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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I have known two people who've tried to grow it in their garden' date=' and both of them gave up after it was destroyed/consumed in the night.[/quote']


Grow it inside an upside down wire bicycle basket. The cats chew off anything that gets past the wire.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


No arguments here. I used to wear a watch all the time, but when I went into the world of IT, I found that there was always a clock in front of me either via the computer monitor or the cell phone I had to carry. So, I ended up dropping the watch since it wasn't a necessity.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Perhaps, but I do completely understand your position. I actually don't use my phone for talking very often. It tends to be my personal information assistant more often than a communication device. Once tablets move to the next generation and incorporate phone functions via bluetooth, I'll likely drop my phone and move to a tablet for that very reason. I loath the thought of carrying around multiple electronic devices, personally. I am all for convergence and look forward to the day that there is no need for anyone to carry a phone, laptop, tablet, and camera. We are getting closer to that possibility every day. This year in fact, we'll see several "next generation" phones that demonstrate convergence pretty well. The best example being the phone that docs into a tablet, which then snaps into a keyboard giving you all the flexibility that you need throughout your day. In addition, we have a new 41 mega-pixel camera in a phone. (Yes, 41.) And then there is a new phone that incorporates a 15 lumen projector allowing for a 50" equivalent screen to be projected. Unfortunately, the resolution is still too low, and 15 lumens just isn't going to cut it, but it is first gen, so we'll see what the future holds.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'd still want a separate camera, but I'm weird. Back in high school I had an adapter for an old 35mm film camera, so I could put it on a small refracting telescope I had. I got used to taking very long telephoto pictures (albeit with a fixed f-ratio), often with a long-ish exposure time. In short, the piece of focal length-exposure time-f/stop space I prefer to live in is pretty much ruled out by the optical design any flat hand-held device must have. And we won't talk about what I like to have in terms of angular resolution and image scale (but as a hint, I have spent a more than a couple of hours staring though an optical system with a focal length of about 84 meters), but that is even more out where the consumer electronics marketing boys label you a sexual deviant.


The number of pixels in a camera is pretty much irrelevant once you get above a certain number, and that number was crossed back in about 2008.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


They have actually been making lens for phones, so I won't be surprised when they start coming out with legit telephoto lens, and other adapters that are professional grade. For me, I like the weight of the camera even more than the various adapter choices available. That weight helps stabilize the camera, and that is thankfully missing from phones, but unfortunately from a photographic perspective. Ultimately, I don't think a phone will ever replace professional camera equipment, but for the casual photog, I think it is great that a single device can handle the task.

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