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DISNEY is doing Doctor Who??

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The Disney Channel once aired episodes with the 10th Doctor, so folks there should know a bit about the show. Then again, considering what Disney did with Star Wars, that may not mean anything.

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1 hour ago, tkdguy said:

The Disney Channel once aired episodes with the 10th Doctor, so folks there should know a bit about the show. Then again, considering what Disney did with Star Wars, that may not mean anything.


Actually it means a lot. It means that they will screw it up.

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6 hours ago, death tribble said:

The BBC is making it and Disney is streaming the episodes internationally.


That is all

You're making too much sense, DT -- that's not allowed.


And CRT has the right off it -- the onus should be on the BBC.  Though, I'm giving Gatwa a shot -- if I'm gonna rage against anyone, it'll be RTD (and Moffat, because Rusty brought HIM back too ---blaurgh).

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It doesn't matter that the BBC is responsible for it. The BBC has screwed up the Doctor, because they're now more interested in pushing "the message," in doing socio-political commentary as their main focus, than in telling fun and thought-provoking sci-fi adventures like the previous six decades of Doctor Who. The current Doctor is black and gay, which is a big part of the show now, because they think that's what sells. The previous incarnation of the character was a woman and lesbian, because they think that's what sells. The producers want to be different, but their idea of different disrespects the essence of the series responsible for its success.


It's a common logical disconnect that I see in a lot of contemporary entertainment. Producers want the built-in fan base that comes from an established property, but they also want to tell a different kind of story with different kinds of characters than what drew that fan base, which drives them away. Then they blame the fans for not recognizing how great what they're doing really is. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lord Liaden
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Honestly, I really liked the "Eat the Baby Song." That was catchy and fun. The new Doctor and Companion seem fun to me, maybe a little more light-hearted than some of the other recent Doctors. If they can avoid soapboxing and just tell stories with the character, it might work. I'm willing to give it a chance after seeing the special.

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Patrick Troughton faced a daunting task, having to replace William Hartnell not just in the lead role, but as same character, only radically different. It was an unprecedented concept for television, and if he and the writers hadn't stuck the landing, Doctor Who would have ended then and there. Fortunately for all Whovians contemporary and not yet born, they did.

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I've never heard it through a straight four of them, though. That includes Peter Capaldi, although the complaints were more over the writing toward the end of his run, than the actor; and the return of David Tennant last season, which seemed like a desperation move after the fiasco with Jody Whittaker. The complaints over declining quality of the stories from dedicated Whovians go back years, and that's a change for this franchise.


The series languished for years after Sylvester McCoy's tenure, aside from the TV movie starring Paul McGann, until its relaunch with Christopher Eccleston. It may be that the series is in need of another hiatus until producers who understand it can take over.


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I still want to know if Chibnall had his version of Eric Saward cutting him off at the knees backstage at the Beeb.  If the whole "Timeless Child" was his plan at the state, I really wish he had done a better job of seeding it through his tenure.  Like how JMS did for his various plot elements in Babylon 5.  You can't just drop a major change to long-standing continuity (setting aside that classic Who and continuity were like oil and water in some defense) without some foreshadowing.


And if he was making things up as he went along, well, that's on him and it's damn sloppy.  Chibnall had problems, but my vitriol is saved for Moffat.  He is to Who as Vince Russo was to wrestling.  Constant Crash TV with NO consequences of actions.


Still, I have nothing bad to say about Capaldi and Whittaker and their performances.  I accepted them as the Doctor immediately. (Same for Jo Martin)

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On 5/4/2024 at 11:40 PM, unclevlad said:

Isn't half the fun of Doctor Who how campy it is, cuz it's no-budget?

For some folks, sure.  Everything past McCoy is a little off-putting to me, and I prefer Tom Baker and earlier for the most part.  Decent looking SFX and budgets larger than a grade-schooler's allowance are positively disconcerting with this franchise.


That said, I don't hate the newer stuff and some of it is pretty great.  It just feels wrong, like re-mastered Trek and Star Wars.   

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On 5/4/2024 at 11:40 PM, unclevlad said:

Isn't half the fun of Doctor Who how campy it is, cuz it's no-budget?


I'm cringing at the thought, but I'm not a big Who fan...wonder what you diehards think....

Who is like a comic book. It has some good runners and writers and actors, and it has some bad ones. The BBC hired Russ Davies to come back to run things with his own production company, and he got money from Disney to do things.


I haven't seen any of Chibnall's/Whittaker's episodes but I did hear the ratings for the show fell out, and then it took them three years to get the replacement in place with Tennant as a stop gap.


Funny enough I was watching a thing on Who lore such as it is (Cygnia is right about continuity issues which are like how DC's are now, but I put down to the Doctor changing things on adventures which changes the timeline.) and Moffat said that the original Doctor had died and everything after Hellbent was with a replacement Doctor.


And that's before you get into the Doctor being split into two with Fourteen and Donna having a happy ending, and Fifteen taking over the show.


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On 5/5/2024 at 7:18 AM, Christopher R Taylor said:

Yeah I don't think Disney has much input on what happens, although they showed the first of the new series in the US before Britain (???).  The BBC doesn't need any help to ruin its own product anyway.


I don't know about that. Lately Disney has become the Absolute Master of Destroying Stories.

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11 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:

On that note, my 4K Steelbook editions of Andor and Moon Knight arrived Saturday.

I don't know about Andor, but Moon Knight has got some good reviews about Oscar Isaac's performance.


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5 minutes ago, csyphrett said:

I don't know about Andor, but Moon Knight has got some good reviews about Oscar Isaac's performance.



-Isaac was very good but the story was uneven.


-Andor is a very well-written and well-acted political/spy drama that happens to have laser pistols and spacecraft.

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Moon Knight was an interesting experiment like Wandavision (at least they did something different than the usual snarkfest Marvel formula) but it had maybe, maybe 10 minutes of actual Moon Knight in a 6 episode series.  And insane Egyptian gods version of Moon Knight is one of my least favorite takes on the character :/  So points for being creative, but fail in my eyes.

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