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Longest Running Thread EVER

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About a decade ago, late evening (circa 2100 local time, IIRC) stupid cat brought in a rat that was not quite dead. Profane amazement by human in the room. Rat escapes and vanishes behind the stove. Doing what we could to prevent access by the three cats, we put down a glue trap for the rat. (The glue trap can be washed off, but a mechanical trap was likely to break bones of a cat that managed to get into it.)


Sure enough, about midnight the stupid cat got past our barriers and got mired in the glue trap; sounds of feline flailing from the kitchen. Capture the cat (easier task than usual due to trap). The glue is soluble in organic solvents; the label on the trap recommended mineral spirits (which we had on hand from some painting in the house) for this. So here we were at midnight-thirty washing the glue off idiot cat in the kitchen sink. He is making a hell of a racket because mineral spirits on any kind of nick or wound stings like crazy, and he has several since the rat put up at least token resistance when he caught it. Kids (age late single digits) wake up and wonder what's going on. Other two cats wake up and groggily complain to us, both vocally and psychicly, to stop torturing poor cat #3. After a few minutes get all the glue off. Start second bath for idiot cat, this one in warm water and dish detergent to get all the mineral spirits off, since that stuff is poison (literally) and the very first thing he's gonna do when we let go of him is run-hide-lick himself. Cat does not approve of this bath either, loudly. This bath goes quicker. Dry cat with towel (again, disapproval by cat). Finally let him go. Cat vanishes per expectations. Wash out our wounds. Get ourselves back to bed by about oh-one-fifteen.


Never saw the rat or any sign of him again. No rat poo, no gnawed stuffs, no stench of dead rat, no dead rat parts scattered around. No idea what happened to him. If I'd known that was what was gonna happen, I'd not have bothered with the trap.

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