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Editing Martial Arts Descriptions


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As per our previous conversation, I decided that, in many cases, it would be easier to edit the descriptions in HD instead of continually editing them in the RTF export. I realised I was resistant to this idea because my neurospiciness wasn't happy with having some lines blue and others black. I am still struggling but adjusting.


These are for my GenCon games, so I want them to be as simple as possible. So I am editing a Weapon +2DC martial maneuver to just put the total dice (no math). I change the maneuver to say 12d6. I export the RTF sheet and in the Martial Arts section it still says "Weapon +2 DC." Pics attached. It doesn't appear that the RTF export format is getting the edited text from HD. 


I am just finished with the supers and making my final tweaks before printing. I only have two martial artists. All 12 fantasy characters have martial arts. PLEASE tell me there is a way around this problem! :)


As always, big fan, keep up the good work! 


EDIT: I just noticed that Takedown (when specified as a weapon maneuver) has two spaces between "Weapon" and "Strike."

Character Sheet.png


Edited by Rapier
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That's going to be dependent on the export format - some will use the text output (column 2), some will go for their own format and pull the various components from the ability.  


Editing the full text output (giving you the blue text in HD) will work for export formats that are using the main text display for abilities.


If feasible for what you're after, editing the individual fields within an ability will give a more reliable outcome across various export formats.

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Ohhhh, I wondered if that was the case. I will look around and see if I can find a different export format to steal the code from. I'm not sure I can afford the time right now.



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Posted (edited)

I hate to bug you about this, but I guess I'm confused about the tags. I was trying to tinker with it this morning, but there are two MANEUVER_EFFECT tags. One is (pic in red) in the MANEUVERS, but there is another under MARTIAL_ARTS (pic in blue).


If I want to use the Maneuver Effect that I edited in HD, which one of them is that?


EDIT: Also including the code snip I'm using.


MA Maneuver.jpg

MA Code.png

Edited by Rapier
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They are both the same tag and output the same thing:  the "Effect" field of the Maneuver. I don't believe that's what you're after -- if you want the edited text (showing up in blue in HD), you want to use the TEXT tag (formerly MA_TEXT).

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Oh! I see. When I used the TEXT tag, it gives me the entire text. I will have to figure out how to pull out just the EFFECT out of the TEXT. I am on a time crunch with this, so I will have to shelve it until after the convention, but I see what I need to do. THANKS!!

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If you use the MANEUVER_EFFECT tag, it will pull the Effect from the Maneuver itself, not your edited text. To get just a portion of the manually edited text output, you'll need to either do some parsing within Javascript (if your export format supports that) and/or put some "hidden" markers into the text that you can then isolate with REPLACE and/or REG_REPLACE.


For example:

Fast Strike:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, <effect>14d6 Strike</effect>



Also, just to be sure you're aware: if you're editing the maneuver output in order to show the total damage (with STR), then I suspect that you're selecting "Weapon" rather than "Empty Hand" under the type field. The default output for empty hand Maneuvers includes the character's STR in the damage calculation. 

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Yes, I am using Weapons, which creates the problem. Instead of having a potential newbie try and determine how many DCs add to how many dice (or having to have that conversation so I can do the math every time), I just want the sheet to say "it's 12d6." 


I am tempted (just to make my life easier), but purchasing weapons as Martial DCs and being done with it. These are Con characters, so I could give them as many points as I want. If I build them to 250 with a weapon and then just go back and buy the weapon as Martial DCs, it wouldn't matter if the points are at 250 any more. 


It is def something I want to look at. My javascript is rustier than one of the Fallout trucks, so I might look at what I could do with a REPLACE and a MATH.


Or I must just continue to edit the final product. lol.

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3 hours ago, HeroGM said:

Why not put what you want into a Note area and pull it out using the <!--Note--> export tags? That way you're getting exactly the text you want.

Ohhh, that might work. It would be easy to use then too. I wouldn't need to fiddle with stuff.

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