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City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Anyone else disappointed that their "halloween event" is pretty much the same as every other year?


I imagine they're too busy tuning up Issue 11 to bother. Still, kinda disappointing.


I like the costume temp powers, but yea. Rather ho hum.


But think of the badges! :rolleyes:

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Did we have costumes last year? It seems like the event changes somewhat every year. My memory is probably very off, but 1st year was Trick or Treating, then they associated a badge with it, then they added the monsters and their badges. What else has been added?



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Anyone else disappointed that their "halloween event" is pretty much the same as every other year?


I imagine they're too busy tuning up Issue 11 to bother. Still, kinda disappointing.


I still like their Halloween event better than WoW's, and I don't even play CoH that much anymore. :)



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Guess I'm just not one for "knocking on doors"' date=' the same way that hunting in the streets lost it's appeal a long time ago.[/quote']

That's my take on it as well. I'll do it with a couple of my characters just to get another costume slot and one char is my badge carrier. Probably while on teamspeak talking about RL with friends.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


That's my take on it as well. I'll do it with a couple of my characters just to get another costume slot and one char is my badge carrier. Probably while on teamspeak talking about RL with friends.


Ayup. I'm home sick, listening to comedy albums, and clicking doors about once a minute. Works okay, and I'm not bored to tears since I'm distracted. ;)

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


I managed to get 17 different temp costumes and all 4 parts for the 5th costume slot (one part courtesy of lemming) in very short order. Now I need to figure out what to do with the 5th costume slot on that character.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Well it's new to me so I'm having a blast. I have about 27 temp powers costumes. The only major one that I'm missing that comes to mind is the pirate outfit.


I also took out Enochi (sp?) today. Logged in and there he was. Got a team together and down he went. A badge hunter is me!


BTW, speaking of I11, when I logged off today, the first parts of I11 on live began downloading. New power sets, new zone, custom weapons, time travel... it's gonna be cool.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Nah' date=' it's open beta for Issue 11 on the test server, no NDA.[/quote']


Ok. Coolness. I've been so busy lately I haven't had a chance to check in on the test server with my Dual Blade/Willpower brute.


Looks to be a fairly interesting set.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Just got this in my email fron NCsoft


To all current and former City of Heroes players,


Today we announced the acquisition of City of Heroes from Cryptic Studios™ and the formation of our new Northern California studio which we are informally calling NCsoft® NorCal (click here to read the press release). Nearly the entire City of Heroes team from Cryptic Studios has joined the NCsoft team and together we have formed the core of our new studio.


The City of Heroes franchise has been a tremendous success for both NCsoft and Cryptic. More than three years after the City of Heroes launch, our community is strong and thriving. There are so many great ideas and plans, both from our development team and from the players, and we can’t wait to make them a reality. Our team is 100% dedicated to City of Heroes and we are extremely excited about the present and the future!


Click here to read the Dev Corner chat with General Manager Brian Clayton and learn more details.




Now back to you, the players. You are the lifeblood of our game. In celebration of our new studio and our exciting plans, and in order to thank you for the fantastic community that you have built, we are pleased to announce the following.


Full Access to City of Heroes and City of Villains®

All players with City of Heroes retail* accounts will now have access to City of Villains, and all City of Villains retail* accounts will now have access to City of Heroes. Players that didn't previously have access to "the other side" will find that they do now. Just log in to check it out!


Debt Wipe

After the launch of Issue 11: A Stitch in Time this Fall, we are removing Debt from all characters and giving you a fresh start. Actual date will be announced shortly. Have fun in the mean time.


20,000 Prestige

Also after the launch of Issue 11, all Supergroups will receive an additional 20,000 Prestige per Supergroup member, meaning SGs could acquire up to 3 million Prestige based upon their Supergroup membership roster! Actual date will be announced shortly.



In the near future we will begin to share more information about our development plans. With this major reinvestment and effort ahead of us, we will take City of Heroes to new heights!




The City of Heroes Team


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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Sounds fine. I'm guessing this was done in no small part so there wouldn't be any conflict of interest when Cryptic starts up on Marvel Online.


(Still not enough to get me back into playing CoX, though - fun game, but I'm still gonna wait for something more than just new missions and powersets.)

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