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Authority supplement cover shot


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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Probably pass on it.


Authority,like the Wild Cards book series, doesn't really lend itself too well to RPGs.


Plus the original writer of the series, Warren Ellis, has mentioned his disdain for RPGs and the people who play them (even though he wrote the forward for a White Wolf supplement.).

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


I'm a heretic among comic fans in that I've never even read an issue. And I don't play that particular game because I've got shelf-loads of hero goodness.


But the picture begs one question: In this universe is anyone allowed to be happy?

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


I'm a heretic among comic fans in that I've never even read an issue. And I don't play that particular game because I've got shelf-loads of hero goodness.


But the picture begs one question: In this universe is anyone allowed to be happy?


They're only happy when it rains. :P


I got partway through one issue, but couldn't finish it. Had pretty good art, but I felt it was a shame the artist was being wasted on it...

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Probably pass on it.


Authority,like the Wild Cards book series, doesn't really lend itself too well to RPGs.


Plus the original writer of the series, Warren Ellis, has mentioned his disdain for RPGs and the people who play them (even though he wrote the forward for a White Wolf supplement.).


The Authority leaves me cold, even though I'm a fan of other stuff Ellis has written (such as Planetary). It's not that I necessarily dislike dark heroes, it's just that the series seems to be all action, no feeling.


And I wouldn't take his statements so seriously, Ellis likes to be inflamatory, sometimes just to mantain his bad boy image.

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


I read a TBP "Authority: Relentless" . It was not as bad as I feared it would be (And you can see my rants on 'killer' supers else where) but it still wasn't my cup of tea. I later heard that after Jenny Sparks died, the series went down hill so I'm glad "I came, I read, I decided to forgo".

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot



Authority,like the Wild Cards book series, doesn't really lend itself too well to RPGs.



Whoa now. I don't know much about Authority, but Wild Cards I know plenty about. WC makes a GREAT RPG setting. I have used it as such in both GURPS and Hero to good effect. Some of my best games ever were in the world of Wild Cards. I also introduced the WC virus into other settings (GURPS Fantasy world of Yrth, for instance).

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Whoa now. I don't know much about Authority' date=' but Wild Cards I know plenty about. WC makes a GREAT RPG setting. I have used it as such in both GURPS and Hero to good effect. Some of my best games ever were in the world of Wild Cards. I also introduced the WC virus into other settings (GURPS Fantasy world of Yrth, for instance).[/quote']


Well, I'm maybe one of Wild Card's biggest fans you're ever going to meet, but I think I can see ChuckB's point.


Wild Cards has two basic problems as a RPG setting, IMO. The first is that it's almost too realistic to allow for the supergroup thing. Things don't work like in a comic book, superheroes's relationships with each other are much more informal and natural. Second, most aces are one-trick ponies with devastating-but-narrow powers (Turtle, Demise, Popinjay, the Envoy...). Maybe realistic, but again harder to deal with in a game.


But if you can make it work, that is amazing. BTW, are you running a PBEM Wild Cards campaign right now? I'd love to play. :)

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Rene nailed it.


For the record I like both Authority and Wild Cards.


For a variety of reasons, I just don't think they work too well as RPG settings (unless you drastically changed the tone of your game , in which case it wouldn't accurately reflect either universe).

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Yep. In fact it was Chaosium's Super World using the RuneQuest game system which is actually very similar to Hero System.
Ah... I had SuperWorld, back in the day. It was part of Chaosium's Worlds of Wonder set: SuperWorld, MagicWorld, and FutureWorld.
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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


Yep. In fact it was Chaosium's Super World using the RuneQuest game system which is actually very similar to Hero System.


I had SuperWorld a long time ago ... and if you mean "very similar" as in "having virtually the same constructs and power list (albeit with different names) and pretty much identical overall design" then yes, I would concur.

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


For Superworld read: Steve Perrin.


You will find that this Great Old One of the gaming industry contributed to the early Enemies books. He also posts on these boards on occasion.


Any resemblance between Superworld and Champions was entirely coincidental, I'm sure. :)

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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


I have owned Superworld in the past. How do you get that the system is similar to Hero? Do you mean that you take a power add limitations and advantages to get the power that you want? I agree with you on that part, but that is about as close as they come.


Yep. In fact it was Chaosium's Super World using the RuneQuest game system which is actually very similar to Hero System.
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Re: Authority supplement cover shot


I have owned Superworld in the past. How do you get that the system is similar to Hero? Do you mean that you take a power add limitations and advantages to get the power that you want? I agree with you on that part' date=' but that is about as close as they come.[/quote']


At that point in time (80's), both systems(and GURPS) were:


1 Based on point-allocation systems that allowed the players an unusual degree of control and customization in character design and:


2 Open-ended and could be applied to just about any genre( although GURPS didn't really enter into the super-genre until pretty late in the game).


Sounds pretty commonplace now, but at the time, most other systems were still heavily-based on characteristics based on random die rolls and pre-packaged character classes, non-class/level based point-allocation systems were still something of a novelty. Marvel Super Heroes RPG and Villains & Vigilantes were super-games built on this model and even your powers were randomly determined.


Both SuperWorld and Champions were very good and fun systems, but (IMO)Champions outlasted SuperWorld because of a slightly-superior system and a higher-volume of product support (although the stuff that Chaosium did put out was very good especially: "Bad News For Doctor Drugs" and "Trouble With Havoc" , both of which had character conversions for Champions).

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