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Simplified Character Template


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One of my ongoing goals/challenges is to introduce Hero System to new players at game conventions, who often feel overwhelmed by all the data and game details. Here's a character template example that I've tinkered with that has all of the information on one sheet. Some design notes based on previous player feedback are the following:


1) There are no acronyms and everything is spelled out as much as possible. OCV was modified to "Total Offense Value" that includes all OCV bonuses from skills. The applicable modification was done for DCV.


2) Skills, Talents, and Perks were consolidated and I only covered the main skills and attributes. If I covered every aspect as much as possible as before, the excessive data would be a major turnoff to the prospective players.


3) The points invested per skill/statistic/ability is on the Hero Designer file and not listed on the character sheet. Players, especially new ones, were not interested in seeing that data granularity.


Here's a screenshot of the final product, using the example of King Arthur that I had previously written before. The font is Arial, 10 pt. Attached is the PDF version if you want a closer look. If there's interest, I'll post the template for download.





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2 hours ago, Barton said:

Do you have a Hero Designer export template done for this?

No, the template used is on Microsoft Word. I type in the information after I use Hero Designer.

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I like the lean look of the sheet.  Much cleaner than the stock character sheet.


I would break up the Characteristics box into characteristics (like STR, DEX etc that give rolls you might ask for) and Combat (CV, STUN, END defences etc). I might pull the relevant skills from the skill setion into the combat section.


I wonder whether you need the actual characteristic values on the sheet rather than just the roll?  Do you use the core numbers at the table?


I am also wondering whether you should have the PRE in the characteristic box incorporate the Rally Cry (not least because the Cry requires a 14- roll).  I might have an asterisk in front of PRE and in front of the Rally Cry (to link them).

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2 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:

I like the lean look of the sheet.  Much cleaner than the stock character sheet.


I would break up the Characteristics box into characteristics (like STR, DEX etc that give rolls you might ask for) and Combat (CV, STUN, END defences etc). I might pull the relevant skills from the skill setion into the combat section.


I wonder whether you need the actual characteristic values on the sheet rather than just the roll?  Do you use the core numbers at the table?


I am also wondering whether you should have the PRE in the characteristic box incorporate the Rally Cry (not least because the Cry requires a 14- roll).  I might have an asterisk in front of PRE and in front of the Rally Cry (to link them).

My goal is to keep it simple. Breaking it up into different sections and omitting characteristic value would likely confuse new players or ask, "Where do these rolls come from?"


Previously, I reviewed the character with the player before we started and described how the different abilities are connected. Previously, this is where it got challenging with all of the acronyms (OCV, DCV, ECV, OIF, OAF, etc.) At the conventions players who participated were those who played Hero System before but getting turned off by the excessive rules in later editions and I seldom got brand new players willing to try it out. Those that did enjoyed the scenario but did not enjoy the excessive data on the character sheet.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Only a couple of thoughts on it, first it looks nice and dramatic.

I'd add "Value" to the Mental Combat line

I'd add "NPC" to the Dependent: Guienevere, so its more clear that she's the one dependent on him rather than he needing her.

Moran LeFay might be more a hunted?

Thanks for the feedback, although the topic was more about the visual presentation versus game mechanics/rules since there will always be campaign or scenario-specific nuances. Guinevere is a player character in the scenario I run that players could select and not an NPC (players could select a version of her as a noble as portrayed in the stories or as a knight as depicted in a storyline I developed). Morgan le Fay was designed in the scenario to be a rival and had her own retinue and followers. I think I omitted "Value" in Mental Combat because I couldn't fit it in the Microsoft Word template, but may tinker with it a little more to squeeze it in if it will help new players.


My goal is also to avoid acronyms as much as possible, even things that seem basic like NPC. Based on previous experience, to a brand new player, all of the acronyms, especially in Hero System, were a major turnoff (OCV, DCV, OIF, IIF, DNPC, etc.)


Recurring questions that keep coming up for me regarding Hero System is, "What good is a game if no one wants to play it because of the excessive data?" and "What good is a game if everyone fixates on minutiae of what should be added/omitted/altered instead of playing it?"

Edited by fdw3773
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I definitely like it! One of my pet peeves with HERO is its insistence to make itself look very complex through its character sheet. I have no specific suggestions for your character sheet. If the players can navigate it easily, then you nailed it.


I have done my own simplified sheet years ago with similar goals as yours but a different outcome. For instance, I tend to keep skills, talents, perks, powers and equipment separate because I find it easier and quicker to find what I want in short lists by category instead of a longer aggregated list. Just for fun, I have transposed your Arthur in my sheet. 


I am pretty sure you and I shared our respective sheets before.


Edited by DreadDomain
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