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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


He further claims that oil is not going to run out and there have been no real harm caused by DDT.

The one major government report that was done on DDT, back before it was outlawed, a many-hundred-page thing, said conclusively there was no evidence for any harmful environmental effects, but the guy in charge of the agency at the time went ahead and put it on the "ban" list because he'd made a lot of political deals based on this upcoming report, and had promised various people the research would find DDT harmful.


As for the oil thing...there's been a growing number of scientists over the last decade who don't believe oil's going to run out (not completely) because they are coming to believe the term "fossil fuels" is a misnomer in the case of oil. More evidence is accumulating that oil is being produced now through the actions of deep-crustal bacteria called "extremeophiles" who die in the too-cold temps and low pressures of the surface. Another point of questioning is this:


"Many other bodies in the solar system have the exact same petrochemical signatures as our so-called 'fossil fuels'. Does anyone seriously believe there was ever a thriving dinosaur-and-fern-forests biosphere on Titan, or some of the other moons in the outer solar system?"


I'm not saying which way I'm leaning on this (oil) one; even if it's true that oil isn't going to run out completely, I'd dearly love to see some real, funded work on alternatives, like worthwhile fuel cells and ways to efficiently store hydrogen for them. In that, at least, I have no doubt the environment would be better off if we stopped mass combustion of 'fossil fuels', regardless of those fuels' true origins.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


The one major government report that was done on DDT' date=' back before it was outlawed, a many-hundred-page thing, said [i']conclusively[/i] there was no evidence for any harmful environmental effects, but the guy in charge of the agency at the time went ahead and put it on the "ban" list because he'd made a lot of political deals based on this upcoming report, and had promised various people the research would find DDT harmful.


As for the oil thing...there's been a growing number of scientists over the last decade who don't believe oil's going to run out (not completely) because they are coming to believe the term "fossil fuels" is a misnomer in the case of oil. More evidence is accumulating that oil is being produced now through the actions of deep-crustal bacteria called "extremeophiles" who die in the too-cold temps and low pressures of the surface. Another point of questioning is this:


"Many other bodies in the solar system have the exact same petrochemical signatures as our so-called 'fossil fuels'. Does anyone seriously believe there was ever a thriving dinosaur-and-fern-forests biosphere on Titan, or some of the other moons in the outer solar system?"


I'm not saying which way I'm leaning on this (oil) one; even if it's true that oil isn't going to run out completely, I'd dearly love to see some real/b], funded work on alternatives, like worthwhile fuel cells and ways to efficiently store hydrogen for them. In that, at least, I have no doubt the environment would be better off if we stopped mass combustion of 'fossil fuels', regardless of those fuels' true origins.

For harmful effects on DDT, look at the Bald Eagle.


I don't care about Oil. Hybrids are dirt cheap and use little gasoline. My roommates have one and average 47 miles a gallon. It is only time before 47 miles a gallon goes to 80+ miles a gallon or gone altogether. I'm not sure what percentage of oil usage that is, but it has to be pretty significant.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


For harmful effects on DDT' date=' look at the Bald Eagle.[/quote']

Uh-huh. I commend to your attention this article:




In particular:


After 15 years of heavy and widespread usage of DDT, Audubon Society ornithologists counted 25 percent more eagles per observer in 1960 than during the pre-DDT 1941 bird census.


And the numbers of bald eagles continued to rise between 1960 and 1972, when DDT was banned.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I enjoy King, but he is very hit and miss for me. Most of his early work, and the Bachman stuff is great. After that, it depends on the book. And while his movies have much suckitude the TV series based on his work are very nice.


I just finished ready F Paul Wilson's The Haunted Air (a Repairman Jack book). For those that like supernatural adventure Wilson is amazing; well actually he is amazing anyway.


Baseball is boredom incarnate.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


If the Word Association Game was the longers thread ever than this thread has to beat #14476 posts. Can we do it?
I'm sure we have already in words. :D


Let's tackle Catsuit first, then worry about the WAG threads. Maybe, as a pre-emptive strike... someone should create WAG 4.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm sure we have already in words. :D


Let's tackle Catsuit first, then worry about the WAG threads. Maybe, as a pre-emptive strike... someone should create WAG 4.

WAG 4 won't work, we still have to go for WAG 1 (on these boards).


Each post counts.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay' date=' so when WAG 3 gets close to WAG 1 size, hit it with WAG 4. We want the record and no game will stand before us. MUHAHAHAHA![/quote'] Good thinking SS. Although that should be a long way off.
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