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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


still has two sides. Cancer may disagree or insert his perspective.


Only in the classical way: make a Mobius band, then put a pen down on it at one point, and draw a continuous curve on it along the length of the paper until you reach the same pen mark. If there's two sides, you'll need to put your pen down on unmarked paper twice. If there's one side, then you'll only need to put the pen down once.


You can do the same stunt with edges, too. Run a marker along the edge of the strip until you come back to previously marked edge. If there's two edges, you will have to start the marker-running twice. If you only have to put the marker down once, then there's one edge.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Here's another topological brain teaser.


On a piece of paper, draw three squares (call them "houses") anywhere you want.


Next, draw three dots (call them "utilities") of three different colors (e.g., red, green, blue).


Challenge: connect each utility to each house using a single curve. Curves are not allowed to split or cross.


Warning: It is not possible to perform the challenge task on a sheet of paper, or on the surface of a sphere.


However, it is possible to perform the challenge task if the squares & dots are drawn on the surface of a torus (donut).

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Here's another topological brain teaser.


On a piece of paper, draw three squares (call them "houses") anywhere you want.


Next, draw three dots (call them "utilities") of three different colors (e.g., red, green, blue).


Challenge: connect each utility to each house using a single curve. Curves are not allowed to split or cross.


Warning: It is not possible to perform the challenge task on a sheet of paper, or on the surface of a sphere.


However, it is possible to perform the challenge task if the squares & dots are drawn on the surface of a torus (donut).


hee hee



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