'm sure there could be something to be said about people asking questions, being curious about the world they are living in and intelligence/wisdom. Is not questioning nature of humanity why we have science in the first place? 


to rephrase my post above: to get straightforward answers, ask straightforward questions. THis way the student doesn't need to "brain dump". On the flip-side the question itself my be straightforward (to the lecturer) but the student is not learned enough to recognise this to write an elegant answer, and thus "brain dumps". 

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Confronted with a question which they don't know how and can't figure out how to answer, there are many students who resort to brain dumps on essay questions. It is an inherent weakness to the format. The alternative formats, for this level and the students at my institution, while sometimes easier to grade and avoid the brain dump desperation response, are far weaker in in their ability to let the instructor get a broad picture of re student's understanding. So I accept the brain dumps (unhappily) because of the superiority of the format otherwise.

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