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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


The problem with this thread, is we haven't had a good discussion going on it lately.


Lemming, you and zornwil used to game together. Do you still meet for games? How is that weird game you were designing going?

I've been a lazy bastard and not done any game design work even with the copious free time of unemployement. I'm not sure why my motivation is being such a low point lately.


Zornwil on the other hand is running his Justice Squad game monthly with occasional other games. This week we're going for finishing up the Disavowed. You can check out some of his stuff at http://realschluss.org

He does a nice job of writing up game summaries and various other bits. Though a couple of the other players contribute quite a bit. (Lamrok & Chromatic) We're pretty lucky in that we have a great gaming group. The only problem is that our schedules don't mesh well.


Other games that are happening are a pulp game that another one is running (Does Kirk even have a login here?) and Shelley is testing out her Regency Hero game. And I better send both of them my character writeups. One is an escape artist and the other a volatile navy captain on half-pay.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




Other games that are happening are a pulp game that another one is running (Does Kirk even have a login here?) and Shelley is testing out her Regency Hero game. And I better send both of them my character writeups. One is an escape artist and the other a volatile navy captain on half-pay.


Oh, I snipped it, but as to gaming work, I suspect that not just unemployment but going back into contracting days, the uncertainty of employment has detracted from creative energy, understandably. Plus I haven't been getting with you on the cyber-ninja-pirates-in-space game, either, so definitely two sides to that.


I don't think Kirk has a login, IIRC, I asked him and he's not a boards browser.


BTW, my character for Shelley's game is another Navy captain. And a natural antagonist for the Comte, as while he has no actual interest in fashion, he just always looks good in whatever he picks out and tends to mix and match on his own, so is a Trendsetter (note the capital "T", i.e., I paid points), and he, not surprisingly of course given the wars and ongoing rivalry, dislikes the French (though not to the level of a disad - though one of his favorite sayings is "The best a Frenchman can aspire to in life is to be beaten by an Englishman"). To be fair, given the times, there's plenty of races he wouldn't even consider to have that much credit! I didn't realize about the Comte until after I had designed all this. The character is actually inspired by an idea I had as a kid well before RPGing.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I've been a lazy bastard and not done any game design work even with the copious free time of unemployement. I'm not sure why my motivation is being such a low point lately.

Unemployment has that effect on people. Being out of work is not the same as having a day off or being on vacation. Your mind is always occupied with worry about finding work, paying the bills, and all that other unfun crap.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Unemployment has that effect on people. Being out of work is not the same as having a day off or being on vacation. Your mind is always occupied with worry about finding work' date=' paying the bills, and all that other unfun crap.[/quote']

The man speaks true. It gets terrible, Lem. At one point, I showered once a week, and changed clothes at the same time. I slept until noon. I became insane - a slug that lived in a curled up, hard shell that it couldn't move around, so it never qualified as a snail. I sat with the laptop by my bed and was too lazy even to put DVD's in my DVD player, just popping them into the laptop and watching Red Dwarf over and over again...


Now, I at least have created an office downstairs, where I work a few hours every day. I shower every other day, change my clothes regularly. And I even took up shaving with a razor. I've also stopped staying up past three in the morning and after-dinner naps.


Unemployment sucks, but not as much as feeling unemployed when you're under contract for novels.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


And why is the captain on half pay?

No ships to command. He is rather volatile and prone to violence, but has a patron rather high up and also some highly placed enemies. I forsee a violent death for him


He's a captain, but was promoted in his last engagement after giving some frenchies the what for.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


BTW' date=' my character for Shelley's game is another Navy captain. And a natural antagonist for the Comte, as while he has no actual interest in fashion, he just always looks good in whatever he picks out and tends to mix and match on his own, so is a Trendsetter (note the capital "T", i.e., I paid points), and he, not surprisingly of course given the wars and ongoing rivalry, dislikes the French (though not to the level of a disad - though one of his favorite sayings is "The best a Frenchman can aspire to in life is to be beaten by an Englishman"). To be fair, given the times, there's plenty of races he wouldn't even consider to have that much credit! I didn't realize about the Comte until after I had designed all this. The character is actually inspired by an idea I had as a kid well before RPGing.[/quote']

Cool. We'll have three captains then. Mathew has the other one. Mine and his used to serve together, but he actually captained a ship and got to sail around the cape with a french tart. Or so this scallywag told me at the club. Naturally I threw him out a window for suggesting such a thing.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Unemployment has that effect on people. Being out of work is not the same as having a day off or being on vacation. Your mind is always occupied with worry about finding work' date=' paying the bills, and all that other unfun crap.[/quote']

True. But I've been having this for longer than that. Of course, I can trace this back to when I was being fully employed as opposed to this under employed crap I've done for the last four years. Gah.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Cool. We'll have three captains then. Mathew has the other one. Mine and his used to serve together' date=' but he actually captained a ship and got to sail around the cape with a french tart. Or so this scallywag told me at the club. Naturally I threw him out a window for suggesting such a thing.[/quote']



Though I do hope now with Napoleon gone we won't be reduced to fighting, ugh, "AMERICANS"!? Thank God I didn't have to serve against them, who has time to deal with uppity gnats?


Where did you serve? I was in the North Atlantic and Indian Ocean.

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