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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


In Journey' date=' I was amazed to discover that, when you get right down to it, [u']nothing[/u] happens. The characters journey to Iceland, venture down the volcano, and then walk, and walk, and walk, and walk.... Anyone who complained about the long scenes of characters traveling on foot in Fellowship of the Ring would despise a true-to-the book adaptation of Journey. They also don't do anything. Okay, yes, a character to lost for a chapter, they build a boat and sail across an underground sea, and see some strange animals.... but that's it. There's no real "adventure" per se. In addition, the science is laughable, being either really dated, or out-and-out wrong (and some of it was wrong at the time it was written.) That said, it's a must-read for anyone wanting to do Hollow Earth and/or Victorian/Pulp lost worlds-type adventure.

I just watched the Brendan Fraser movie on that.
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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


On the topic of old classics, I picked up the ER Burroughs Martian trilogy. Easy light reading, but hoo boy. The Hero clearly sold back his INT and bought 12d6 luck, because the plots just lurch from one improbability to another, and even making allowances for the pulp era, that's saying something!


Still, I feel like I got my 9.95 worth :)


Cheers, Mark

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


I read a book by Jules Verne titled The Castle of Transylvania. After checking with the Fantastic Fiction website, I've become convinced that the real title is The Castle of the Carpathians. To put it simply, despite the misleading blurb, it's actually a Gothic Horror tale, of the sort where everything ultimately has a rational explanation.

(What else would you expect from a Jules Verne story,anyway?)

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


On the topic of old classics, I picked up the ER Burroughs Martian trilogy. Easy light reading, but hoo boy. The Hero clearly sold back his INT and bought 12d6 luck, because the plots just lurch from one improbability to another, and even making allowances for the pulp era, that's saying something!


Still, I feel like I got my 9.95 worth :)


Cheers, Mark


Er are you sure it is only a trilogy "Markdoc" ? I have a list of eleven titles in one of my reference books. Of course, the books were originally only fairly short, and I know that they have put the "Tarzan" stories into compilation volumes; maybe they did the same with the "Mars" books.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Currently reading Cryoburn by Lois McMaster Bujold


I'll let you know what I think when I'm finished

I finished


I will compare it with other Vorkosigan novels.


Not his worse, but I think that she used a young boy as one of her protagonists was a bit distancing, making it feel a bit too much like a childrens' novel.


Otherwise it was good as usual.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Er are you sure it is only a trilogy "Markdoc" ? I have a list of eleven titles in one of my reference books. Of course' date=' the books were originally only fairly short, and I know that they have put the "Tarzan" stories into compilation volumes; maybe they did the same with the "Mars" books.[/quote']


Princess/Gods/Warlord of Mars is John Carter's first story, a trilogy. The fourth book is Carthoris' and, well, Thuvia's. Lots of other main characters get their turn in the series.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Er are you sure it is only a trilogy "Markdoc" ? I have a list of eleven titles in one of my reference books. Of course' date=' the books were originally only fairly short, and I know that they have put the "Tarzan" stories into compilation volumes; maybe they did the same with the "Mars" books.[/quote']


There were three books (Princess of Mars, Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars) that followed John Carter from first arrival on Mars, to becoming Jeddak of Jeddaks and ruler of all Mars. That's generally referred to as the Mars Trilogy and yeah, they have recently been re-released in one volume. Then there were several short novels or novellas featuring other characters, then a 20 year gap before John Carter returned (in Swords of Mars, which tells of some of his earlier adventures).


By that stage, Burroughs had been writing for decades and the style and subject matter is quite different from the first Mars book - hence not generally considered part of the Mars Trilogy.


cheers, Mark

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Recently read "The Warded Man" by Peter V Brett.

O. M. G.! I slurped it up in two days, but only two because I stayed up past midnight to finish it. One of those "I gotta find out what happens next." books. I put it down, picked it up for "one more chapter" put it down, picked it up, etc. I have the next book on pre-order, which I almost never do. Fantasy with good characters and and interesting plot. Highly recommended.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


I'm about half way through In Fire Forged: Worlds of Honor V by David Weber and is it just me or do publishers no longer use proofreaders or editors. Page 30 needs a Marvel No-Prize for how Ruth can be in two places at once.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Over the last couple of weeks, whenever I've been forced off the computer (and Minecrack) I've been reading Prachett's Tiffany Aching series (Wee Free Men, A Hatful of Sky, and Wintersmith.) Easy YA fiction, but not verra dumbed down.


The Pictsies, aforementioned Wee Free Men, aka The NacMacFeegles, make me very nostalgic for my old days doing Scots at faire.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Read Dead Matter by Anton Strout. The hero has to negotiate a truce between his Departmetn of Extraoridinary Affairs and vampires.


Your posts would be a lot more useful it you'd provide an opinion about the book. Just telling us what's on the back of the book doesn't help us determine if it's worth the read or not.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Your posts would be a lot more useful it you'd provide an opinion about the book. Just telling us what's on the back of the book doesn't help us determine if it's worth the read or not.


I'm sorry Checkmate. I guess I thought that unless I say the book is crap like Mainspring, or Iron Council, it could be assumed that I reccomended it.


I reccomend this book because it's a light mystery/adventure where the hero has decide which is more important to him and how to rescue his girlfriend from a killer building and an evil sabotuer.


How's that?


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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Just finished Flora Segunda: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog. I bought it based on the title alone, and really enjoyed it. The title character Flora is indeed a spirited girl with big dreams. Her plans don't always work out for the best, and she makes a lot of bad choices (but what else can you expect from a 14 year old?), but she soldiers on no matter what the opposition is. It's Young Adult fiction, which I normally don't care for, but this was was good. I'm a pretty slow reader; it usually takes me a month to finish a book, but this one only took a week. I look forward to the sequel.



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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


I finished


I will compare it with other Vorkosigan novels.


Not his worse, but I think that she used a young boy as one of her protagonists was a bit distancing, making it feel a bit too much like a childrens' novel.


Otherwise it was good as usual.


Like Shards of Honor, Cryoburn is a clearly set up for a following book. Unlike Shards of Honor, its internal conclusion leaves something to be desired. I still recommend it though, as Bujold's lesser works are still, heh, Miles above most other writers.

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Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


Just finished The Time Traveller's wife.


An unorthodox romance, touching some of the darker (I might even say Freudian if Freud understood women) fantasies of the female protagonist. (Not as sexual as this may sound) The male protagonist is more than a cypher, but I still feel he has been designed to suit a role rather than be a fully formed protagonist.


It touches (but only touches) upon the relationship between time-travel and free will, but I still feel it cops out a bit.


Despite the above, I still enjoyed the book,. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

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