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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Well, I was interested in statistics, in terms of a population model of a disease. No microscopes, no pictures, nothing; just trying to count cases and wedge incidence and mortality statistics into a form which I could use. While dealing with some rather vague histology designations and clear lack of rigor in the initial data in assessments of histology.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


What is Histology ? :confused:

From the point of view I had, cancers (even of the same organ) with different histologies ... that is, which arise in different types of tissue ... are different diseases. They have different treatment schemes and different probabilities of recovery, and they may have different probabilities of being detected if they are present. The work I was doing at the cancer research center (it's over, the grant ran out, the PI is retiring) was doing an economic model for cancer screening. Right now it is not economically beneficial to screen for ovary cancer, because with existing early detection methods, there are way too many false positives and therefore way too many dollars spent on surgery for women who aren't ill. We ended up breaking the disease into four different histologies (that is, different types of tissue in the ovary had gone cancerous) and two different grades ("grade" is a classification into how badly "warped" the cancer cells are; in low grade cancers the cells are recognizeable in terms of what their origin was, and the abnormalities are few in number; in high grade cancers the appearance of the cell may be so bizarre that you can't tell even what tissue or organ the cell started out in; in general, higher grade cancers are more aggressive and invasive, harder to treat, and have a poorer prognosis) and handling each of those eight bins separately in terms of the statistics of survival and detection.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Well, it assumes a lot of knowledge, which is elsewhere among his pages. That one page gets updated monthly with comments about current state and trends ... the new stuff is always towards the bottom.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Hard to say. It's correlated with a shift in the position of the Aleutian Low over the north Pacific, giving our part of the world cooler, wetter winters. I don't know North Atlantic climate patterns well enough to know if there's any appreciable effect in northern Europe.

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