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RIP Scott Ruggels

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I had not seen a thread on this and while I knew he was unwell had not appreciated just how much.  There is a note from his sister on Scott's personal page - I have reproduced that here because folk may not browse personal pages too often.


I am sure the boards will be poorer without his take on the issues under discussion, not least due to his personal experience with the folk who brought Champions to the marketplace.



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One of the true Hero originals. I never met him, but his insights and reminiscences added much to the content here, and his work was one of the shaping influences on the evolution of Hero Games. We still have his words and his art to remember him by, and there are far worse legacies a man could leave.

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49 minutes ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

We need a memorial post or sticky for all the Heroes we've lost.  Too many.


The first time I was affected when someone I only ever knew online died was when we lost Deejay, who had a huge store of characters and webpages I used regularly.  His final page stayed with me a long time.

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1 hour ago, death tribble said:

Currently there is a post from Scott Ruggels on Fantasy Hero as the last current post on that forum 


That's what annoys me about his death, the abruptness of it all.


I mean, it's not as annoying as the death part.  But still, no one here is allowed to die without providing proper advance notification.  A century should be sufficient.  Do I make myself clear?

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