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Mysterious Lights?


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Excellent post, KA. Comments:

While some of the ideas I am seeing seem quite good, they are more "dark based" than "light based", at least to me.

How about these:

I suppose it all depends upon your point of view. ;) Seriously, I guess the real concept is "manipulation of light," but I also wanted to be open to light projection, absorption, etc.

1) He could teleport using Light. Like the electrical character that can travel through power lines, he can appear anywhere there is light.(Within his range, of course.)

Two thugs are talking, one of them lights a cigarette,

And there is Balefire right in the middle of them!

Unexpected things like the light from a watch face, or the light when a cell phone rings.

Eventually criminals will be doing business in caves at midnight, terrified at the thought of the tiniest speck of light.

I was thinking of this exact thing. It's an extrapolation of the idea of the quantum twinning experiments where they transmitted the properties of one beam of light to another. On a fundamental quantum level a person is composed of energy just like a beam of light. The only problem conceptually for me is that the beam of light he pops out of has to have his equivalent mass in evergy, which is something like a gigaton nuclear explosion. Still, this is a super-hero concept.

2) Senses through light. He can "see" and "hear" through light, allowing him to look at, and eavesdrop on, anyone who is near a light source (within range).

This is more like it. He can shine a light into his own face, and transmit the properties of the light leaving the scene where the criminals are to him so he can see them. Or in reverse, he can project an image of himself out of their watch-lights, lit matches, etc. That could work!

3) Some sort of Telepathy that involves using his light powers to "view" the impulses travelling through a person's mind.(Thanks to The Spectre!)

In general, I find GMs not liking detective-types to have telepathy. Also, those aren't technically photons, but electrical impulses transmitted by Potassium ions (is that right?).

4) Some sort of "Light Images" based Missle Reflection. He creates an image of himself that causes one of his opponents to shoot another one. (Maybe something like IPE on Missle Reflection?)

Not sure what IPE is, but I like this as a SE for MR (M&M?).

5) Something like Darkness (Area Effect 1 Hex), defined as Unbearable Light, with the "Useable as attack" option and perhaps a Continuing Charge. (I think this is the proper construct.)

You could "mark" an evildoer with a "spotlight".


"You can't hide! You can't get away! Everyone knows who you are!"


This would freak most people out, especially those who tend to hide in the shadows.

(Sticky would make this just plain Evil. If he went to a friend for help and entered their Hex, they would get "marked" too!)



KA, you're my kind of evil!

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Originally posted by Supreme

Excellent post, KA.


Thanks! Always glad to help


In general, I find GMs not liking detective-types to have telepathy. Also, those aren't technically photons, but electrical impulses transmitted by Potassium ions (is that right?).


You may be right as far as the GM's. I knew the impulses weren't composed of photons.

I was thinking of something I saw in an old issue of The Spectre, where he made a thug's head invisible, so that he could look directly at the brain.

Then he proceeded to "read" his thoughts.

In Balefire's case, I was thinking more of something like candling an egg. However, we play in a four color campaign where comic book science can be about as comic-booky as we want.

It sounds like you like things a little more grounded in reality. No problem.:)

I may steal this for a character I create some day.


Not sure what IPE is, but I like this as a SE for MR (M&M?).


You know, I really almost wrote Invisible Power Effects, but I was typing kind of fast.

I don't know exactly how you would want to buy this, but what I was envisioning was not an obvious knocking the bullet or whatever toward someone else.

More like warping light in some way so that, when you are successful, Thug A shoots at you, but he ends up hitting Thug B.

Without really knowing how it happened.

(What is really going on is something like the "Suckering" maneuver from Golden Age Champions. You stand between Thugs A and B.

When Thug A shoots, you move slightly, allowing the shot to hit Thug B.

But you are warping light enough that it is not obvious how this is happening, and it is not obvious that you are lined up that way.

Hence Missle Reflection with IPE.)


KA, you're my kind of evil!


Thanks, and good luck on your character.



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Re: Re: Mysterious Lights?


Originally posted by Doug McCrae

Nice idea, Supreme. I too like to mix n'match powers and personality.

I'd say it was a time-honored tradition starting with the original Beast in Lee & Kirby's X-Men (perhaps even before). The juxtaposition of a character's motif with their expected personality traits. Hank McCoy wasn't originally the bon vivant that we know today. Originally he was a highly-cultured (even somewhat stuffy), book-worm who looked like a gorilla. I wonder if anyone's ever made a psionic who was crude and low-brow. That might be like a bull loose in the china shop. ;)

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