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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Anyway -- in order to educate more physicians, the University in co-operation with the northern counties has decided to place more of the clinical parts of med school at the three regional hospitals at Sundsvall, Östersund, and Luleå-Sundebyn. Ten students per term per hospital, out of a hundred.We got the results from the application process a couple of minutes ago -- I'm going north again in just over a year!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Felix has had a cold. His voice is screwed up ... he sounds like the late Siegfried, who (we think) had his vocal apparatus permanently damage by the serious illness he had when we got him. And he's had a cough. But he has been eating, and he is getting better.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


One of my cats has a head cold -- sneezing and discharge (:ugly:). He's had it for quite a while now. I've tried for 3 weeks the antibiotics the vet gave me (for a $100 donation each bottle), but they were not of any real help. I don't know what to do to help him get over this infection, and I am of limited means.


Any suggestions/recommendations?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


One of my cats has a head cold -- sneezing and discharge (:ugly:). He's had it for quite a while now. I've tried for 3 weeks the antibiotics the vet gave me (for a $100 donation each bottle), but they were not of any real help. I don't know what to do to help him get over this infection, and I am of limited means.


Any suggestions/recommendations?


Disclaimer: I am not a vet and there's not enough info.


Is the discharge discolored? If it's not greenish, probably means it's not an infection that antibiotics would help with. And if it's viral, then they wouldn't either.


How's his appetite?


Just for curiosity, which antibiotic?


At the sanctuary, they often nebulize cats, which is using cold steam for the cat to breathe in while in a carrier. I wouldn't recommend it for you, just because of expense. We've used a humidifier, a towel over it and a carrier with the cat in it. (Medium sized crate, you want to let the cat have plenty of room) Failing that, running a very hot shower with the cat in the bathroom. But this just helps a bit with symptoms.


My Katrina cat has chronic rhinitis (sp) which basically means his nasal passage is irritated and he blows snot everywhere. Clorox wipes actually work well on cleaning the dried stuff off the walls without removing the paint. If he blows green snot, he goes on antibiotics. Doxi which works for him. He's allergic to Clavamox. And where I worked, we gets meds for cost, so it can skew my cost expectations.

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