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The Tale of the Everburning Tail


Someone has stolen the detached and burning tail of Son Wukong (also known as Son Goku and The Monkey King). Agents of the Jade Empiror are searching high and low for it to return it to the Buddhist Heaven. Who would be so powerful to steal the item? Or maybe it is wrong to actually think the robber is powerful...

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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For my part, I'm not that great of a writer.  Of course, right now my main concern is my upcoming knee replacement surgery. 


Of course, anyone is free to use the following NPCs. 


Andrea Winslow is a local medevac pilot.  She flies with Melody Samuels, BSN, RN, CFRN (Certified Flight Registered Nurse), PHRN (Pre-Hospital Registered Nurse), and Flight Paramedic Deanna Marshall. 


Emily Wells is a local PRIMUS Intelligence Agent.  She drives an unmarked Ford Police Interceptor Utility with lights at the rear window and windshield and has a PRIMUS spider that she dubbed Charlotte.

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Battle of the Bands


Roadkill is back, and so is Argent Anarky (with a whole new it makes sense writeup, sorry European Enimies). And an entire music festival is between them as they declare war on each other. When both groups don't care about the coladiral damage, only killing each other and escaping with lots of money, what is a superhero group to do?

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On 6/19/2024 at 1:38 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:

And So It Begins


Our heroes are summoned by an established, famous superhero group.  It seems they need new membership, and they believe YOU are who can take over for them.  There is some training and testing, and then finally the heroes are gathered to welcome them to the new team and introduce them to the media.  But first, a very powerful, but spoiled and arrogant heroine that was rejected for the team shows up and demands to be in charge.  And she won't take no for an answer.

It occurs to me that another version of this is that the heroes are members of an expansion team, like an expansion team of Marvel's Avengers with UNTIL replacing Shield.

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I'm trying to remember what thread I posted about To Save The World, or something like that, as characters in the fictional soap opera. I'm sure I made an evil twin of one of the heros person. And a flirtatious not quite villianess. But I can't find the darn thing.

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(Swiped from the Freedom Force computer game): Gigantic ants pour out from holes in the ground and begin pulling buildings, street signs, lamp posts, mail boxes, etc apart to pull underground.  Following the ants, our heroes discover a strange woman who controls the ants, building an entire city underground.

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PSI-Co Killer


A super powered murder mystery. Someone is targeting low level former members of PSI for murder. Who cwould do such a thing? Who CAN do such a thing, considering that even low level PSI members are psionic.


Note that I stress that the victims are minor agent members, which keeps characters like Psimon and Madusa safe, in case someone actually has plans to use them later in there campaign.

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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Somehow, dozens of big animals have escaped the zoo, and are running wild in the streets of the city!  Can the heroes wrangle the Rhinos and Elephants and Tigers?  And how did they get loose, and why? Was it a distraction for another crime?

Edited by Christopher R Taylor
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On 6/24/2024 at 11:00 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:



Somehow, dozens of big animals have escaped the zoo, and are running wild in the streets of the city!  Can the heroes wrangle the Rhinos and Elephants and Tigers?  And how did they get loose, and why? Was it a distraction for another crime?

Of course do not forget, the supers must capture the wildlife without hurting them, under the glaring lens of the newsmedia.

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2 minutes ago, Barton said:

Of course do not forget, the supers must capture the wildlife without hurting them, under the glaring lens of the newsmedia.

True, of course, the zoo will have its keepers and animal health staff out helping capture the creatures.  Who knows, someone on the staff might have animal control abilities.

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I don't expect many of these ideas to become adventures, but one can always hope.


AI Problems


There is a government building in the city run by an AI computer. Now, if it acts up and holds the people inside hostage. Did it come up with this on it's own? Is it the work of a supervillain? Maybe Meckanon? Foxbat? One thing is for sure, convincing it to let people go is going to be a challange.


Note: It might be interesting if all artwork could be AI art using public domain artwork as a base...


Note: This also might be problematic because many people hate AI artwork and consider it nothing more then art thief. So maybe we shouldn't, even if the art is based on works in the public domain...

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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The Doom Shell


A group of villains in power armor go on a rampage to prove how special there armor is. The members are Hardcore (standard high armor, superhuman strength, ability to absorb energy and use it to enhance his strength), Patroso (armor, force projector cannon in chest), Rampart (huge armor protection but not much else), and Softcore (more maneuverable suit, but sacrificed armor, but makes up for in by a kinetic absorber system).

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