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New Image Game

Stanley Teriaca

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This is an artistic rendering of a subject that has been dubbed Figment. A large number of people claimed to have been saved by this person in a wide variety of incidents, but the descriptions have been vague and seemingly made up of the idea of an archetypal superhero. No video evidence exists outside of a few blurry indistinct shapes. It has been theorized that it could be a creation born of psionic energy from the individuals whose lives were in danger. The true origins of this entity are still a mystery despite the Office of Superhuman Affairs investigations.

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On 8/23/2024 at 2:07 PM, Stanley Teriaca said:

He is Faceless, who has the ability to reflect any attack back at whoever attacked him with it. Surprise, his powers are NOT shape shifting related. He is an android created by a mysterious villain for a reason unknown to all but his creator.


On 8/29/2024 at 6:52 AM, Stanley Teriaca said:

I'll wait till Tuesday (the day after Labor Day) before crowning a winner.


Um, are you entering your own competition, or did you slip up and give the answer ahead of time?

Or is this not a competition, and I just don't understand what you're doing?

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7 hours ago, Michael Struck said:



Um, are you entering your own competition, or did you slip up and give the answer ahead of time?

Or is this not a competition, and I just don't understand what you're doing?

It's exactly like the old game. The winner (which can't be me for the first image) has to supply a new image. AI Artwork is allowed.

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I’d suggest not using AI artwork. 
Yes, I know that lots of other people use AI all the time, but that doesn’t mean we have to follow along.




My submission:

Forge. uses his fists to pound metal into other shapes, like doorways, shields, cages, …


Not nearly as clever as Quackhell’s Figment. 


Edited by DentArthurDent
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9 hours ago, DentArthurDent said:

I’d suggest not using AI artwork. 
Yes, I know that lots of other people use AI all the time, but that doesn’t mean we have to follow along.

Too true.  And if you go look at the latest on Storn's thread you'll see a good reason why.  An artist of his caliber should not be forced to work at a job anyone with a valid driver's license and basic literacy could do to make ends meet.


8 hours ago, Stanley Teriaca said:

Then again, the same question can be asked of each and every one of us 

Include me right the hell out of that "each and every one of us" bit, thanks.  I'm on my third decade of not owning a car, have had rooftop solar for years now, and most of the property that I've inherited from the older generations of the family is now leased out as a solar farm - which barely covers property taxes, but better "barely" than not at all.  Don't look to me to provide an excuse for you using AI art when you know full well what it does to artists, much less the environment.

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1 hour ago, DentArthurDent said:

Jamaicensis? too obscure

It's 2024 and we're online, nothing is truly obscure any more.  OTOH, it could be a little confusing given the number of other unrelated species that use the "from Jamaica" construction.


In the same vein, how about Halcón Rojo, or Red Hawk/Falcon for English speakers?


Sky King's a pretty great nod to Tekken even if it wasn't meant to be.  :)

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Al-Rukhkh, "The Roc", is an Azerbaijani hero/villain who grows to over 10 meters tall, has incredible strength, a considerable number of enhanced senses, and flight (though the powers are not from the costume, which neither has nor conveys any power).
Given Azerbaijan's high levels of corruption, violence, repression, etc., the government considers al-Rukhkh a criminal because he fights for justice and freedom. Most people have the opposite opinion of them, of course.
No-one has any idea what their Secret Identity is. That's because they doesn't have one - - - they has chosen to remain as "al-Rukhkh" at all times, ready at any instant to rescue, help, or protect anyone needing such, or to hinder and foil (though very rarely directly fight) the forces of oppression.

Edit: Oops, I think that's a fourth submission. Sorry.

Edited by Michael Struck
Fixed spelling error
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5 hours ago, Michael Struck said:

Given Azerbaijan's high levels of corruption, violence, repression, etc., the government considers al-Rukhkh a criminal because he fights for justice and freedom. Most people have the opposite opinion of them, of course.

I kind of miss the days when more US supers were seen as vigilantes by the authorities, but it does get hard to suspend belief that they wouldn't eventually become normalized after (say) saving the lives of enough people - especially if some those people are cops facing supervillains that are way out of their league without assistance.  Of course, the more oppressive a government is, the more it's going to hate people working outside the system, and the fewer justice-seeking supers will be willing to cooperate with it.

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Grin and Gun.bmp


Well, I used "...or choose files..."

The picture I want to use uploaded. I clicked "Insert".

There it is; a link to a picture in my "album" - - - or is it called "gallery". Whatever.

It's not showing as a picture in this post.


So, have fun with it. Or explain how to make a picture, that shows, in a post. Please help!

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