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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"TAP" stands for "T&A Percentage" -- out of the last 50 reps, what percentage currently were for "T&A" posts.


Part of it is also still feeling a bit nettled at MisterBaldy, and it's a way of keeping it "in the face" of people who happen to think like or agree with him that those of us who post pics "like that" don't get all -- or even the majority -- of our rep for those kinds of postings.

Gee, then my (currently) 550+ points of rep has a TAP of:




I'm with ya on this one, Dr. A. :P


John T

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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




*tries to think of something to say to brighten everyone's day*




oh, my avatar...i really DO have a chest that big and wear glasses, too...


*just made a bunch of fanboy's days*

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




*tries to think of something to say to brighten everyone's day*




oh, my avatar...i really DO have a chest that big and wear glasses, too...


*just made a bunch of fanboy's days*

I'm not going to be fooled by that statement. I would like to see some pictures of said bust as proof. :D

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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




i think maybe my husband and maybe even the squirrel ((in the role of 'protective big brother type/best friend)) would object to me posting a pic like THAT...


however, since i don't listen to anybody anyway, i'll try to find one. ^_~

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




i think maybe my husband and maybe even the squirrel ((in the role of 'protective big brother type/best friend)) would object to me posting a pic like THAT...


however, since i don't listen to anybody anyway, i'll try to find one. ^_~

:nonp: Wow. I guess it pays to ask. :D

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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


^^ i AM known for my pig-headedness...


i swear, sometimes i get in such moods that if a person told me to breathe, i'd stop and glare at them...


just don't like being told what to do, i guess. ^^


*is a spoiled little brat neko* XD

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


No' date=' help out DOJ by buying direct.[/quote']

The thing is that in the long run HERO is best served by being on store shelves. Shelf space, however, is the single most valuable commodity in most retail stores, game stores being no exception. If they fear something won't move reasonably, it gets no space.


Our challenge is how to get HERO shelf space where it does not have such. Fortunately, my nearest gaming store does devote adequate space to HERO. But for those areas where this is not true, HERO is truly handicapped, hurt for growth potential. Special ordering ends up being no solution for the obvious reason that (unless in numbers) it does not garner shelf space.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Overheard at work:

Agent 1: Sure, let me get you right over to a supervisor. What a wonderful little bitch she is! Oh, I see she has a $35.00 overdraft. Should I tell her about it?

Agent 2: Don't bother if she is being like that.

Agent 1: Oh look, she just hung on me.

Agent 2: Call her back and tell her about the charge.

Agent 1: Yes, Ma'am. Thanks for being disconnecting on me. I really appreciate that. I just wanted to let you know you also have an overdraft charge on your account. Have a nice day.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Ok' date=' I'll take your word for it, for now... :D[/quote']

Check Prove You Exist...


but keep a lamb handy to wipe with.



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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Check Prove You Exist...


but keep a lamb handy to wipe with.





*is at a loss* wtf does that mean? keep a lamb handy????


*is totally confused*

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