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Champions Next

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What is Champions Neo?


Right now, it is a place holder name for original adventures which follow the Adventure Pack format, kinda. It has original villains and original stories leading to a goal and are designed hopefully for GMs just discovering the system and maybe coming from Champions Begins (but don't exactly have to...they don't need to use the Champions Begin heros obviously).


Will I Be Writing It?


Sorry, but I don't have assess to a computer to do this yet. I can suggest senerios for writers to flesh out and maybe a villain idea or two, but that will be it.


What Are The Goals Of This Project?


To provide more adventures for novice GMs. To encourage the growth of Champions and the Hero System by having adventures for GMs to run.


Am I Really Commited To The Name "Champions Neo"?


No. Not really. I simply need to call it something. Perhaps "Champions Next" would be a better name?" I decided that Champions Next would be a better name for this project.

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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13 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

whoah.  I know Kung Fu.

What a coincident. I know Kung Fury also, along with about 500 (aproxament) words from other languages.


Kung fu still means "hard work", right?

13 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:


I mean, um yeah this sounds great.  I bet we can brainstorm up some great adventures together, especially starting adventures for new GMs.  The idea of having a book of "here's a campaign starter" adventures would be really useful and welcome.

That is the idea.


I'll give out an idea.


The Flock


The Flock is a group of six penthouse robbers and criminal delivery people wearing a flying suit which is absolutely identical to each other. They have stolen something important and take to the sky when the heroes arrive. Can they recover the item? How can they keep up if they can't fly?

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Crimes Of The Weather Flock Together


Winterblade teams up with Pumpkin Patch, Scorcher, and Springheal to go on a crimespree based on weather. Can the heros stop them?


(Pumpkin Patch represents fall and has gimicked throwing pumpkins and an eye Patch. Scorcher has a heat gun. Springheal has leaping shoes.)

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And So It Begins


Our heroes are summoned by an established, famous superhero group.  It seems they need new membership, and they believe YOU are who can take over for them.  There is some training and testing, and then finally the heroes are gathered to welcome them to the new team and introduce them to the media.  But first, a very powerful, but spoiled and arrogant heroine that was rejected for the team shows up and demands to be in charge.  And she won't take no for an answer.

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1 minute ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

And So It Begins


But first, a very powerful, but spoiled and arrogant heroine that was rejected for the team shows up and demands to be in charge.  And she won't take no for an answer.

I love the idea of the 'villain' would be a rejected heroine. Not the typical villain driven module.

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Posted (edited)

The Isaki


A group of fantasy heroes get sent to the Champions Universe, and your heroes really have to help them so they can get home. And, well, help with there culture shock (well, most of them...one of them came from a normal world where superheroes are mainly in comic books and on the silver screen and was Isaki into a fantasy world to begin with...)


Isaki is a Japanese word roughly meaning "another world".


(This might be a good book to get the DND guys into Hero. We could have them play as either the superheroes or fantasy hero guys, and can gateway into Fantasy Hero if they wish).

Edited by Stanley Teriaca
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3 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

And So It Begins


Our heroes are summoned by an established, famous superhero group.  It seems they need new membership, and they believe YOU are who can take over for them.  There is some training and testing, and then finally the heroes are gathered to welcome them to the new team and introduce them to the media.  But first, a very powerful, but spoiled and arrogant heroine that was rejected for the team shows up and demands to be in charge.  And she won't take no for an answer.

Nice.  Another version of this is that they're replacing a superhero team that vanished and must first deal with the threat of a rejected super.

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1 hour ago, Stanley Teriaca said:

The Isakied


A group of fantasy heroes get sent to the Champions Universe, and your heroes really have to help them so they can get home. And, well, help with there culture shock (well, most of them...one of them came from a normal world where superheroes are mainly in comic books and on the silver screen and was Isakied into a fantasy world to begin with...)


Isaki is a Japanese word roughly meaning "another world".


(This might be a good book to get the DND guys into Hero. We could have them play as either the superheroes or fantasy hero guys, and can gateway into Fantasy Hero if they wish).

The word would be isekai.

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The Overdue Book


A mysterious figure drops an overdue book in the library's after-hours returns slot, 120 years overdue. It's a book about the occult, and contains incantations and recipes for drastically extending life. The borrower's last known address is that old "haunted" house on the hill outside town. Someone need to go investigate to recover the overdue fees... (many libraries are experimenting with not charging overdue fees any longer though)

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I can see Isekai Hero as a viable sub-genre book. I've been idly mulling it over myself, but my procrastination almost guarantees that nothing will come of it. It could cover the tropes of isekai fantasy and Japanese fantasy in general, played straight and subverted; it could feature a grab-bag of power builds and magic systems; it could feature the standard fantasy races as portrayed in Japanese media; it could have a high-powered campaign world and notes on how to play it straight and play it for humor; it could feature a few sample characters ... 


And the name ought to be Isekai No Yuusha -- Hero Of Another World!

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5 hours ago, L. Marcus said:

I can see Isekai Hero as a viable sub-genre book. I've been idly mulling it over myself, but my procrastination almost guarantees that nothing will come of it. It could cover the tropes of isekai fantasy and Japanese fantasy in general, played straight and subverted; it could feature a grab-bag of power builds and magic systems; it could feature the standard fantasy races as portrayed in Japanese media; it could have a high-powered campaign world and notes on how to play it straight and play it for humor; it could feature a few sample characters ... 


And the name ought to be Isekai No Yuusha -- Hero Of Another World!


Kobold Press recently released a small (14 pg) PDF that covers some of the Isekai themes called Isekai'd. While it's for D&D5e/Tales of the Valiant, I may pick it up for mining materials. 

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The Big Sleep


A high tech villain creates a device which forces the people in the area it is activated to fall asleep. His villain team are shielded against the effect and can rob the area affected at will. When a dream phantom offers there help to stop the effect, will they take it, especially if the phantom is associated with nightmares?

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