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where is Duke Bushido?

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As I have said previously DT quoting Zod is freaking hilarious and appropriate. I’d say try again, but that would ruin the hilarity. All I need now is the theme from Benny Hill. 


Edited by Bazza
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Sorry tobe the source of distress.


I have been gone; I popped in briefly to share with those who might not know just what a person Scott's passing has taken.


Chris and Doc have both mentioned that there was a "where is Duke?" thread, so I popped over to say that I am alive, I am doing well,and frankly,time away from here has been considerably good for my well-being.


I perused a few threads this evening while marking everything read, and have realized that I am not at all ready to rejoin.


But remember that I am just one of many faceless people behind a screen.  I appreciate the concern,but I encourage everyone to have a good time without me. I may catch up later; I may not.  But either way, I encourage you to enjoy yourselves.





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It's odd to think that we are psychological poison, but the fact that Duke is morning is understandable.


Reminds me of Rebecka Hamiman (I'm probaly spelling her name wrong like always). She was a programmer of my favorite Com64 game (Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate, when she was a he), and writer of one of my favorite fanfiction series and fanfiction web comic (Sailor Ranko). Then, relatively recently her wife died. So it is understandable that she won't continue the web comic any time soon.


I know Duke won't read this soon, but take as much time as you need. We will mostly be here when you get back, hopefully with clean psychic profiles.

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10 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

The toughest loss for me here was when Darren Watts died, I was enjoying the Explain This Comics Guys podcast so much.  I mean, it hurts when we lose any of our Heroes here but that was a really tough blow, knowing we'd never get another episode.

Nobody is immortal. Nothing is forever. The only sure things are that we are born and that we die.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/14/2024 at 10:59 PM, Stanley Teriaca said:

It's odd to think that we are psychological poison,


This deserves addressing, because it leaves too much to the imagination, so let me take a few minutes to clarify:


You guys are not- at least not inherently (+1/2 to +1.  Ha!) poison.  What becomes dangerous is not going back to resolve grievances, disagreements, etc.  The ability to just drop a complaint or a calling-out on someone and never really going to follow up or- fate forefend- explain yourself or even pay attention to if you were right or wrong....   It must be more appealing than I think, because it happens more than we realize.


The most maddeningly frustrating thing in the world is watching (or worse- being part of) two pages of argument (though to everyone's credit, they are rarely insulting or heated) where both of the "sides" are actually in agreement with each other but aome difference in semantics has, rather than being resolved, flipped someone else's keyboard to autofire and "oh, it's _on_ now-!"


Though honestly, that is part of a larger cultural problem, I think, where in the past couple of decades argumentativeness, usefulness, combativeness, and just generally going out of your way to be the crappiest version of yourself possible- especially if no one is looking- that has insidiously crept into western culture on the whole.  I have even seen video of Canadians being jerks outside of hockey fandom!  That's pretty much the First Seal right there, and it is broken.


However, it is far outside the ability of this poster and _way_ outside the scope of this post to even attempt resolving humanity's increasing pettiness, so let's move on.


As mentioned, when one comes to share, discover, or otherwise discuss ideas and there is a consistent- small but consistent- percentage of discussion where argument or fault-finding trump discourse or clarity-  yes; that is frustrating.


Then there is the time investment.  I have never made a secret of my insane work schedule; it leaves me very little time to call _my_ time.  I have to carefully allocate it to get any rest or achieve any goals.  Case in point: we are in the middle of our summer shut-down at Job 1, but I had to go in foe six houra yesterday and I am here for at least two more hours today.  In the dead middle of my nine-day vacation!  Granted, it is not a vacation from Job 2, but still: it is time that I have lost and do not have to allocate to other things.


There is a similar problem with this board-  and again: it is _not_ an intentional thing that anyone here _does_; it is a combination of things:


Gaming-  RPGs, that is- have been dying for decades, with Magic: the Marketing setting up an entirely new production concept for coffin nails, with other properties like Nintendo's highly popular Dog Fight Simulator err, Pokemon games where you adopt, raise, and train pets then pit them against each other-  they all erode at the market, and Champions was never a _huge_ part of that RPG community anyway: the most successful Supers game, sure, but almost _any_ non-Arthurian fantasy game had a bigger player base, as did most sci-fi games.  And of course, the younger folks are cranking up the X-box or even phone games rather than shaking dice with their friends.



The end result of all of that means that if you happen to be a big fan oc Champions, you morw than likely don't have a lot of real-world opportunities to discuss it; there aren't even a whole lot of virtual places to discuss it, really.


So when you find one.....


Well, maybe you hang out there _a lot_, and eventually too much, because you _want_ to talk about it; you _want_ to share ideas and you _want_ to hear ideas from others


And before you know it, it becomes the recipient of the largest sharw of your free time.  Precious free time  you could be using to make home repairs, or repairing motorcycles, or talking to your kids, or whatever else you might be able to do with three or four hours here and there.  Sleep!  Even time allocated for sleep found itself being given to discussing Champions with relative strangers on the internet.


I don't think I need to run through the watershed of problems related to that.


But more and more, the reward for that lost time was less-frequently fun or interesting discussions and more frequently frustration over what would occasionally come off as deliberate obtusiveness- disagrement for the sake of disagreeing.  Rather than asking for clarification one a point of contention, "no; you're wrong," and as often as not, not even a "and this is why."  "This is why" is an incredibly helpful thing to include, by the way.  Sharing information leads to better understanding on both sides, and it used to happen here a lot more than it has in some time.


I could go on a bit, but those are the biggies: I was devoting far, far too much unrecoverable time to something that was becoming less enjoyable and more frustrating-


Again, none of it, I don't believe, is deliberate, but deliberate or not, the cure is the same:


Go away for a while; come back less often.  Spend time in the real world.


That's all it is.



On 6/14/2024 at 10:59 PM, Stanley Teriaca said:

but the fact that Duke is morning is understandable.


Thank you, Stanley.  That is very much appreciated.




On 6/14/2024 at 10:59 PM, Stanley Teriaca said:

 my favorite Com64 game (Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate,


Mine was Mail Order Monsters.



On 6/14/2024 at 11:23 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:

The toughest loss for me here was when Darren Watts died, 


Agreed.  Darren was always one of the most approachable people in this industry, and by all accounts, a solid guy.


Anyway, I will be around, just less often and less active.


(I forgot to count the words, Doc,but I hope that was satisfactory.    ;)  )




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  • 1 month later...

I saw Duke today!  In person! 


Over the past week my family and I have been driving cross country from Oregon to North Carolina to move my son there.  Duke got on his motorcycle and rode up today to my mother-in-law's house to meet up and hang out a bit.  This is the second time we've hung out in person.  🙂

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Just commented elsewhere that I just got in- long story, for later.


Six hours up was a morning's lark.  Twelve hours back needs explaining, but right now, I can say that never- not once in human history- has _anything_ needed a deep tissue massage more than my @$$.....



(Fetch 3, maybe four quarts of oil for your son _before_ he drives the car.  It is 2.5 or so low by the dipstick: not enough to even run to the store real quick.  There is no faster way to wreck an engine than to get it up to speed and temperature without lubrication,


Second-fastest is without coolant, if you were curious.



At the rate of leakage, over-fill it just to sure he can get it to the shop.)


I am glad we at least got it running, Sir.



Edited by Duke Bushido
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