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[Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos


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I found most of the notes for PLUNDER and I've converted some of them to 5e, starting with the Twins of Terror, Phobos and Deimos.


Scott Bennie


Phobos and Deimos




Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
23 DEX 39
28 CON 36
12 BODY 4
13 INT 3
20 EGO 20
45 PRE 35
6 COM -2
16/21 PD 13
16/21 ED 10
4 SPD 7
9 REC 0
56 END 0
34 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 170


Cost Power END
70 Fear Powers: Multipower, 70-point reserve
4u 1) Dread: (Total: 70 Active Cost, 45 Real Cost) Mind Control 10d6 (50 Active Points); Conditional Power One Command, "Be Afraid" (-1/2), Normal Range (-1/4) (Real Cost: 28) plus EB 1d6, NND ([Having An EGO of 18+ or a PRE of 25+]; +1) (10 Active Points); Linked (Mind Control; -1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Drain PRE 1d6 (Real Cost: 10) 7
7u 2) Shadow Touch: Drain BODY 2d6+1, STR and BODY simultaneously (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day; +1 1/2) (69 Active Points) 7
70 Shadow Form: (Total: 95 Active Cost, 70 Real Cost) Desolidification (affected by Magic), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Does Not Work In Sunlight Or Equivalent (-1/2), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2) (Real Cost: 25) plus Darkness to Sight Group 2" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (25 Active Points) (Real Cost: 25) plus Flight 10" (Real Cost: 20) 6
17 Heavy Cloak: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 17 Real Cost) Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 7) plus Gliding 15" (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 10)
5 Nightvision 0
Powers Cost: 173



Cost Skill
6 +3 with Shadow Touch
3 Breakfall 14-
2 CK: Campaign City 11-
3 Concealment 12-
3 Interrogation 18-
4 KS: The Occult 13-
3 Lockpicking 14-
3 Security Systems 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Streetwise 18-
3 Stealth 14-
3 Teamwork 14-
Skills Cost: 39





Total Character Cost: 382


Val Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Demonic Features (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15 Enraged: When Brother Takes BODY Damage (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-
15 Hunted: by Sleeper 11- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
10 Hunted: Famous Vigilante 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
10 Psychological Limitation: Terriofied of Obvious Mystical Creatures (Common, Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: Sadistic (Phobos)/Compulsive Backbiter (Deimos) (Common, Strong)
10 Reputation: Terrifying Demonic Thieves, 8- (Extreme)
10 Susceptibility: When Someone Successfully Resists Their Mind Control Or PRE Attack, 2d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)
15 Susceptibility: Immersed In Water, 3d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN from Water Attacks (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 130


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 52

Total Experience Available: 52

Experience Unspent: 0


BACKGROUND: Life is a valley of possibilities, but only a limited number of these possibilities can be explored in a single lifetime. The wisdom to choose the course that will provide the greatest richness is life's most precious commodity; when denied, existance becomes shallow and pitiable. People obtain such wisdom in varying degrees, but unfortunately, it escaped Phobos and Deimos entirely. Born and bred for a single purpose, these twins became the masters of fear, but they were not themselves immune to it.


It began twenty-four years ago, in a small apartment in Marin County, with a young woman named Melissa Courtney. She and her parents had rejected each other in her teens, largely because of her alcoholism. Bouncing from boyfriend to boyfriend, Stuart Parkinson caught her on the rebound like a loose basketball dribbling off the court and trapped her in an insane grip. Stuart would have been a certified lunatic if any psychologist with the power to certify had ever gotten his hands on him. He wanted to be America's answer to Aleister Crowley. He invented his own tarot deck of cards, composed entirely of satanic images, as the traditional tarot was “tainted†by too many Christian images. He mugged strangers in dark alleys, knocked them unconscious, and took blood samples ao he would be able to sip as many different types of blood as possible. He smuggled poisonous snakes into churches; only Pentacostal churches, though -- he wanted to test their snake handlers. And he led a small cult, mostly girls who were too stupid to see him for the psychotic that he was, and too unattractive to easily attract better-looking men.


One of these girls was Melissa Courtney. Melissa was prettier than the other women in his cult, and she became a favorite unholy vessel at his orgies. Parkinson figured that if he liked her, a demon would surely love her and give him a lot of favors in exchange for her, so one night, Parkinson decided to hold a summoning. After a long orgy and the ritual killing of thirteen black cats, his demon appeared.


"I am here, Stuart Parkinson." he stated; the demon was a tall, Luciferine figure, features concealed behind a black robe, except for the embers of burning eyes and nostrils. He moved in quick jumps, like a spreading fire, until its eyeflame illuminated Parkinson's face. For a minute, Parkinson stared into its guise, unmoving, desperately trying to thinking of the right thing to say to a demon.


"Wealth and power!" Parkinson finally exclaimed. "That's it! I want wealth and power!"


"I would never have guessed," the demon replied. Parkinson grinned like a fool. "Bring forward your woman!" the demon commanded in a deep voice. "And read your tarot."


So Melissa was brought before the thing in black robes. Stuart Parkinson ignored her as he shuffled through his pockets and pulled out his tarot deck. He grinned stupidly as he flipped nine cards over. The Pit. The Flaming Fiend. The Six Screams. Hell's Harlot. The Twins of Terror. The Prostrate Slave. The Seven Screams. The Dark Dreamer. The Page of Wounds.


"Cool. This means I'm going to be rich and powerful, right?" he smirked.


The black robed figure sighed. He wished that he could gut Parkinson, but although Stuart Parkinson had committed a host of sins, murder had not been one of them, and the creature was forbidden to do unto others those sins which they had not themselves committed. "You should market your tarot deck." the figure instructed. "Marketing is the key to spreading sin in this era."


"Cool!" Stuart Parkinson repeated.


The demon touched Melissa, and she fell onto the ground sobbing wildly. The demon vanished, leaving behind the stunned cultists. For reasons that he didn't understand, Melissa Courtney had suddenly become unattractive to Stuart. She remained part of his circle, but she sat the edge of his orgies and was ignored by Stuart and the pale skinny men who grunted and sweated in their drug induced stupors, deluding themselves into thinking they were kings of the world and masters of women.


Seven weeks later, Melissa learned that she was pregnant. Melissa had an abortion. Two weeks later, she had another abortion. Two weeks later, she had a third abortion. They all seemed to work... at the time. But after each procedure, Melissa woke up and was still swollen with child. After a few months, Melissa gave up trying to purge herself.


When Stuart noticed the pregnancy, he came to the immediate conclusionthat he was the father, panicked, and tried to pass the pregnancy off as belonging to one of his male followers. Eventually, eight months pregnant and despondent, Melissa Courtney left the enclave and wandered into the wide world. A month later, Melissa Courtney gave birth to twins, twins born on separate days, the first born two minutes before midnight, the second, four minutes aftert. The birth was complicated by the fact that the doctors had to pry the first baby's fingers from the twin brother's throat.


"The twins of terror..." Melissa repeatedly said. She was hysterical for three days, and then ran away before they could commit her. But they were not neglected; at the behest of the children’s father, a witch came forward and claimed to be their aunt. Thanks to an enchantment or two, they were placed in her custody


The children were named Forrest Caleb Courtney and Amos Cain Courtney, but their true names were Phobos and Deimos, named by their father after the scions of Ares. They grew up to be strong young boys, bigger, stronger, and more handsome than their peers. They had gypsy-dark skin and a wild nature. Forrest was attracted to girls from his earliest years, and never entered into that boyhood phase where he lost interest in them. He was smart without being bookish, and he was hated for his cruelty. Forrest was an unadulterated sadist, and worse, he always manipulated the situation to make it look (to the authorities) like he was only defending himself. His teachers never realized what a monster he truly was.


Amos was different. Although he and Forrest were physically identical, he didn't share his brother's gift for bullying. At a young age, Forrest broke him like a wild horse, and Amos learned that the best way to avoid being bullied by his brother was to become a useful tool in his schemes. Amos could make friends where his brother couldn't. He learned how to discover people's deepest secrets, and uncover their vulnerabilities. Perhaps he even felt genuinely sorry for them. But in the end, when he had rooted out their weaknesses, Forrest would force the information out of him, and they would destroy them.


As Phobos and Deimos grew older, they became aware that others had more money and luxuries than they had. By the age of 12, they were ready to change this situation. They began a career of burglary. They broke into the homes of the richest people in town during the evening, and they stole things. The night protected them. In the shadows, they seemed to be cloaked in invulnerability. Madame Felicity soon became aware of their activities, but her love of expensive jewelry bought her approval, and she taught them how to fence their loot.


On their thirteenth birthday, they were presented to the witch’s coven to the mark the coming of their manhood. They were forced to endure a gruesome ceremony, and Phobos snapped. He grabbed the knife, and began wildly attacking the witches. Deimos reluctantly joined him. A few minutes later, with the blood of witches covering their bodies, the coven was dead – which inadvertantly completed the ritual. At that moment, their father’s power burned them, stripping them of their humanity, transforming them into demons of fear.


"And one day I shall call you my sons." it said as it departed, leaving behind a field of bones, blood, and guts.


Phobos and Deimos awoke amid sirens. The scent of blood was in their nostrils, and Phobos was in an unexpectedly feral mood; he wanted to fight, he wanted to keep killing. But Deimos's fear was greater than Phobos's bloodlust, and after accepting a short beating, he persuaded his brother to flee.


In scientific terms they had experienced paranormal growth and a radical metabolic alteration, but now there was nothing scientific about Phobos and Deimos. They were demons, shadows in the night. And they preyed upon the night, trying to get rich.


Their activities brought them into new circles, the circle of the superhuman. A pair of burglars committing petty crimes is beneath the notice of the lofty men and women who pose like gargoyles and patrol the night. However, when a pair of demon burglars commit crimes, it attracts attention. In this case, the notorious vigilante Night Stalker decided that these twins required his special attention.


Phobos and Deimos found themselves in the supervillain business. They weren’t very good at it. The Night Stalker was really hard to intimidate, and had a very painful snap kick. They were captured several times, and although they promptly escaped each time, they were captured so easily that most heroes and villains relegated Phobos and Deimos to their “losers†list. This really bothered them, especially Phobos. Losing was a very new and very unpleasant experience for him.


But there were some villains who were capable of seeing beyond people’s superficial qualities and into their potential. Calvin Davis, better known as Sleeper, thought that a pair of demonic shadows in PLUNDER would be an asset. Sleeper knew a great deal about the superhuman community, but had never really paid much attention to magic, passing it off as dressing which disguised other superhuman traits. He invited the twins to join PLUNDER. Phobos emphatically refused; it was an insult to think that they needed others. But the idea of being part of a supervillain team which lived a life of luxury appealed to Deimos. He managed to change his brother’s mind.


Phobos and Deimos spent four years with PLUNDER, and it’s a miracle that they lasted as long in the team as they did. Phobos was a sadist, who enjoyed hurting the people who got in his way. Deimos had a habit of getting under people’s skin with badly timed remarks, particularly against Terastar. The first thing that they did was drag PLUNDER into their vendetta against the Night Stalker, who had become semi-respectable and joined a superhero team. Since this gave Sleeper a chance to show off and match wits against superheroes, this was not viewed as a bad thing.


But as the years passed, Phobos began to tire of the superhero game. The members of PLUNDER spent most of their lives in luxury, with occasional interludes of villainy (usually when Sleeper got bored), and occasional missions to find Silver Dragon’s sword. Phobos and Deimos were often beaten up by supers during these missions. Sleeper tried to compensate for this by outfitting them with stolen experimental laser carbines, but they still got beaten up. Phobos grew angrier and more bloodthirsty. Sleeper found it more difficult to control him.


One day Phobos decided to stop playing games. During one mission at a heavily guarded museum, he executed the guards after Silver Dragon and Terastar had knocked them unconscious. This caused a major uproar on the team. Sleeper warned Phobos never to do anything like this again. After a long argument and many threats, Phobos promised to obey Sleeper’s commands.


It was a promise that Phobos had no intention to keep. That night, Phobos went to Sleeper’s quarters, carbine in hand, to murder the PLUNDER leader; once he had done that, he would finish off Silver Dragon and Terastar and take all of PLUNDER’s wealth for himself. But Phobos had told Deimos about his plans, and Deimos decided to ask Sleeper’s archrival, the supervillain Dark Prowler, if he’d help with the assassination (Deimos did not have Phobos’s confidence that they could easily murder Terastar or Silver Dragon). Prowler did not hate Sleeper enough to kill him; and the thought of putting Sleeper in his debt amused him. So Prowler left Sleeper a note on Sleeper’s web page:


“What do fear and terror do when they don’t like their boss and their boss is an idiot and fear and terror is armed with deadly lasers? Duh! If this riddle’s too hard for you, Bleeper, here’s a hint – if you don’t get this message now, loser, you won’t ever receive it. Now you owe me, not that a jerk like you has enough honor to pay me back! Ha! Ha! Ha! Hope you don’t live up to your name tonight, loser – Your Friend and Total Superior, Dark Prowler.â€


Whether Sleeper sighed more loudly at Prowler’s immaturity or Phobos and Deimos’s betrayal was a matter for debate. The end result was that Phobos was ambushed, and he and Deimos were forced to flee for their lives from Sleeper and the other members of PLUNDER. Phobos was defiant, and openly jubilant about leaving the team. Deimos was despondent, having given up all of the possessions that he had spent four hard years of thievery (and lumps) collecting. Phobos viewed his brother’s concerns with contempt.


Phobos shopped their services to several mercenary groups and to VIPER. Nothing worked out. Sleeper is not particularly liked in the supervillain community, but no one really wants to hire someone who has a history of assassinating their employers. Their reputation was ruined. Phobos and Deimos were forced to work on their own.


They moved to rural America, reduced to hijacking armored cars on long routes between cities. There were fewer superheroes out there. They soon learned a sad appreciation for Terastar’s missing muscle; money sacks are heavy and not easy to transport. It was also hard for two shadowy demon things to fence their loot.

At one point, they returned to their birthplace, and began looking up members of the local occult community. They discovered the identity of their real mother, but she had died of an overdose long before. Their sources told them that everyone believed Stuart Parkinson was their real dad. Deimos insisted on visiting him, and Phobos didn’t hate the idea, so they searched for him.


They found him in a tenement, still leading his cult, although by now the cult had devolved into a rather bizarre prostitution ring with Parkinson as its pimp. Parkinson was diseased and virtually incoherent from a long career of substance abuse, yet there was recognition and a special horror in his eyes when he saw the twins. A voice in Phobos’s mind told him that this man was responsible for their birth, and the idea appalled him. He wondered what Parkinson’s face would look if he were dying of a heart attack. At that moment Stuart Parkinson died.


Phobos decided to take over Parkinson’s little cult; if a diseased, drug-ridden loser can hold people in his thrall, what couldn’t he do? He introduced himself to the ladies, and told them that he was Stuart Parkinson reborn in shadow, given demon form by the powers of Hell. Perhaps he wasn’t far from the truth. The cult accepted him, and began to grow to proportions beyond anything that Stuart Parkinson had dreamed. Phobos Courtney had found his calling at last -- a god among the least of people.


But Deimos could not take his brother anymore. He had wanted his own place in the world and people with whom he could be connected. Phobos didn’t need him, so he ignored him. One night, Deimos decided to leave his brother and his madness behind. Surprisingly, Deimos managed to muster the courage to run away and stay away. Deimos was alone for the first time in his life. So was Phobos, although he didn’t realize it yet.


Deimos began to rebuild his career as a supervillain. Without the disreputable Phobos at his side, Deimos found that he could finally find a few jobs with some mercenary groups, although they treated him like dirt. He bounced from loathsome job to prison to scavenging. Somehow, Deimos managed to stay alive.


Then one day, Deimos came to a carnival and decided to visit a fortune teller. Cloaked in dark robes, he offered a hundred dollars for the woman to do a tarot reading and keep her silence. She nodded and began to pull cards out of a deck.


The Page of Wounds. The Broken Scoundrel. The Bloody Hand. The Six Screams. The Severed Head. The Seven Screams. Moloch. The Evil Eye. The Knight of Darkness. “What deck is this?†the fortune teller exclaimed.


“It’s mine. I rather like it.†A voice issued from behind her, and she froze, in mortal terror of the watcher. The figure basked in the terror for a moment, then gazed upon Deimos, who had fallen from his chair and was cowering on the floor beneath the card table. “My son. My favorite son. You were always the most devoted to my cause.â€


Deimos knew what the voice was, and what cause it was talking about, and the fact that he realized what was happening terrified him more than anything. “You’re mistaken,†he finally said. â€My brother... My brother is more evil than me. Much more evil. When he was born, he had his hands on my throat…â€


“True, my son.†It replied. “He is a victimizer, but you are a victim.†Each word seemed to intensify the occult spotlight that was burning Deimos. “You surprised me. When you were born, I had thought that you would be useless, merely a receptacle for your brother’s cruelty. But it is one of the more unexpected ironies of life that victims are much more capable of Evil than victimizers. You have already done more harm than your brother, and you shall create more, much more. It is a gift.â€


Deimos screamed, fled the tent running, and never looked back.


When a man is taught to live in a narrow passage, and taught that the narrower the life is, the better it is, then exploring the wide expanse of the world becomes an act of unequaled courage. Phobos Courtney never had such courage, and indeed he came to think of courage, like all emotions that did not touch his heart, as another word for foolishness. Deimos Courtney came closer to understanding courage, compassion, and the emotions of the larger world, but his understanding only brought him a recognition of his flaws, and his failures. And now he wanders without direction, surviving, but only just surviving. His hours are spent in self-hatred, lacking the courage to find redemption, and in all of the horror that is the lives of Phobos and Deimos Courtney, that is most horrifying thing of all.


PERSONALITY: Phobos likes to think himself as Fear personified. He has an extremely inflated ego and an overblown sense of his own importance, and ignores the fact that he was a minor league supervillain and is now a leader of a third rate cult -- when you’re god, reality is malleable. Phobos is cruel, capricious, and quick to anger. Phobos rarely thinks about the long term, except for revenge schemes. People exist to satisfy his needs, or they’re his enemy and must be destroyed. Phobos’s goal in life is to be feared and worshipped by an increasing number of people. His megalomania is growing to serious proportions.


In contrast, Deimos remains despondent and directionless. He’d like to have the material comfort of his life during his PLUNDER years, but with closer friendships. There’s very little hope of this happening; Deimos is a moody man who tends to chase away anyone who does get close to him. Deimos has an obsession about learning what terrifies people, and this is usually what ruins his social relationships. Deimos is subject to serious bouts of depression, and can sometimes act violently or erratically during these episodes. When he’s with Phobos, Deimos almost always defers to his brother.


QUOTES: (Phobos) “You have nothing to fear but Fear, Ourselves…â€


(Deimos) “I’d listen to him if I were you. He gets really scary when you don’t listen.â€


POWERS/TACTICS: Phobos and Deimos’s power is magical (subspecies demonic) in nature. Their primary abilities are the ability to cause fear; handled by mind control and by an improved Presence attack. This version of the characters have had their mystical abilities enhanced over the original Villainy Unbound characters. They have lost the laser weaponry and jet boots that Sleeper provided for them, but have learned how to generate darkness, and become intangible. They still rely on their thick cloaks for protection.


APPEARANCE: Phobos and Deimos appear to be in their early 20s, 5’8â€, 175 lbs. (fairly well muscled) with black hair and glowing red orbs for eyes. Their features are Caucasian, but now their skin is jet black (occasional gray highlights) and leathery. They wear dark gray cloaks that hide their body. Their voices are deep and harsh, although Phobos has a much haughtier attitude than his brother.

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Cool beans! PLUNDER was the first of the published "super thief" teams that I can remember for HERO. Even though Phobos and Deimos were never among my faves, this expanded background is pretty neat.


Much appreciated, Scott. I look forward to any other updated members of PLUNDER you care to post. In fact, should the spirit move you to treat any other of your Villainy Unbound characters that way, I for one would not naysay you. :D

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Originally posted by Dr. MID-Nite

Nice. Just one comment though: Wouldn't the PRE Drain on the "Dread" power need to be bought with the Ranged advantage....since the other poweres are ranged attacks?




D'oh! I thought I'd corrected that one.


I'll post a slightly revised version later.


Scott Bennie

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Silver Dragon




Val Char Cost
20 STR 10
26 DEX 48
28 CON 36
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
14 EGO 8
40 PRE 10
14 COM 2
9/21 PD 5
9/21 ED 3
6 SPD 24
10 REC 0
56 END 0
40 STUN 6
6" RUN02" SWIM04" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 155


Cost Power END
22 Finishing Blow: The Perfect Strike: EB 15d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (131 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), No Range (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Conditional Power Power Has No Effect If it Doesn't Reduce Opponent to -11 STUN or Lower (-1/2) 52
20 Find Weakness 13- with with Defensive Strike 0
37 Magic Armor: (Total: 68 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Armor (12 PD/12 ED) (36 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (-3/4), OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 16) plus Flight 11", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat (32 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 21) 3
13 Kiai Shout: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Conditional Power Only To Add to PRE Attacks (-1/2)
Powers Cost: 92


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
Karate and Ninjitsu Training
16 1) +4 HTH Damage Class(es)
4 2) Atemi Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 NND
4 3) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
5 4) Breaking Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 1d6 +1 , Disable; Target Falls
4 5) Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 4d6 NND
4 6) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm roll
4 7) Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4 8) Knifehand Strike ("Chop"): 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 2d6
3 9) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 9d6 Strike, Target Falls
4 10) Punch/Snap Kick: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 10d6 Strike
5 11) Side/Spin Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 Strike
5 12) Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 50 STR to take weapon away
1 13) Weapon Element: Blades
1 14) Weapon Element: Chain & Rope Weapons
1 15) Weapon Element: Karate Weapons
1 16) Weapon Element: Staffs
Martial Arts Cost: 66


Cost Skill
9 +3 with Martial Maneuvers
3 Acrobatics 14-
5 AK: Japan 14-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Bribery 17-
3 Bugging 12-
5 CK: Tokyo 14-
3 Climbing 14-
3 Concealment 12-
3 Contortionist 14-
5 Cramming
2 Forgery (Documents) 12-
3 High Society 17-
3 Interrogation 17-
4 KS: Bushido Code 13-
4 KS: Japanese History 13-
4 KS: Japanese Mystical World 13-
4 KS: Karate 13-
4 KS: Ninja Clans 13-
3 Lipreading 12-
3 Lockpicking 14-
3 Language: English (completely fluent)
3 Mimicry 12-
3 Paramedics 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
3 Stealth 14-
Skills Cost: 97



Cost Talent
27 Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 12-
Talents Cost: 27



Total Character Cost: 437


Val Disadvantages
10 Enraged: When Ambushed (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 11-
15 Psychological Limitation: Honor Code: Will Never Attack An Opponent By Surprise or From Behind (Common, Strong)
10 Hunted: Ninja Clan 11- (As Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)
15 Hunted: by UNTIL 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
10 Psychological Limitation: Honor Code: Will Honor Any Last Request From A Slain Opponent That Doesn't Jeopardize Herself, Her Clan, or Her Employer (Uncommon, Strong)
15 Social Limitation: Mercenary: Will Follow Employer's Instructions To The Letter (Frequently, Major)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
8 Unluck: 5d6: -2, Only For Obtaining Ancestral Sword

Disadvantage Points: 98


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 139

Total Experience Available: 139

Experience Unspent: 0


BACKGROUND: Mariko Hamaguchi’s life was determined nearly thirty years before she was born, on the day that her grandfather died. Ishibashi Hamaguchi was a soldier in the Second World War, a man who was immensely proud of his samurai heritage. He had been wounded during the Pacific Campaign, and was recovering from his wounds when the first A-bomb fell on Hiroshima. Ishibashi, believing the deaths at Hiroshima to be a result of his failure as a soldier, took his own life. He committed seppeku with his family’s sacred blade, a katana forged in the 16th Century by the great Muramasa himself. Ishibashi’s last words, witnessed by his young son Hiroto, were: “May my spirit live on in my son’s children.â€


To Hiroto Yamaguchi, these words were a call to battle. He became a businessman in an important Japanese electronics firm during the early 1960s, and his drive and ambition took him towards the top. He saw himself as a modern samurai, using his skills for his corporation, making his nation stronger. And he trained in the samurai tradition. His wife gave birth to twins; a daughter and a son. Hiroto brought up his son, Okubo, to be the samurai that his father wanted; Okubo would be the reincarnation of his grandfather. To further that end, Hiroto approached certain oni, dark spirits of great power, spirits that had served his family for generations. In return for an unspecified price to be paid at a later date, they would bestow greatness on Okubo. Hiroto said he would pay them anything, anything except his son. The oni agreed to the price.


But Hiroto didn’t notice was that Okubo didn’t have a samurai nature. A bright, friendly, but subdued young man, Okubo wasn’t meant for greatness, and even the heightened abilities that the oni bestowed on him didn’t change his servile nature. There was something (or someone) else that Okubo didn’t notice either -- the older twin, his daughter Mariko. He did notice her strong willed nature (with displeasure), her temper (also with displeasure), and her wilful arrogance (with even greater displeasure). Mariko was the true recipient of the Hamaguchi spirit, and the oni with whom Hiroto had struck his deal did notice her qualities, and (in a capricious mood) bestowed their gifts on her as well as her brother. Mariko was a champion athlete and an excellent scholar, specializing in Japanese history. She impressed her teachers with her understanding of Japan’s feudal period.


When Mariko was 17, Okubo died in a plane crash. Even people touched by oni can die, if they fall from the sky into a fireball. Hiroto fell into despair, and cursed the oni who gave his sons their gifts; what use were gifts for a dead son? He felt as though he had failed his father. He took little notice of his daughter, who did her best to comfort him, to no avail.


Then the day came when the oni demanded their price for their gift -- his daughter. Finally, it occured to Hiroto that his daughter was more extraordinary than he had ever given her credit, and that he loved her. Hiroto refused the oni’s price. Of course, one does not refuse oni and expect to get away with it.


The oni used their influence on a clan of ninja, the deadliest members of the circle of worshippers of their dark fires. They entered the Hamaguchi home, and they took its most prized possession, the ancient blade with which Ishibashi Hamaguchi had taken his life. They slew Hiroto with the blade, desecrated the shrine of his ancestors, and left with their prize.


Mariko returned and found her father’s body. She did not weep, though her heart begged her to do so. She retreated into meditation, and spoke with her ancestors. They led her to the hiding place of something the ninja did not find; a suit of dragon armor. That suit, when worn by someone with powers that were granted by oni, would be as tough (and fly as swiftly) as a silver dragon. Despite its size, when she wore it, it fit her perfectly. Then, she swore an oath, stating that she would find the sword of her ancestors, and reclaim it, and no power of Heaven, Earth, or Hell would stop her. The oni heard her oath and laughed, for her quest was accursed, and she did not know it. Never would she hold the blade in her hands, until she agreed to pay her father’s price.


Believing that criminals would know best how to deal with criminals, Mariko turned to some of her father’s friends in the local yakuza. One of them, the crime boss Ikedu Kiyonaga, agreed to help her. In truth, Ikedu recognized that Mariko was beyond the powers of mortals, and knew there were certain advantages to having a superhuman in one’s employ.


Mariko learned the art of crime from Ikedu, and she learned hand-to-hand fighting techniques from Ikedu, who was a master of shito-ryu karate. And while her relationship with her mentor was sometimes strained by her headstrong nature and occasional fits of arrogance, she learned much from the yakuza leader. She also had her first confrontations with superheroes at this time; once, she was captured by the superhero Aslan. Aslan attempted to “convert†her and convince her that she should use her powers to serve society, but Mariko spat in his face and yelled ancient Japanese curses at him. She thought he was being condescending.


Mariko’s capture coincided with the fall of Ikedu Kiyonaga, and when Mariko escaped prison and regained her armor, there was no one left to shelter her. She decided to search Japan for her family blade. She learned that the blade had been sold to a collector in America, a Robert Powell. Naturally, she would have to visit Robert Powell. But she didn’t know that Robert’s full title was Major Robert Powell, UNTIL Field Commander, San Francisco. Had she explained why she broke into Powell’s home, she might have convinced him to give her the sword. This idea did not occur to her. Getting into a firefight with an elite UNTIL team, well, that didn’t occur to her either, but it seemed more natural. Unfortunately, Mariko was driven away empty-handed.


Mariko returned to Powell’s home several nights later, only to learn that Powell had moved his prized possessions to another place, and that some dark figures had stolen the sword while it was in transit. Mariko again got into a firefight with UNTIL, and a local superhero. Mariko barely escaped capture, but learned what she needed to know.


The sword was stolen in Seattle, and that was Mariko’s next stop. During her stay there, she investigated an art museum that might have been used as a repository for stolen goods. But UNTIL had followed her, and they ambushed her. Mariko would have been captured, had it not been for the intervention of Bill Kellogg, also known as Terastar.


Terastar had become Sleeper’s partner in crime; in actual fact, he was Sleeper’s lackey. Sleeper had sent Terastar to the museum to steal some antique jewelry; what he really wanted was to check out the museum’s security for its upcoming Treasures of Tutankhamen display. Ancient Egypt had always fascinated Sleeper; perhaps he had watched too many King Tut episodes on Batman when he was a kid. Terastar saw Silver Dragon under attack and was floored by her grace and ability. He instantly fell in love with her. He dove through the floor, and came leaping out in the middle of the agents just when Mariko was about to be captured. The tide turned, the UNTIL agents were defeated, and Terastar took Mariko back to his “partnerâ€.


Mariko recognized Sleeper as just another yakuza boss; a strange yakuza, a brilliant yakuza, perhaps, but still a yakuza. Sleeper took an immediate liking to Mariko, in spite of her imperious manner. He saw there were hidden cracks in her psychological armor, and dark secrets in her past. It would be a challenge to uncover them, and an even greater challenge to figure out how to help her.


Mariko believed that she had an obligation to help Terastar, to repay him for his rescue. And she recognized that Sleeper was as capable as anyone when it came to finding her family’s blade. Three times since, she’s come within inches of claiming the sword, and three times, improbable circumstances have denied her prize. But an oath is an oath.


At present, Mariko’s considering childbearing; in case she fails her oath, she’ll have an heir to continue the quest. She is not certain who the father will be.


PERSONALITY: Mariko views herself as a samurai; imperious and proud. The pride is, however, tempered with admiration for worthy opponents; she has been known to complement an opponent for an exceptional move or display of skill. She does not like to be treated condescendingly, and has a fiery temper, particularly in the presence of ninja, and sometimes in the presence of other supers with a samurai technique (perhaps due to shame at being forced into a criminal life).


Mariko is very much in love with Bill Kellogg, but refuses to see it, and sometimes verbally mistreats him to put distance between them. Mariko is also attracted to his brother Bob (the newest PLUNDER member Mechastar), and has allowed him to get close to her; she’s hoped this would discourage Bill, instead, this has intensified their sibling rivalry.


Mariko makes no distinction between good guy ninja and bad guy ninja; she makes a good adversary for any PC who likes to dress up in dark costumes and throw shurikan.


QUOTE: “Your fighting style leaves much to be desired. There is much more to striking blows than simply tensing your muscles and swinging.â€


POWERS/TACTICS: Mariko’s powers are a magical gift of the oni. It is as yet unknown as to what purposes the oni have in store for Mariko; in all likelihood, they are toying with her out of pure malice, enjoying her futile attempts to overcome their curse.


Silver Dragon’s magic armor is a matched set with the magic sword that was stolen,. It gives its wearer great powers, but requires the sword to slay a dragon at least once each century to maintain the armor’s power. Mariko does not know about this provision, and the time is fast approaching when the dragon must be slain.


Silver Dragon is an intelligent combatant. She fights defensively, putting her levels in DCV when she’s in combat, and finding weaknesses in her opponents whenever possible, before going to offense with a fast karate thrust. She does not enjoy killing, and if she sees a (non-ninja) opponent who’s badly injured, she will offer them a chance to surrender.


APPEARANCE: Mariko is a short attractive Japanese woman clad in a silver samurai (16th Century, forged inHanwei) armor, which has been slightly altered (by magic) to provide her with unrestricted mobility.

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Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos


PLUNDER was a big factor in the old SUNDER game I helped run in the early to mid 80s. So were Borealis,Invictus Silhouette, and Nightshade. The PSI-Kin were villains in Kelly Phare's game. Dark Prowler was Alex Palmer's PC.


Scott Bennie

was DP always a multiple personality man?

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Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos


was DP always a multiple personality man?


It's a bit of a long story. Alex played short solo Champs games with a number of GMs while we were at UBC. Prowler had a habit of getting into losing battles against pretty much the entire cast of Enemies I and II. After about sixteen defeats in a row (good thing the player's a bit of a masochist :-)) Alex changed Prowler's identity to the Blue Phantom - and immediately started beating the same opponents that had beaten Dark Prowler handily before. This was the start of the multiple personality issue. Prowler couldn't stand being a straight man, so he reverted to Dark Prowler. The Scavenger persona emerged later, when there were times when a situation called on someone too serious for Prowler and too unheroic for Phantom.


And yes, he did have a *very* bad childhood.


Scott Bennie

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Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos






Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
24 DEX 42
28 CON 36
14 BODY 8
23 INT 13
20 EGO 20
20 PRE 10
19 COM 5
22 PD 19
22 ED 16
5 SPD 16
12 REC 6
56 END 0
37 STUN 1
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 197


Cost Power END
104 Subtle Dream Stuff Manipulation: (Total: 135 Active Cost, 104 Real Cost) Darkness to Hearing Group 1" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (14 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) (Real Cost: 9) plus Change Environment 1" radius, -1 to Sight Group PER Rolls, +1 Temperature Level Adjustment, -1 Characteristic Roll and all Skill Rolls based on DEX, -1 OCV, -1 Temperature Level Adjustment, Multiple Combat Effects, Varying Combat Effects, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (61 Active Points) (Real Cost: 61) plus Shape Shift (Sight and Smell/Taste Groups, limited group of shapes), Cellular, Imitation, Instant Change, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Limited Power Appears In Non-Shape Changed Form On Mechanical Senses (-1/2), Conditional Power People With A Higher EGO Can See Through This With An EGO vs. EGO Check Followed By A Perception Roll (-1/4) (Real Cost: 34) 5
70 Sleep Powers: Multipower, 70-point reserve
4u 1) Make Someone Act As If They're Tired: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 36 Real Cost) Negative Combat Skill Levels (-2 to opponent's OCV), Ranged (+1/2) (15 Active Points); Conditional Power Not Vs. People With 2+ pts of Life Support vs. Sleep (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12) plus Negative Skill Levels (-2 with Any Skill), Ranged (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Conditional Power Not Vs. People With 2+ pts of Life Support vs. Sleep (-1/4) (Real Cost: 24) 4
5u 2) Sleeping Touch: EB 7d6, NND (2+ points in LS vs. Sleep; +1) (70 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) 7
2 Silver Cane: HA +1d6 (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 1
60 Variable Power Pool, 45 base + 15 control cost, (67 Active Points); VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In A Lab (-1/2)
9 Damage Resistance (9 PD/9 ED) 0
10 Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points) 0
6 Hearing Group Flash Defense (6 points) 0
11 Mental Defense (15 points total) 0
10 Power Defense (10 points) 0
Powers Cost: 291



Cost Skill
16 +2 with All Combat
3 Acting 13-
3 Bugging 14-
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Computer Programming 14-
3 Concealment 14-
5 Cramming
3 Criminology 14-
3 Deduction 14-
3 Disguise 14-
3 Electronics 14-
3 Forgery 14-
15 Power 20-
3 Gambling 14-
3 High Society 13-
3 Lockpicking 14-
3 Inventor 14-
6 KS: Riddles 15-
3 Mechanics 14-
3 Mimicry 14-
3 Scientist
4 1) SS: Computer Engineering 14- (5 Active Points)
1 2) SS: Gravitics 11- (2 Active Points)
5 3) SS: Mathematics 15- (6 Active Points)
3 4) SS: Optics 13- (4 Active Points)
3 5) SS: Physics 13- (4 Active Points)
1 6) SS: Robotics 11- (2 Active Points)
3 7) SS: Teleportation Theory 13- (4 Active Points)
1 8) SS: Temporal Theory 8-
3 Security Systems 14-
3 Seduction 13-
3 Shadowing 14-
3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
3 Stealth 14-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Systems Operation 14-
3 Tactics 14-
5 TF: Combat Aircraft, Early Spacecraft, Helicopters, Small Planes, Spaceplanes
2 Weaponsmith (Energy Weapons) 14-
2 WF: Small Arms
Skills Cost: 147


Cost Perk
60 Vehicles & Bases
6 Contact: Local Police Sergeant (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 13-
10 Money: Wealthy
4 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Private Investigator License
Perks Cost: 80


Cost Talent
5 Eidetic Memory
3 Lightning Calculator
3 Lightsleep
4 Speed Reading (x10)
Talents Cost: 15



Total Character Cost: 730


Val Disadvantages
10 DNPC: Sister (Crystal Davis) 8- (Normal)
5 Enraged: at the sound of IHA propaganda or the sight of IHA operatives (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14-
15 Hunted: Western Canadian Superhero Team (SUNDER/Pacific Sentinels) 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
10 Hunted: IHA/Genocide 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)
5 Physical Limitation: Always In A Dream State When Asleep (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Psychological Limitation: Grandstander, Loves To Play Games (Very Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Shuns Physical Violence (Common, Moderate)
20 Susceptibility: When Injected With Extremely Powerful Stimulants, May Stop Effect By Taking Water, 3d6 damage per Turn (Uncommon)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major
10 Unluck: 2d6
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY from Neurological Attacks (Uncommon)
5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN from Neurological Attacks (Uncommon)

Disadvantage Points: 130


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 400

Total Experience Available: 399

Experience Unspent: 0



BACKGROUND: Calvin Davis. At age 14, he never quite left some of his more childish pursuits behind him. He still played role-playing games, he still read comic books, he didn’t go out with girls, and hung around with people who were generally considered nerds. He wasn’t particularly close to any of those people either. Calvin was too mild-mannered to be noticeable, and those who preyed on Calvin’s type usually found gawky, easier targets. He was smart, but there were others who got better grades. So Calvin spent his life as a shy little boy, a bright little boy, an unnoticed little boy.


As Calvin approached the ripe age of 15, he begun to realize the sad truth about his life. He had no control over his destiny. He wasn’t really much of anything. The angst-filled teenage equivalent of a mid-life crisis began to consume him. Only his older sister noticed that the shell that he withdrew into was getting tighter and tighter.


Then, one day, Calvin was hit by a car and struck his head on the pavement. He fell into what doctors thought was a coma, but they found that his brain activity was almost off the charts – he was in a continuous dream state for eight months. When he awoke, everything had changed. Something clicked inside his head. He suddenly got a lot smarter. Mathematics suddenly became easy for him. Almost overnight, his features became more impressive, much more impressive. People noticed him, and girls were attracted to him. He did his best to adapt to this new life, but actually found himself uncomfortable at the attention. But that would change.


Calvin began to explore his abilities, and found that he was more than just a prodigy. His touch could, if he willed, bring about the sleep that he had experienced for so long. And perhaps even more impressively, just as a dream is malleable, so could Calvin control and change the environment in his immediate vacinity. Obviously, the trauma had awakened some sort of latent mutation. Calvin intended to put this to good use.


But when he tried, he couldn’t. Calvin Davis was just too repressed. He had to adopt a fantasy persona to come out of his shell. Rick Rogers, Private Investigator, was his favorite player character from his Modern Hero game; now he came to life. Rick Rogers could go into the real world, the adult world, and have fun. With his shape-shifting, he could make it appear as though Rick was 27, and he wouldn’t have to worry about ID. But he needed to set things up to give Rick a true identity. Over the course of six months, he arranged for birth records, social security, and other essential pieces of background. To create these records, he had to perform a lot of illegal actions, like hacking government records. But Calvin enjoyed the challenge, and soon began to justify his actions. It was only a game. No one really got hurt.


Within a year, Calvin had used his powers to steal other trappings for Rick Rogers; a lot of money, a car, even artwork. Calvin -- or should I say Rick Rogers -- liked living well. But as the deception wore on, Calvin was getting bored. It was too easy. He needed a challenge, a real challenge. It was then that Calvin went back to his comic book roots. He decided that superheroes, real superheroes, were the greatest force to reckon with in the modern world. Defeating superheroes, therefore, must be the greatest challenge imaginable.


Calvin then created a third persona, a supervillain persona, the Sleeper. Sleeper’s first crime was a jewelry store heist. He left a block of ice with a riddle inside for the police, giving them a false clue to his secret base, and a box of donuts that contained the real clue. The police didn’t even bother to try checking out the phony clue; they just filed the reports and let the insurance take care of the robbery. Sleeper realized that he had to target the superheroes directly. But superheroes didn’t take solo villains seriously unless they were out to conquer the world, or hurt large numbers of innocents. Calvin wouldn’t know what to do with the world if he did conquer it, and hurting large numbers of innocents is in incredibly poor taste. There are more than enough psychotics in the world. It needed a kinder gentler supervillain, and he would be that villain. But first he’d have to get people’s attention.


Calvin decided that if he was to make an impact, he’d have to come up with his own supervillain team. The result was PLUNDER (Perfidious Larcenous Unity of Nefarious Devious Expert Rogues; so it’s as weak as every other villainous acronym, he was trying to parody the name of the Vancouver superhero team SUNDER). The initial members was the tunnelling brick Terastar, the ronin Silver Dragon, and the twin demons Phobos and Deimos. Phobos and Deimos were much more vicious than Sleeper liked, and eventually they parted company. To replace them, Sleeper recruited Terastar’s brother, a test pilot in a stolen battlesuit named Mechastar.


PLUNDER has been a successful supervillain team, devoted to making its members comfortable and rich, and giving Sleeper a high profile and lots of opportunities to making superheroes look foolish. So far, he’s succeeded at nearly everything he’s done. But what else would you expect -- Calvin gave up his games and comic books for them.


PERSONALITY: Sleeper is a total grandstander. He doesn’t believe in just committing clever crimes; he likes to come up with clever clues, puzzles, and riddles which will lead the heroes to his intended target, so he can increase the humiliation. Sleeper is a nerd who’s overly consumed with his own cleverness. He absolutely cannot stand being the butt of a joke, and will avoid physical conflict if at all possible. Other PLUNDER members have remarked on several occasions that their primary function is to serve as Sleeper’s cannon fodder, although he always finds a way to rescue them when they’re captured.


On the other hand, Sleeper has some redeeming qualities. He abhors the idea of killing. or even using deadly force. He hates superheroes far less than he hates psychotic supervillains, and will frequently give helpful clues to heroes if he discovers someone is up to something deadly. His dislike of the IHA organization is particularly intense – he’s a mutant and proud of his evolutionary advances, so there. He refers to them as “Genocideâ€, a label that’s stuck in a few quarters.


As Calvin Davis, he is very subdued, but over the years Sleeper has spent less time in his Calvin Davis or Rick Rogers personae, for Sleeper feels more “real†and “alive†to him. To Sleeper, life isn’t lived “on the edgeâ€, it’s lived “over the topâ€.


QUOTE: “Answer these two simple questions, Shamus, and get an insight into my fertile genius. First, what does a bookstore have in common with dentistry? Second, what measurement goes up when gravity goes down?â€


POWERS/TACTICS: Sleeper has a psionic ability to create illusions and subtle alterations to the alteration of the world around him. He’s limited to his immediate vacinity (an area a couple of meters around his body). He might, over the course of time, learn how to regenerate serious wounds, or disrupt the cell structure of those he touches (although Sleeper isn’t really interested in racking up a body count; this would be a deadly attack). Because his powers are psionic, they’re not always effective on those with high EGOs.


Sleeper believes in providing clues, then performing robberies to a script. He typically relies on his shapeshifting ability to get him out of trouble, or to set up an opponent for his touch. His shapeshifting ability is limited by height/mass concerns, and most of all by clothing, which does not change as he does.


Sleeper is also an excellent gadgeteer. For a long time, he used an experimental teleportation device, but that was taken from him by a local superhero. Now, he’ll typically develop devices that will help him make quick escapes (in-line skates for his shoes, a smoke bomb to obscure his get-away, etc.) Calvin follows the “flight†rather than the “fight†impulse.


APPEARANCE: Calvin is 5’10†and an athletic 160 lbs; he is Caucasian with brown hair and brown eyes, and wears round “John Lennon†eyeglasses. As Rick Rogers, he doesn’t wear eyeglasses, but grows stuble, and wears a raincoat (as one might expect, he watched too much Columbo as a kid). As Sleeper, he has the same height and build, but with a darker skin tone, longer hair, and a moustache; he wears a three-piece suit (with an “S†marked on his chest), and carries a silver cane (purely decorative).

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Re: [Fifth Ed Conversion] Villainy Unbound: Phobos and Deimos


Just posting to let people know I made a minor correction on Sleeper's character sheet, so you should redownload the file (or manually add the Ranged advantage to the Negative Skill level portion of the "Make People Act Like They're Tired" Power).


Terastar's revision and Mechastar's sheet will need to be reconstructed from scratch, so future revisions will probably take awhile.


Scott Bennie

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