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A power question


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Lets say my character has an Energy Blast (Fire). He must absorp fire to use this energy blast either threw being hit with a fire attack or absorping actual flame (Absorption and Transfer). The EB starts at 0 Active Points and is only as powerful as the amount of flame he absorps. And each use reduces the amount of available power propotionate to how potent the EB is.


Ex:The character absorps 10 dice of EB and fires 8d attack. He has 2d "left" until he "refuels"


What limitation value would you assign to the Eb?


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I trie to create an Energy Vampire once using an idea simmular to this what I did was spent 2 points to give him his VPP and then bought a large Succur that cost lots of END that was fed from a Absorbtion pool. In the end it cast me more to have this elaborate power than just buying the VPP out rite would have.


So i decided to change the concept of the poweer around and replaced it with a gross version of Missle Deflection/Reflection.



Fire Channeling: Missle Deflection; Any Attack, Reflection Any Target, Derlayed Effect +1/4 Persistant +1/2 (discuraged by the rules), Damagefield +1/2 and only vs. Fire/Heat Attacks -1.


Now the problem with this construct is you are breaking two recmendations from the book but I as a GM would allow it. For crying out loud there are even characters from the old books like sanctuary that had Always on Damagefields.

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Re: A power question


Originally posted by nexus

Lets say my character has an Energy Blast (Fire). He must absorp fire to use this energy blast either threw being hit with a fire attack or absorping actual flame (Absorption and Transfer). The EB starts at 0 Active Points and is only as powerful as the amount of flame he absorps. And each use reduces the amount of available power propotionate to how potent the EB is.


Ex:The character absorps 10 dice of EB and fires 8d attack. He has 2d "left" until he "refuels"


What limitation value would you assign to the Eb?


how about an EB powered by an END battery that only recharges through ABSORBTION, say 15-20 d6....?


are there charts for that?

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