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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


You were ruined the moment you thought to take me on.

And damned into eternal obscuity when you became Zorn's aide. Imitation maybe the most sincere form of flattery but I prefer the cuplet 'Great Minds Think Alike but Fools Never Differ'

Better an obscure aide with...


4 Reputation: Heroic Veteran of the Terran Rebellion 8-, +4/+4d6

4 Reputation: Aide of Zornwil, Prime Minister of the General Council Assembly of the Galactic Federation 8-, +4/+4d6



5 Social Limitation: Public Identity 8- (Occasionally, Minor)

... where was I going with this?




*Zoron's character sheet

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


You mean Death Salad. And yes I know.

(it's a spelling mistake in the Tome of Horrors book where one of the Slaad lords takes the form of a gigantic black salad.)

Black Salad, Black Slaad, Death Slaad, Death Tribble. Seen one seen them all. After awhile you all look the same anyway.
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Taunt me will you ?

Right !

The kid gloves are off !


Your master smells of Elderberries and your Koalas wear combat boots !

I wave my tentacles in your general direction !

Begone or I shall taunt you some more.

Scotty mistook you for toilet paper.
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sure this has been done in one form or another, but I was thinking of writin' a bunch of short stories about a bar for superheroes. Kinda like "Clark's" was in the Wildstorm universe mixed with liberal doses of "Common Grounds" and a touch of "Wild Cards" (in the beginning, anyway). Neutral territory, where everyone can hang out. It's not overly original, really, but I think it'd be kinda fun. Whatcha think?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sure this has been done in one form or another' date=' but I was thinking of writin' a bunch of short stories about a bar for superheroes. Kinda like "Clark's" was in the Wildstorm universe mixed with liberal doses of "Common Grounds" and a touch of "Wild Cards" (in the beginning, anyway). Neutral territory, where everyone can hang out. It's not overly original, really, but I think it'd be kinda fun. Whatcha think?[/quote']


I think they did scenes like that in The Tick.


"You can't be a tick. Ticks suck blood."

"I GOTTA STRAW RIGHT HERE, BUDDY!! Wanna demonstration??"



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sure this has been done in one form or another' date=' but I was thinking of writin' a bunch of short stories about a bar for superheroes. Kinda like "Clark's" was in the Wildstorm universe mixed with liberal doses of "Common Grounds" and a touch of "Wild Cards" (in the beginning, anyway). Neutral territory, where everyone can hang out. It's not overly original, really, but I think it'd be kinda fun. Whatcha think?[/quote']

I love stories like that! A while back a friend and I were going to collaborate on a comic book (sort of Mysterymen-level) and I had an idea for such a story, I love all those sorts of "slice of everyday life of a super "things.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Maybe I should just post everything here, sort of a combined cranky/random musing/wag thread.


Or maybe I should just go get more coffee and get back to work.



Hey, don't let THE MAN do that to you! Shirk, shirk! It's the revolutionary way!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Funnel Web spiders and Red Back spiders won't poison you out of sympathy.
FYI, seriously: I had that happen to me. I was about 6, in the neighbours yard who had a corragated iron fence. I brushed my finger across the web to reveal a red back spider (RBS) and a death green spider. Being 6, I thought I was lucky as I knew RBS's were poisonous.
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sure this has been done in one form or another' date=' but I was thinking of writin' a bunch of short stories about a bar for superheroes. Kinda like "Clark's" was in the Wildstorm universe mixed with liberal doses of "Common Grounds" and a touch of "Wild Cards" (in the beginning, anyway). Neutral territory, where everyone can hang out. It's not overly original, really, but I think it'd be kinda fun. Whatcha think?[/quote']

Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. By Spider Robinson. Something similar.

But that's what you will be accusing of plaigerising/copying. So read it and then decide whether to go ahead.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


FYI' date=' seriously: I had that happen to me. I was about 6, in the neighbours yard who had a corragated iron fence. I brushed my finger across the web to reveal a red back spider (RBS) and a death green spider. Being 6, I thought I was lucky as I knew RBS's were poisonous.[/quote']

One of the good things about Britain is that kids are not menaced throughout childhood by poisonous spiders or have to worry about dangerous jellyfish or being shark bait.

Australians do. And that ain't good.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


One of the good things about Britain is that kids are not menaced throughout childhood by poisonous spiders or have to worry about dangerous jellyfish or being shark bait.

Australians do. And that ain't good.

No you just have the Royals instead, and bad weather nearly all year round. :straight: I guess we could call it even.
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


The Millennial Clubs / Members


Millennials 38

Double Millennials 20

Triples 9

Quads 8

Quins 5

6x+ 6


Has the Millennial Club lost it's shine?

Nah, I am getting a kick out of seeing myself once again on the frontpage of the members listwhen it comes to post count... But then again I was one of the mega posters Before the DOS attack. Ahh Ego.

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