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World Creation Superdraft 8: July 2024

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So far, for my goddess, I think I got:

 Player Hermit, Goddess of the Crossroads, Kjósa
    Sentient Life: Valvi (The Antlered folk, the trespassers, etc)
    Gift to Civilization: Shamanism
    Mythic Monster or Guardian.
    Secondary Domain: Choices and their consequences!
    Secondary Domain: Ethics (Situational or otherwise)
    Secondary Domain:

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 Player Pattern Ghost, God of Minor Annoyances, Dagnabbit
    Sentient Life: Gremlins
    Gift to Civilization: Allergies
    Mythic Monster or Guardian:
    Secondary Domain: Puns
    Secondary Domain: Perseverance
    Secondary Domain:

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Crose, gods of Flaws


Sentient Life. 

Gift to Civilization. 



Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

Secondary Domain. Breaks and Breakage 

Secondary Domain . Entropy

Secondary Domain: .


I need two picks to catch up. I am going to pick Murphy's Law as my interference with Dean's tech, and random wormholes to other places as my gift to civilization 


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2 minutes ago, DShomshak said:

Ooh, we're getting spiritual!


Jarnvoldir will have some influence here, too, but I don't think it will clash with Umbscornox or Kjosa.


Coming Monday!


As Above, So Below.


Dean Shomshak


Oh it's entirely possible Jarnvoidir's shamans will have some neat tricks in mixing Shamanism with technology that most of Kjosa's favored will actually have to play catch up in ;)


I'm actually getting something of a 'Weird Weird West' Vibe with this world

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Update 1





Player Cancer, God Pooftah Blowhardt, God of Winds and Weather

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Interference.   

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Bunjil the Great eaglehawk

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian (bonus): Balayang the Unseen, bat who consumes demons

  • Secondary Domain. Mourning and patronage of mourners

  • Secondary Domain . 

  • Secondary Domain: .

Player Csyphrett, God Crose, God of Flaws

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization: Random wormholes

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Interference: Murphy’s Law to meddle with tech

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Breaks and Breakage

  • Secondary Domain. Entropy

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player Death Tribble, Goddess Rethormathe, Goddess of the Earth and Nature 

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life: Humans

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora/Fauna/Ore: 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Fertility

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player Dshomshak, God Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Technology

  • Secondary Domain. The World Machine

  • Secondary Domain: Tools and Machines 

Player Hermit Goddess Kjosa, Goddess of Crossroads

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Valvi (the Antlered folk, the Trespassers)

  • Gift to Civilization. Shamanism

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: 

  • Secondary Domain: Choices and their Consequences

  • Secondary Domain: Ethics (situational or otherwise) 

  • Secondary Domain / Option. 

Player L Marcus God Mhaille, Messenger of the Gods

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. Roads

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore: 

  • Interference:  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain.  Trade

  • Secondary Domain: 

  • Secondary Domain / Option.


Player Log God Tranvers God of Bridges

  • Geography. Arboretia, the highest city

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. Architecture

  • Flora. Colossals (big trees)

  • Interference: .

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Connections

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain: 


Player Old Man  God Umbscurnox, God of the Dark

  • Geography. The Aether Currents of the Infinite Blackness olf the Heavens.

  • Sentient Life: 

  • Gift to Civilization.

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain: Safety

  • Secondary Domain: Interference: 

  • Secondary Domain: The Heavens 

Player Psybolt, God Tomfoolery, God of Humour

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Bamfs

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora/Fanua/Ore: 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Drama

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. Performing arts 


Player Sociotard, God The Crawling One

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Fauna. Spice Lice

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player Pattern Ghost, God Dagnabbit, God of Minor Annoyances

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Gremlins

  • Gift to Civilization. Allergies

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. Perseverence

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Puns

  • Secondary Domain: 

  • Secondary Domain: 



Edited by death tribble
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'Big' trees? They're HUGE!


Full profile so far. 


God: Tranvers, God of Bridges, twin brother to Kjósa, Goddess of Crossroads

  • Geography: Arboretia, The Highest City
  • Sentient Life:  
  • Gift to Civilization: Architecture
  • Fauna/Flora/Ore: Colossals, Giant 300-400 ft. trees
  • Interference: 
  • Mythic Monster or Guardian:
    • Bonus Mythic Monster or Guardian:
  • Secondary Domain: Connections
  • Secondary Domain: 
  • Secondary Domain:  
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9 hours ago, death tribble said:

Player Dshomshak, God Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Technology

  • Secondary Domain. The World Machine

  • Secondary Domain: Tools and Machines 

Actually, I had put Steampunk Technology as a Gift to Civilization. I have something else planned as Jarnvoldir's lasgt Secondary Domain. Though it's in some ways a fairly specific domain that could be treated as a gift, while Steampunk Technology is broad enough that, yeah, it could be a domain building off Tools and Machines. In this case, tomayto, tomahto.


But Steampunk Technology also includes a few specific gifts to fellow Gods. For Pooftah, zeppelins, Aerostats, Ornithopters, and Other Airships, such as this snappy personal craft



Kjosa receives Railways, because they require Railway Stations. Though the one here looks more like a zeppelin station. Either way, a transit hub.



Umbscornox, as God of the Nighted Heavens, rfecieves Orreries, Telescopes, and Aetheric Astrolabes (second image).



I may devise other gift machines for other Gods. Though arguably it's all a gift to Tomfoolery!


Dean Shomshak



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Pooftah Blowhardt's first Geography gift is a combination of a stripe of latitudes on the spherical world which is free of continental landmasses.  Yes, there are a few islands in it, but in general this range of latitudes is almost exclusively open sea.  This is the Blowhardt Zone.  And it is there to make worldwide travel simpler and speedier.


It is here that the utility of the gift appears.  In this Blowhardt Zone, the winds are strong, continual, and nearly uniform in direction and strength.  Once shipbuilding reaches a level where they can endure for months at sea, and have effective sailing technology, going to this range of latitude provides a rapid means of moving to any longitude one wants, and then leaving the Zone and sailing where one wants to go, moving just north or south.  Here on Earth, this was the Roaring Forties, and the clipper ships made very effective use of it in the Age of Sail.  The exact latitude stripe I leave unset at this point so as to accommodate other gods' geographic designs, but it's a zone in which icebergs are at worst uncommon, strong local cyclonic storms are rare, and the weather is perhaps oppressively windy and cool but very predictable.

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Jarnvoldir made railways possible and, in a bit of generosity, gifted Kjósa with them. Well, Kjósa became so enamored with the darn things she obsessed over them for a century. It wasn’t just the fact that they would eventually lead to train-stations, and those train-stations became cross roads of a different sort. She loved that, mind you.


No, it was because it made a hypothetical ethical question possible. While you can’t always leap off a regular road, it certainly was easier. Rails or tracks? You were committed and stuck with a narrower collection of options.


SO… There is a runaway trolley barreling down the tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two (and only two) options: Do you do nothing, and leave the five people to die? Or do you hit the lever, divert the path of the vehicle, and doom one person to die by choice but save the five?


It started out that way, but soon just got, well, a bit overdone. What if the five were strangers, but the one a loved one? What if you knew them only by reputation, but the five were ordinary citizens, and the one a noted philanthropist? WHAT IF…


Well, frankly, Kjósa got so focused on the what ifs, some of the gods avoided her for a decade or two while she got it out of her system.


The problem is what she DID while ‘getting it out of her system’.


Rails need land. Whether she found a continent or made one from scratch is open for debate. There are even stories she made some kind of trade with another god. But, what is known is, she had a continent (Called Quidsi) and it was laid out in a fashion meant to implement, and yet create variation for rails.


The first Transcontinental Railway in the world!


East to West with spikes and extensions going north and south alike. Over 2500 miles (Metric was in the works) of track laid down from end to end (With the aforementioned other connecting rails for yet more). Kjósa followed the growing rails, so there are lands on the continent beyond them that never really got much study or exploration. What IS known:


The Eastern Lowlands where it all starts has a rather nice port city named Phillipa that is old and historic by this land’s standards. While its rail trade is thriving ever more, the harbor can only handle so much, so there are said to be economic and political entrepreneurs hoping to find a better harbor north or south of it to build a new rival city. Surely nothing bad will come of this.


Following the main track west, we cross hundredes of miles, some small mountains, or tall hills, depending on how you gauge such, the tracks wind their way through the valleys of the foothills, and come to a greater city still, for from here, in addition to minor river traffic, many of those other rails go out like a sunburst in all cardinal directions. The forests nearby have provided wood, the quaries in the hills stone, and the rails allow such to be transported. This city, Juditho, is perhaps the largest of the cities on the path, and certainly the most prosperous though Phillipans tend to consider it an upstart.


The next city on the MAIN express is hundreds of miles from that, on the great Franziz river. Known as Kamm, this city has both River trade and yes, more rails over a great bridge over the river (One with a little shrine for Tranvers). The river seems huge, but Kjósa never bothered to see how far Franziz goes. Who knows what else is on the North South river? A lot of it is off the rails so Kjósa just left it to mortals while tinkering with her tracks. It should be noted that some fine musicians have hailed from this area. Not Kjósa’s thing, but good to note.


Over the river, the contient seems to shift, Rich green forests and hills await, to be sure, but the overall terrain goes into great flat plains. Lands of open skies and farms. The cities here are smaller and less remarkable, really just towns and villages.


It should be noted, that the wilds around these lands are NOT entirely safe. There are predators and beasts, and the weather can shift on you rather rudely. Great thunderstorms arise more than a little, particularly in certain seasons. The most feared natural situation on the plains are tornadoes, and many prayers go up for protection against those.


The farmlands give way to forests again, but the forests shift to different sorts. Looming ahead are the Great Jagged Mountains! From Plains to hills to heights of immense size. Here, tunnels are needed, carving through stone to reach the city of Unger! Unger has never lost it’s frontier feel, despite its size. Miners, Gamblers, neer do wells and hopefuls all live in areas around here. It should be noted that Unger has some powerful shamans that frequent here as well. Some seem to think the path to the Aether is easier to reach in these heights and at the peaks around them.


Westward again, into the Rainshadow, one finds desert. Arid and bare, few live here, few want to. It burns during the day, freezes at night. Hardly ever rains, but when it does at last, the earth is so baked as to flood from just a few inches! Who knows what most of it is like. Not many rails there, so Kjósa wasn’t interested.


Still, there is one stop in the desert, worth noting. The City of Chap, named for the nickname ‘chapped lands’ the desert has. If Unger is Frontier, Chap is Vice incarnate. Gambling is the least of the sins you can find here. This city looked over the ethics of the situations in life, and picked some of the most hedonistic and self serving options. As a consequence, crime families rule here like nobles do in other areas. You can gamble, you can find company for coin, (or make a living selling your own company if you’re attractive enough) and you can get some fantastic steak for very little, but do not annoy those who run things in the shadows. Wiser people just keep going west.


The last stop worth mentioning is the Ocean port city of Sharp’s Stop! The trains end here, where a new Ocean (or is it the same one?) starts. Golden Beaches that get misty and surprisingly chilled in the mornings and evenings despite the day warmth beckon. Docks that go out to the rest of the world take what the trains have delivered further still. Sharp’s Stop considers itself the home of adventurers, inventors, and artists too visionary for the more conservative cities to the east. It is remarkably hilly, but here you find true trolleys for smaller groups going all over so you don’t even half to walk far to get anywhere. Some of those giant trees Tranvers are so fond of are in a forest nearby, and the weather is wonderful overall, fewer storms. It’s very possible Sharp’s Stop will one day surpass other cities on the rail but it is also less defended and militant than many places. It is entirely possible conquest will be its fate.


Kjósa would regret that, but at least the trains appear to run on time.


But what of the rest of the Continent? The great rails cover so much, but it isn’t even one third of the landmass. Well, there is the irony. Kjósa’s gift to Geography is formed and limited by the Network of rails she inspired , a half continent at best. What lays beyond that is mostly a concern for other gods and their peoples.

Even she admits the Trolley Dilemma, as some called it, DID get a bit out of hand.



Geography: The Transcontinental Rail Network of Kjósa (Located on the Continent of Quidsi!)



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In case it is isn't clear, Quidsi is what you might all 'Free Real estate'  It isn't IN the Blowhardt zone, obviously, but one end or the other might be close enough to make connections. Only a few cities on the main great rail are summarized, and Kjósa doesn't see the cities as exclusively hers. Where Crossroads occur? Well, yes, but otherwise quite open to various sentient races and other gods. Heck she's COUNTING on an Uncle to handle the trade side of things.


Beyond the areas around rail net work? That's not even on her radar.


So have fun if you want a slice, if you don't, No harm done: I just don't like too much nothing

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"Father never liked confined spaces," the younger man said. "Being loaded in their would give him the wiggins."


"True, he's probably not happy right now," the shaman-priest agreed. "But that will pass. Minutes of confinement, but then liberation beyond imagination." The acolytes finished shoveling in the charcoal, then hooked up the bellows. The shaman=priest dropped the torch into the firebrick vessel. The acolytes sealed the lid and began pumping the bellows.


"Blessed Pooftah, fan the flames," the shaman-priest chanted." "Holy fire, consume the flesh. Tranvers, make the flames a bridge. Blessed Kjosa, show the path. Fear not, soul, descend in joy. The World Machine awaits. Be purified, O soul! And find the life to come, or rise to tread among the stars."


Secondary Domain: Reincarnation through Cremation.



Every smelter is potentially a portal to the great forge of Jarnvoldir and the fire at the heart of the World Machine. As flesh burns, the soul passes along this divine conduit to the greater fire. All the burdens of one's past life burn away, leaving the soul cleansed to be reborn -- or, if the soul is not impatient to live again, to seek the Aetheric currents of the sky. But most choose rebirth eventually.


For those souls not fortunate enough to have their bodies burned with due ceremony, shamans can guide their wandering souls to the passages leading to the center of the World. Jarnvoldir takes all souls, or nearly all. It's hard to imagine what contaminant of sin could so defile a soul that he would reject it from the Forge Divine -- but it probably happens once in a while. (And given the power of Murphy's Law, mistakes are bound to happen.)


Dean Shomshak


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I apologize for the length; this one kind of got away from me.


The lightning darted across the empty granite sky, stripping the air of its final breath. Bolts of rage blasted the inky void and, as every strike of lightning threatened the small boat.


“Lord Tranvers,” cried the old sailor into the wind. “Protect our vessel from this storm! Save us this day, Knotlord! We beseech you!”


The storm raged on for hours, but the little craft held its territory against the ferocity and only suffered insignificant damage.


As the crew set about fixing things up again, Merk, a greenhorn, approached the ancient seaman simply called ‘cook.’


“Why did you utter a prayer to the bridge god?”


“Because I was scared, and I knew he would help us.”


“Tranvers? What does he care about boats? They’re kind of out of his domain. Right?”


The old salt chuckled to himself. “So young… boy, every good sailor knows and respects the bridge god. And for good reason. Go up and fetch me a length of rope, I need to show you something.”


So, the young apprentice fetched a haul of line and brought it to the galley, though he had no idea why.


Cook took the line and stretched it tight between his heavy hands. “You know how to make hitch, boy?”


“Of course. I’m not totally new at this,” he said, slightly insulted.


“Show me.”


And the boy did so.


“A passable job. Now a stopper,” Cook demanded.


Again, the boy did so. And that continued through six more demonstrations.  


“Where did you learn those, boy?”


“My father, mostly.”


“Good. And who showed him? And who showed them? And who showed that first sailor?”


The boy looked confused. He couldn’t trace his lineage back that far.


“Watch closely now, I’m going to show you a knot you’ve never encountered before.”


The old man deftly twisted the rope around and around and through and through, mumbling under his breath the whole time. When he was finished, he handed the knot to the boy. “What do you see?”


He said, “It’s a beauty,” for it was. A small but complex system of loops and lines with four ends emerging from the mass.


Cook grinned and went back to his sorting as he waited for the inevitable words.


“Wait… but that’s… did you slip another piece of rope in there?” No, he would have seen that. “That’s not possible. How did you…?”


“Untie it, boy, there’s only one rope, I promise you that.”


He did, and it was true. When all was untangled, there was just one rope with two ends. The boy was silent.


“That,” said Cook softly, “was the Upright Crux. Named for his sister. That knot is a holy symbol taught to me by a high priest of Tranvers, the Bridge God. Many of his priests sail these seas. I’ll ask you again. Who taught that first sailor to make those knots?”


“Oh, you called him Knotlord… the god of bridges... taught us knots?”


“The god of bridges and connections, yes, he taught us the art. Those early bridges were ropes and vines, you know. He taught people ropework of all kinds, including the impossible. That is why I called to him. And that is why he saved us.”


“Teach me the crux,” said the boy.


“When you’re ready, boy, when you’re ready.”


Secondary domain: Ropework


Rope Knot GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski


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Dagnabbit was so greatly inspired by Jarnvoldir's gifts -- even though he received none, but no matter -- that he decided to give a "gift" of his own. All of those roads, and bridges, and crossroads, and even Crose's wormholes should be appreciated! Sometimes (but not all of the time, excess is bad), there will be opportunities for the sentient folk to slow down and appreciate all of the wondrous forms of travel the Gods have gifted them:


Interference: Traffic jams.



Edited by Pattern Ghost
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 Player Hermit, Goddess of the Crossroads, Kjósa
    Geography: The Transcontinental Rail Network of Kjósa (Located on the Continent of Quidsi!)
    Sentient Life: Valvi (The Antlered folk, the trespassers, etc)
    Gift to Civilization: Shamanism
    Mythic Monster or Guardian.
    Secondary Domain: Choices and their consequences!
    Secondary Domain: Ethics (Situational or otherwise)
    Secondary Domain:

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Player Pattern Ghost, God Dagnabbit, God of Minor Annoyances

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Gremlins

  • Gift to Civilization. Allergies

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore.

  • Interference. Traffic Jams

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Puns

  • Secondary Domain: Perseverance

  • Secondary Domain: 

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Tranvers, God of Bridges, twin brother to Kjósa, Goddess of Crossroads

  • Geography: Arboretia, The Highest City
  • Sentient Life:  
  • Gift to Civilization: Architecture
  • Fauna/Flora/Ore: Colossals, Giant 300-400 ft. trees
  • Interference: 
  • Mythic Monster or Guardian:
    • Bonus Mythic Monster or Guardian:
  • Secondary Domain: Connections
  • Secondary Domain: Ropework
  • Secondary Domain: 
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Like any any industrial facility, the World Engine and Forge Divine need exhaust pipes. The chimneys of JHarnvoldir's forge are, of course volcanoes. When souls are not delivered to the Forge by proper rites, shamans can guide them to the nearest volcano, where the soul can descend without getting lost. Purified souls return to the World the same way. Sometimes they rise in groups, dancing in a circle.



Mortals, too, might be able to find paths to Jarnvoldir's forge. The throat of an active volcano is of course too hot, but small tunnels riddle many volcanoes in networks that lead all the way down. Still not that safe for mortals unless the chimney is currently inactive. Brave mortals sometimes find surprising, wondrous, and/or dangerous things along the way. Adventure is guaranteed!




Geography: Volcanoes


Dean Shomshak

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Player Dshomshak, God Jarnvoldir, God of the Forge

  • Geography. Volcanoes

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Bonus Sentient Life.

  • Gift to Civilization. Steampunk Technology

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Tools and Machines

  • Secondary Domain. The World Machine

  • Secondary Domain: Reincarnation via Cremation

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