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World Creation Superdraft 8: July 2024

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Everyone who has picked a God or Goddess should now try and work out how they are all related.

Anyone who has not picked a God I should point out there are some big portfolios that have not been claimed yet.


Please note

There is no rush to pick the second domain or next choice. It is still very early in the month so tying the family together would be helpful 

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Here's a  list of what we have so far, for convenience in family tree making. Or maybe a family shrubbery.


Tomfoolery, God of Humor
Pooftah Blowhardt, God of Winds and Weather
Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge
Rethormathe, Goddess of Nature
Umbscurnox, God of the Dark
Tranvers, God of Bridges
Kjósa. Goddess of Crossroads
Dagnabbit, God of Minor Annoyances

Crose, the god of flaws

Mhaille, Diety of Communication (oops, missed you first pass, apologies)



I think Dagnabbit might be a nephew of Tomfoolery.

Edit: Crose sounds like a cousin, maybe?

Edited by Pattern Ghost
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The young man stared at the cross roads, someone had put up signs and they were clearly marked. He was supposed to turn to the west and move to the farm where he would be allowed to sharecrop. Likely for the rest of his life, with a farmer of decent reputation. Barring famine, he’d never starve, that’s for sure.


To the east though was the smell of salt water, and he suspected, a port where they might be taking on raw recruits for sailors. It would be dangerous, unknown, and yet full of opportunities he’d never have as a farmer. He’d see much of the world, if he lived.


“Hard choice, isn’t it?” Kjósa inquired next to him. She was not the sort of goddess often found on a lofty mountain top, or palace of alabaster. No, the crossroads were her first domain, and often where she seemed to be, “And it is a choice,” She warned him, “And choices have consequences.”


The young man nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned to face her. One doesn’t always know when one faces a goddess, unless the goddess wills it. There are those that have the knack for seeing things are they are and not as they wish they’d be, but it is a rarer gift than you’d think. He only knew that this stranger had startled him, that she appeared to be of the same kind as he.


Kjósa smiled. Had she willed it, she would have appeared as the most desirable woman he’d ever know, and indeed, some part of him, far in the future, would never forget this day. For it would be a day that would help shape his life from here on out. Would he curse his choice, delight that he made it, or simply accept that it helped shape the man he became for good or ill?


But for now, while pretty, she was hardly a ravishing beauty. Just another traveler who had come to the crossroads.


Consequences?” The young man inquired, “I suppose” He admitted after thinking it over, “But will those be good or bad?”


or both” She added, just to muddle the issue, “Whatever they are, they will become yours. Greater Risk might bring greater rewards, but only might, and the cost might be dire. The Safer path isn’t always either though.”

Always either what? “ He looked curious.

Safe,” She sighed as she had to clarify “The safer surer path can still have problems. Accidents happen.”

Yeah, Dagnabbit,” The young man sighed.

Him too,” Kjósa agreed, “So have you considered your options? ALL your options?”

Sharecropper or Sailor? I…” He noticed she wasn’t looking at him, but dead ahead. The one direction hadn’t considered. Forward.

His own eyes cast that way and he noticed something, no, someone, ahead. A figure on the other side he almost didn’t see for the tall grass. Whoever it was, had fallen to the side of the road, and…

is that blood?” He started to move.

You want to get involved?” Kjósa inquired, “With a stranger who might be trouble? Going North is also a choice, and this isn’t your concern until you make it so.”

You think I should duck my head and pretend I don’t see a problem?” he asked surprised. It was not how he was raised.

That too, is a choice with consequences,” The goddess explained, “Be a helper, or care for your own needs. A good deed can sometimes lead to challenges.”

And Inaction?”

Can sometimes lead to guilt and regret,” She admitted, “Far too often in fact.”


The young man’s expression went from Pensive to annoyed, then finally, to resolved. He took neither the road to the farm, nor to the port, rather he went to help the stranger.


And Kjósa smiled. She hoped the young man made it, she really did. He was about to go off blindly into an adventure where he would gain the enemies of the man who had been left for dead, a chance to meet the stranger’s lovely daughter, and a life he never knew possible. Possibly a very short violent life, but maybe not. Crossroads are not for endings, and even a goddess had to watch out about getting ahead of herself.


Secondary Domain: Choices and their consequences!



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12 minutes ago, L. Marcus said:

Mhaille's Gift to Civilization: Roads.


Oh -- and perhaps the most accurate name for their primary domain would be communication.


Whew. Roads. Thank goodness. Now they can cross, or have bridges attached.


Bro, we're saved!



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4 minutes ago, Logan D. Hurricanes said:


Thank gods! 

You know, this sounds like Mhaille might be father to the twins, or least an uncle? 

Well, is Mhaille a god or a goddess? It was never said that I saw? That said, definitely close family material if it is okay with L. Marcus

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Now we have


Tomfoolery, God of Humor
Pooftah Blowhardt, God of Winds and Weather
Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge
Rethormathe, Goddess of Nature
Umbscurnox, God of the Dark
Tranvers, God of Bridges
Kjósa. Goddess of Crossroads
Dagnabbit, God of Minor Annoyances

Crose, God of flaws


So Rethoemanthe could be the mother with maybe Pooftah Blowhardt or Umbscurnox being the father of the Gods.

And Kjosa and Tranvers are their kids.

Then we have to work out what relation the others are.

I would suggest that Tomfoolery, Dagnabbit and Crose are also children of Rethoemanthe or are nephews

Now Jarnvoldir is either a child of Rethoemanthe or a nephew or a brother to her, or to Pooftah Blowhardt or Umbscurnox


Thoughts please  

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3 minutes ago, death tribble said:

Now we have


Tomfoolery, God of Humor
Pooftah Blowhardt, God of Winds and Weather
Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge
Rethormathe, Goddess of Nature
Umbscurnox, God of the Dark
Tranvers, God of Bridges
Kjósa. Goddess of Crossroads
Dagnabbit, God of Minor Annoyances

Crose, God of flaws


So Rethoemanthe could be the mother with maybe Pooftah Blowhardt or Umbscurnox being the father of the Gods.

And Kjosa and Tranvers are their kids.

Then we have to work out what relation the others are.

I would suggest that Tomfoolery, Dagnabbit and Crose are also children of Rethoemanthe or are nephews

Now Jarnvoldir is either a child of Rethoemanthe or a nephew or a brother to her, or to Pooftah Blowhardt or Umbscurnox


Thoughts please  


I think it's too soon to be sure of all relations, as a lot of picks may give hints at best fits.


Also you forgot Mhaille, who has volunteered (if I read it right) to be Kjósa and Tranvers' Uncle

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