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Help Create: The Great Sorrowmancers

Stanley Teriaca

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The Great Sorrowmancers. A group of superpower henchmen of Zarkoff, a mad scientist who is obsessed with the evolution of mankind using tragic events as a catalyst for the transformation. Each member gained there powers through events created by Zarkoff, and have there own reasons for following him.


Who are these people? Feel free to borrow from Doom Patrol and there villains (We don't need a disembodied brain and gay gorilla, but everything else is on the table. Zarkoff himself can be thought as an evil version of the Chief with powers.)

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33 minutes ago, Duke Bushido said:

Do...   Do we _already have_ a disembodied brain and a gay gorilla?


Because that was _fast_ work! 





Well, kinda. Which is why we are not going to include an disembodied brain or uplifted gorilla in the team.


Other uplifted animals are welcomed.


Zarkoff himself is practically a head on a stick himself, as a mysterious medical condition was slowly rendering his arms and legs useless. The alien contraption he is using substutes for his arms and legs, and even even advanced his mind (and even gave him mental like powers) but he is in constant pain.


He is also rather radioactive (he might of caused a certain Russian nuclear meltdown). The image is an example of what he could look like.


Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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If you're using Doom Patrol villains for inspiration, you might as well just use the Codpiece almost as-is, with his origin changed so that his "engineered tragedy" occurred during a brief attempt at running a dating service (an EVIL dating service) that Zarkoff doesn't like to talk about any more.  He totally wasn't trying to get chicks himself, no sir.


And still somehow less ridiculous than the Butts from the show.

Edited by Rich McGee
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Discharge is the team energy blaster who can shoot various blasts from his, ahem, neather reagen. Discharge gained his powers when an energy bomb exploded during a date.


Discharge must wear a special codpiece to contain the various energies within his...nether reagents. He still dates, trying to find a woman who could survive sex with him (as he can't actually produce um...let's not go forward with this thought...)


This is basically Codpiece. 

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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It's too late, my headcanon is committed to Zarkoff having run an Evil Dating Service to get chicks.  I mean, to make the world suffer more.  Of course, he might have arranged to plant that energy bomb that empowered Discharge, so it's not ruled out.


Guy needs psych complications around being mocked or made to feel insecure, which is going to a common problem with a supranym like Discharge.  The "premature" jokes almost write themselves.  Increased END costs on his attacks would also be appropriate, forcing him to spend STUN regularly if he wants to keep up the pace.  Also ought to have a nemesis named Eskimo Nell who can take his best shot and just laugh it off.

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1 hour ago, Rich McGee said:

It's too late, my headcanon is committed to Zarkoff having run an Evil Dating Service to get chicks.  I mean, to make the world suffer more.  Of course, he might have arranged to plant that energy bomb that empowered Discharge, so it's not ruled out.

Who do you think created and have the bomb planted? Part of the "for short" profile does contain Mr. Glass from Unbreakable/Split/Glass trinity of movies. Mr. Glass of course is obsessed with finding superbeings in real life by creating 'accidents' and 'disasters'. Sounds familiar? The Chief from the Doom Patrol is a heroic-ish version of the idea.


As for him running a Dating Service, he could be finding a woman or somebody who would understand his theory about misery and evolution and power gain. He must of rented a resteraunt for a huge speed dating event (perfect place to get lots of victims together for the bomb to target).

1 hour ago, Rich McGee said:


Guy needs psych complications around being mocked or made to feel insecure, which is going to a common problem with a supranym like Discharge.  The "premature" jokes almost write themselves.  Increased END costs on his attacks would also be appropriate, forcing him to spend STUN regularly if he wants to keep up the pace.  Also ought to have a nemesis named Eskimo Nell who can take his best shot and just laugh it off.

Well, his power profile includes Variable Special Effects and Variable Advantages. But not Variable Power Pool.


Eskimo Nell? Have to look that up. Is the character SFW?


Just looked it up. The character is defently NSFW.

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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3 hours ago, Stanley Teriaca said:

Eskimo Nell? Have to look that up. Is the character SFW?

As you noted, definitely not.  The Ballad of Eskimo Nell is one of the filthiest bits of doggerel in the English language, and I'm always vaguely surprised when someone hasn't at least heard of it even in today's environment.  Do they no longer mention it as such in college lit courses?  That's where I first encountered it back in 1984.  One of my profs allowed it as an alternate read if you didn't want to slog through Moby Dick.

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Negative Man


This member of the group can be a show stopper as he stops fights before they even start by saying 'No'. 'Just no'. 'Are you even thinking about what you are doing ? It's wrong. We are not doing this'

It is a form of mind control or transformation in that it stops people in their tracks as they do not want to fight for no good reason. (if, for example, someone is trying to commit murder then that is a good reason to fight).

Allegedly he got his superpowers during a debate when someone was trying to sway the masses present (and was succeeding) in following a horrible course of action. Common sense would seem to say that you should have just said 'No' to the proposition and shut it down before it started to take root. And that is just what happened.

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1 hour ago, Rich McGee said:

As you noted, definitely not.  The Ballad of Eskimo Nell is one of the filthiest bits of doggerel in the English language, and I'm always vaguely surprised when someone hasn't at least heard of it even in today's environment.  Do they no longer mention it as such in college lit courses?  That's where I first encountered it back in 1984.  One of my profs allowed it as an alternate read if you didn't want to slog through Moby Dick.

Never took a collage lit course. So I honestly don't know. I bairly was in collage.

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This one is loosely based on Madam Rouge, of the Brotherhood of Evil. Enjoy. 

Lady Strangle


The woman who became Lady Strangle was originally a Russian spy during the cold war. Inflicted by a strange virus, as she recovered her hair turned white, grew to an absurd length and became uncuttable. But also her hair made her hard to disguise herself, making her useless as a spy.


In her anger, she started to strangle people with her 12 feet of uncuttable hair and strangle people to death. Zarkoff asked her to join his group and she did.


Over the years she learn to do more then strangle people using her hair. She can deflect missiles, use it as a whip or swing line, tie people up with it, and other things.

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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Ask anybody who works for The Great Sorrowmancers and they will tell you, Pillbug is an annoying pain in the ass. Nobody knows who he really is. He just appeared one day, teleporting into the base and basically not leaving unless given something to do. The other members tolerate him (when they are not attempting to kill him).


Pillbug is a teleporter, teleporting his body in whole or in part. And a warped view on reality. And that is it.



Pillbug is obviously Ambush Bug. Yes, Ambush Bug is an official member of the Doom Patrol. Not enough I of one to show up on the streaming show...


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Zarkoff arranged for a dangerous chemical to flood a convention center killing hundreds including bodybuilder Biff Irons.  Irons brain was destroyed, but his body was enhanced past peak human condition as a reaction to the toxic gas. Zarkoff transplanted a mechanical brain into the body and created a faithful automaton. As Manrobot he has served Zarkoff and the Sorrowmancers well, but has slowly gained more and more sentience and individuality. Now he longs to rid himself of this disgusting human body and gain a beautiful robotic one.


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30 minutes ago, Steve said:

Bad Touch


A psychopathic young man with various destructive powers he can deliver by a mere touch of his hands.

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Based on Mano of the Fatal Five from Legion of Superheroes.

What tragity Bad Touch encountered? Well, when you actually start your Famaily to melt at the slightest touch of your hand.. 

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The Terror


Danny Diggs had everything. A-student. QB of the football team. Rich parents. Multiple offers from Ivy League colleges. And he was dating a cheerleader.

Then he was involved in The Experiment. It involved negative energy emissions - he's not really sure what else the professor was doing.




Now Danny is a 6' tall, muscular zombie. His body is tough, but it's dead - so it cannot heal. And worse, he spreads a miasma of intense fear all about him. No one can stand to be within 20 meters of him. And he doesn't look like he used to. Everyone who knew him has rejected him. He is a pariah locked in a corpse's shell.


The Terror is used to gather rare items Zarkoff wants, since he can usually just walk up and take them. No one can stand to be near enough to him to stop him. In exchange, Zarkoff, has promised to do everything he can to reverse Danny's condition. But Zarkoff knows full well that there's no coming back from being dead...

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16 minutes ago, Sundog said:

The Terror


Danny Diggs had everything. A-student. QB of the football team. Rich parents. Multiple offers from Ivy League colleges. And he was dating a cheerleader.

Then he was involved in The Experiment. It involved negative energy emissions - he's not really sure what else the professor was doing.




Now Danny is a 6' tall, muscular zombie. His body is tough, but it's dead - so it cannot heal. And worse, he spreads a miasma of intense fear all about him. No one can stand to be within 20 meters of him. And he doesn't look like he used to. Everyone who knew him has rejected him. He is a pariah locked in a corpse's shell.


The Terror is used to gather rare items Zarkoff wants, since he can usually just walk up and take them. No one can stand to be near enough to him to stop him. In exchange, Zarkoff, has promised to do everything he can to reverse Danny's condition. But Zarkoff knows full well that there's no coming back from being dead...

Who exactly does Danny think actually created The Experiment in the first place? If not Zarkoff, then a scientist without scruples like Zarkoff without following his "great tragidy" theory but still following Zarkoff in a way.


Believe me, if The Experiment was Zarkoff's, it would involve massive loss of life to generate only one super powered individual.

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A strange man who is a contortionist. Each position he puts his body in causes weird things to happen in the area he is in.


Was he created by Zarkoff? Or merely discovered? What is known is that each contrition is painful to Twist.



Flex Mentallo without the strength, and that he is a real boy as opposed to being a fictional character loosely based on Charles Atlas. 


Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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