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Villainy Amok - What Would *You* Like To See


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Re: Villainy Amok - What Would *You* Like To See


Zornwil, the closest I've come to the GM end of things was as an assistant

GM for a GURPS Supers campaign some years ago. However, I am in

the process of putting together stuff for my first HERO System campaign.


Major Tom :cool:


Cool! Best of luck! Have you gone online and perused the various game logs/world settings/etc.? Shamless plug - my site is at http://www.asterick.com/realschluss/x-champions/ - may or may not be of interest, but anyway there's tons of other sites listed here on HERO and other places. Several people on these boards have great sites listed, just peruse the member list.


EDIT - as far as these members go, there's Worldmaker, Seenar, Derek Heimforth, Killer Shrike, Shelley Crystal (Chrystal? - oh she'll be mad, I should certainly know it) MacTyre too too many to name but they came to mind first, but I am forgetting some EXCELLENT ones.

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Re: Villainy Amok - What Would *You* Like To See


Read through most of the posts...apologies if these have been mentioned...


1.) Former weak/annoying/low powered villain suddenly gets a HUGE power boost...how did this happen...will it happen to others? They show up to fight him and he's tough!


2.) Bizarre accident/villain action/alien energy whatever causes all our supers to switch powers...roleplay learning a new powerset, uncertainty, mistakes etc.



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Re: Villainy Amok - What Would *You* Like To See


"The Harbringer from the Future" - an older version of one of the heroes (or one of their childen) shows up on the hero's doorstep with dire news about an event that is about to happen that must be prevented.


"New (metaphysical) World Order" - some magical event happens that starts to merge this world with another, or transforms this world into another (where no technology works, or everyone decended from bugs, etc...) Could also work as an "alien's terraforming the planet" plot.


"The Gunfighter" - the simple version is that some young new supervillain needs to prove himself by taking down the hero. This could be made more complex with having new punk taking down a well known supervillain that was considered untouchable by the law... causing a power vacuum or other chaos.

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