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Superhero Team Concepts


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2 hours ago, Clonus said:


Mutandis:  A team with the goal of "evolving" all of humanity, turning them into a superpowered species as a whole.  



Sounds like the goals of my Davros/Mr. Glass stand in Zarkoff. He is a Russian scientist who found and entered an alien battle machine (linked to The Slug's people) and is dedicated in evolving mankind. Except he believes that the trigger to power gain and this rapid evolution is horror and sorrow, so he plans to create tragic events to cause mass evolution.


He has a group of henchmen kinda based upon The Brotherhood of Evil/Society of Sin/Brotherhood of Dada/Doom Patrol, and of course is a villain (and this his group are villains also).

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51 minutes ago, Gauntlet said:

We could always have a superhero team on the beach, Bay Watch".

Flip the concept with a team of aquatic/amphibious/Atlantean supers called the Coast Guard.  They keep an eye on the land/sea interface from the ocean side of things, and they've had it up to here with land-dwellers ruining their territory.  Noteworthy for having dumped a trash barge in NYC Central Park and heaving a leaking supertanker into a Texan oil field well clear of the coastline.  When they say "You aren't dumping that here any more" they mean it.  On less terrifying note, they've also done more to deal with invasive aquatic species than the rest of the planet combined, and have a track record for rescues at sea that tops even their US namesake.


Seen as villains by some, heroes by others.

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Council of Cryptids: A group of creatures brought together by cryptozoologist Harriet Henderson to battle various evil entities while keeping their existence a secret. A pseudo-celebrity team of self proclaimed monster hunters is on their trail, but keep failing to get that one vital piece of evidence to prove the Council is real.

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