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AOE Defensive Absorption

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6E1 p.147 says that Area Of Effect should not be applied to Defence Powers, except in some situations based on special effects and other considerations.


Would Absorption bought with Defensive Absorption and Area Of Effect be a suitable exception to the prohibition on AOE Defensive Powers, or should these Advantages not be combined?

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The way I interpret it, an AoE Defensive Absorption would only add PD/ED if the character with the power was standing in the AoE. If the AoE covered an area the character was not standing in, the PD/ED wouldn't apply to (e.g.) other targets in that area. For that, you'd need to do as 6E1 147 suggests and probably link in some Usable by Others defenses.


Given all those caveats I think the combination of advantages would be fine if not exactly what you might be looking for.

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The reason that defensive powers are not supposed to take the area of effect advantage is that they normally only apply to the character that purchased them.  To use a defensive power on someone else you should be using the Usable on Others advantage instead.   That power includes a usable nearby option that allows it to be used on all characters within 4 meters.    With the GM’s permission that area can be larger.   


As it stands Area of Effect on absorption would not give others the defense even if the acts as a defense is taken.   

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I am fine with the use of absorption as an AE, but as LoneWolf notes, the absorb would only affect you unless you buy usable by others on it.  


Without the usable by others advantage, you're just creating an area where any power that is used (against you or not) takes some of that power and gives it to you.  In other words, all the other characters in the area would gain no protection or get any of the absorb points, only you.


Oh, I should add, you only need to affect 1 person to get everyone in the AE, but its sometimes cheaper to buy the "usable by nearby" variant.  Its like a blast; only affects one person... unless you buy AE, then it affects all persons in the AE.  However, that will also include enemies, who benefit from their own blast if they are in the area.

Edited by Christopher R Taylor
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Sorry for the late reply, but I've been out of town the past few days. Thank you very much for the clarification, and I'm glad to know I wasn't suspicious of this interaction for nothing. The game does say several times to avoid finagling your way around using UOO, so it makes sense that would apply here too.

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