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World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023

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“If they can't be bought, get ready to fight.” (Acquisitions 10:61)


Nagus Sterling, The Deity of Drive, was not a violent god by nature. “When the shooting starts, let the mercenaries handle it.” (Acquisitions 9:431) Most conflicts could be negotiated. When one can turn an enemy into an ally with a little dealing, that opportunity should not be squandered. However, there are times when making a deal is not an option. As it says in the Book of Acquisitions (which he wrote) Chapter 10, Verse 61: “If they can't be bought, get ready to fight.” He may not be violent by nature, but he was still a god and he could threaten with the best of them.


Sometimes called The Sword of Nagus, Fleeze is a dragon, the first dragon, a powerful, scaly beast of immense size bedecked in coral scales that glint with metallic sheen. His ruby-like eyes see everything. He can tell a threat from an opportunity. Legendary for his greed as much as for his claws, Fleeze doesn’t kill as a first reaction, not when there is a chance to acquire more at hand. Many foolhardy knights left his lair with their lives but deep in severe debt of some sort.


Mythic Monster or Guardian. Fleeze, the First Dragon is an intelligent, shrewd creature with a voracious appetite. His hoard is legendary, and he is always seeking to add to it. “Enough... is never enough.”  (Acquisitions 9:97)





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A witless river once stumbled upon Crax asleep. Being young and foolish, the river thought to do a good turn and wash the blood from the murder god's gauntlets.


Crax was furious on awaking. How dare the river remove the mark of his slaughters. He cursed the river with unthinking bloodlust, to make it work to achieve that which it had so thoughtlessly destroyed.


The people scrambled to find a solution as it left town after town as muddy rubble. The curse left it too powerful to kill, but the God of parts offered a solution:


A separate plane of existence.


And so, a division was made in reality itself, and the river was forced to the Elemental Plane of Sewers and Middens.


Today, access to the plane is fairly easy. Many cities use it to drain wastewater and dump trash. The only god to frequent this offensive place is Fitz, because so many of society's neglected venture to it to scavenge. The work is very dangerous, especially with the river eternally raging. There's also diseased mosquitoes, alligators, rats, poisonous gasses, unstable terrain, and toxic alchemical waste.


Geography: the Elemental Plane of Sewage and Middens

Edited by Sociotard
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Crax and Mister Rancor were observing the other races for ways to spread their influence.

‘Elves !’ spat Crax, ‘Don’t you just hate them ?’

And then ‘Sorry dad’ as he realised who he was talking to.

‘That’s alright son’, replied his father ‘I hate everything. Even you.’

‘Thanks Dad’, replied his son proudly.

‘You don’t like them ? Do better !’ responded his sire.


Challenged, Crax set to the task. He persuaded Masque to help him by having the Shades abduct various members of other races so that he could experiment on them and see what made them tick. In return the Shades would not be harmed.

The god decided that on investigation, his own race would need to be unique and fertile in order to provide an army of Evil. They would also have to be fearsome so that they would either be fought on sight or that they cause their opponents to flee. And they needed to have their own domain. That would be underground so they needed vision to cope with that.


Using cracks to look upon other worlds (because he is a god and he can cheat) he observed a race of spiders who owed fealty to a goddess. But he could not, and would not, mimic this as the goddess was an elf, YUCK ! So subterraneans which would keep them out of reach until they were needed. And stop the other races from finding them and wiping them out. Also they would not be a mixture of animal and say human as that idea seemed to have been done to death. But they would be resilient just to annoy Nadiya. However they would be a mixture of other races so that no-one could work out what they were originally.


Due to multiplicity there are now many different types or tribes which have been identified but may no longer exist due to their enemies wiping them out for they are brutal and if not killed will multiply and come back stronger.


Sentient Race: K-rac C’ho C’o

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Crax observed the creations of some of his fellow gods and felt nothing but contempt.

Talking mice, squirrels, the hippopotamus, fireflies, I mean really ?

A mosquito landed on his hand and began to suck his blood. At least his father knew how to create something that fit his image. It flew off, satiated. ‘Go my pretty, let’s see what my blood does’ thought Murder and then paused.


Perhaps he needed to create something that spreads but what did that ? Certain animals and of course plants. A killer plant, he thought, mighty it would be with deadly poisons or thorns that would pierce flesh and extinguished as soon as the races realised what he had done.

But what if he was more subtle about it ? Yes ! He would use the other gods powers and gifts to develop something. Here Multiplicity and his gift of alchemy would be useful for the plant would have different effects on different races.


To begin with humans would be the test subjects. They would use the plant as an addition to a drink and it would become an intoxicant. That would lead eventually to someone becoming belligerent and thus murderous. That’s addiction for you.

Elves could drink it as an intoxicant and they would be ok but enough of it would lead them to becoming melancholic and losing all hope.

Dwarves could make all sorts of intoxicants from it but eventually this would lead some to greed and wanting to possess all of the plant to brew the perfect liqueur would lead to madness and murder.

Wisps would occasionally glow with an unnatural fire from prolonged contact leading other races to kill it as a source of ill omen.

Rivers could wash away the plant so they would carry seeds which could suddenly sprout into life and strangle the water in retaliation.

Shades avoid it as it makes them visible even in shadows,

His own race, the K-rac C’ho C’o are poisoned by it.

Gandians are weakened by it for weapons coated with the sap or fruit or the flowers of the plant create a vulnerability that repeated hits will lead to their demise.

The Talking Mice use it for bedding and food but it makes them delicious in certain recipes.

Satyrs drink themselves to death on it.

If a hippopotamus ate enough of it their eyes would glow red and they would turn murderous.

Squirrels could use it for bedding as the mice did. The downside being that people would raid their nests for the plant, especially dwarves the greedy devils.


And to cap it all, the plant can be used for healing.


It usually grows as a bush which has blue flowers and then produces fruits which all but mosquitoes like until the fruit falls off the bush if not harvested. The fruits cause instant intoxification if then eaten by sentient species but then intense gastric distress and madness. Animals are not affected but prefer to eat the plant before the fruit falls off. If the plant is burned it will not reappear for a while but when it does return it does so slowly.


Fauna: Flora Intoxicana aka The Murder Plant

Edited by death tribble
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The armies had amassed, common soldiers commanded by leaders to shed blood over mere land. In a world of shifting rivers what did that even mean?  Yet it was the nature of almost any world that there would be war, and men would die.
Yet there was one who offered an alternative. A woman game forth before the ruler of each side, somehow bypassing all guards and protections. She was oddly familiar yet none had seen her before.
And she spoke, "There is more than one way to settle matters, to gain glory, a way that allows even the lowliest private to rise up and achieve fame and renown and better his lot, while keeping the multitude of your hosts alive! What if you could have a chance of the prize you seek without losing your forces so casually ? I can show you the way!"

And the rulers, not wanting to be so weak after this battle that OTHER Enemies could tear them apart even if they won? They listened as she spoke earnestly. She spoke of tournaments, and competitions between athletes and most of all, Champions!  Of Hope found through strife, and Courage and Resilience celebrated!

This goddess , who bore odd similarity to two sister goddesses as one, swayed them and gave a great gift to civilization. That each side might, rather than having thousands die, would each pick a champion to test each other's might in matches. That those champions should be rewarded for their risks, win or lose, and that fair play and rules set to keep the the test honorable and (usually, accidents happen) non lethal. Wrestling! Tourney Jousting on the back of hippos! Even games of skill such as chess might be the determining factor!


To this day, many a sports match or tourney is dedicated to Ce'Diya, and the rules to prevent cheating are called Ce'Diya's code!

Gift to Civilization:  Competitions and Champions to settle disputes and to Entertain in lieu of war






And yes, Ce'Diya is a composite being made possible by Etterskell's interference. Both the Brightbringer and the Lady of Strife still exist separately, but in this cause they were united, and so Ce'Diya became at least long enough to give this gift to civilization.


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I lost a bit of momentum last weekend, so three picks to catch me up.

Fauna: Caprines (Sheep and Goats.)

Satyrs are pretty much human/goat hybrids, so the world needs goats.


Geography: Pastures

Beyond the cities and fields lie grasslands, meadows and hillsides, where sheep and goats (and other creatures) can graze.

Gift to Civilization: Herding

Where there are sheep, there are shepherds. And where there are shepherdesses, there are satyrs.

Rumours about satyrs and sheep are, of course, scurrilous.

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28 minutes ago, Hermit said:

The armies had amassed, common soldiers commanded by leaders to shed blood over mere land. In a world of shifting rivers what did that even mean?  Yet it was the nature of almost any world that there would be war, and men would die.
Yet there was one who offered an alternative. A woman game forth before the ruler of each side, somehow bypassing all guards and protections. She was oddly familiar yet none had seen her before.
And she spoke, "There is more than one way to settle matters, to gain glory, a way that allows even the lowliest private to rise up and achieve fame and renown and better his lot, while keeping the multitude of your hosts alive! What if you could have a chance of the prize you seek without losing your forces so casually ? I can show you the way!"

And the rulers, not wanting to be so weak after this battle that OTHER Enemies could tear them apart even if they won? They listened as she spoke earnestly. She spoke of tournaments, and competitions between athletes and most of all, Champions!  Of Hope found through strife, and Courage and Resilience celebrated!

This goddess , who bore odd similarity to two sister goddesses as one, swayed them and gave a great gift to civilization. That each side might, rather than having thousands die, would each pick a champion to test each other's might in matches. That those champions should be rewarded for their risks, win or lose, and that fair play and rules set to keep the the test honorable and (usually, accidents happen) non lethal. Wrestling! Tourney Jousting on the back of hippos! Even games of skill such as chess might be the determining factor!


To this day, many a sports match or tourney is dedicated to Ce'Diya, and the rules to prevent cheating are called Ce'Diya's code!

Gift to Civilization:  Competitions and Champions to settle disputes and to Entertain in lieu of war






And yes, Ce'Diya is a composite being made possible by Etterskell's interference. Both the Brightbringer and the Lady of Strife still exist separately, but in this cause they were united, and so Ce'Diya became at least long enough to give this gift to civilization.


And the response from the God of Murder is







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3 hours ago, death tribble said:

Fauna: Flora Intoxicana aka The Murder Plant

"Hmm..." said the god of Intoxicants. "Meddling in my domain? I must contemplate."


1 hour ago, Hermit said:

Gift to Civilization:  Competitions and Champions to settle disputes and to Entertain in lieu of war


Oeneus approves!

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Mister Rancor sat upon a stone chair, uncomfortable and hard.  He hated the chair and, for some reason, that felt right.  He stared out at the world forming around him, held within a cylindrical tube, with rivers flowing every which way and cracks sending those unlucky to places across time.  


The mosquitos he had unleashed were a moderate success, but the bloodsuckers were more annoying than hate-inspiring.  The excess rivers of the lands certainly helped keep that population active and thriving.  Rancor still felt a distasteful feeling of optimism, of hope in the air of this land.  


Even with his always active son, Crax, once again pushing the envelope with the Murder Plant, Rancor could barely care.  He would always say the right things to keep up his image, but many of these were just lies.  He was the master of lies after all.  How could he encourage the expansion of lies among the population of this world?  There must be a way.


A spark of an idea came to his foul mind.  Something considerably more subtle than the wiping out of a continent, but something that would surely lead to division, to mistrust, to blatant lying.  It would be his masterpiece.


There must be more to the world than just survival.  There must be leaders.  Mister Rancor pulled from his head a human that he named Christopher Patron.  He set Patron up with skills, oratory abilities, and charisma unlike any human to this point.  He also gave him a deep hatred of anything non-human and the skill to avoid any inquiry to reveal his true nature.


Rancor followed this creation with another human pulled from his head.  This one was named Stanton Hannity.  He was just as charismatic, but darker.  His quick wit and blatant shamelessness would shock everyone and offend many.  Yet he is the type who you might want to find and enjoy an intoxicant with.  


Just to add to the confusion, Rancor pulled up a member of the K-rac C’ho C’o and a figure from the Elven community who is able and willing to step forward as a representation.


Mister Rancor sent a feeling throughout the land, piercing the hearts and minds of every living creature, encouraging them to support and congregate with these individuals.  Rancor knew that was all he had to do as this would spread like a virus across this new world.  Power is an aphrodisiac and those that he had brought forth would inspire others in the same manner.  Lies, hatred, intolerance... would multiply with or without the multiplicity of the world.


"Gift" to Civilization:  Politics   

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31 minutes ago, Psybolt said:

Mister Rancor sat upon a stone chair, uncomfortable and hard.  He hated the chair and, for some reason, that felt right.  He stared out at the world forming around him, held within a cylindrical tube, with rivers flowing every which way and cracks sending those unlucky to places across time.  


The mosquitos he had unleashed were a moderate success, but the bloodsuckers were more annoying than hate-inspiring.  The excess rivers of the lands certainly helped keep that population active and thriving.  Rancor still felt a distasteful feeling of optimism, of hope in the air of this land.  


Even with his always active son, Crax, once again pushing the envelope with the Murder Plant, Rancor could barely care.  He would always say the right things to keep up his image, but many of these were just lies.  He was the master of lies after all.  How could he encourage the expansion of lies among the population of this world?  There must be a way.


A spark of an idea came to his foul mind.  Something considerably more subtle than the wiping out of a continent, but something that would surely lead to division, to mistrust, to blatant lying.  It would be his masterpiece.


There must be more to the world than just survival.  There must be leaders.  Mister Rancor pulled from his head a human that he named Christopher Patron.  He set Patron up with skills, oratory abilities, and charisma unlike any human to this point.  He also gave him a deep hatred of anything non-human and the skill to avoid any inquiry to reveal his true nature.


Rancor followed this creation with another human pulled from his head.  This one was named Stanton Hannity.  He was just as charismatic, but darker.  His quick wit and blatant shamelessness would shock everyone and offend many.  Yet he is the type who you might want to find and enjoy an intoxicant with.  


Just to add to the confusion, Rancor pulled up a member of the K-rac C’ho C’o and a figure from the Elven community who is able and willing to step forward as a representation.


Mister Rancor sent a feeling throughout the land, piercing the hearts and minds of every living creature, encouraging them to support and congregate with these individuals.  Rancor knew that was all he had to do as this would spread like a virus across this new world.  Power is an aphrodisiac and those that he had brought forth would inspire others in the same manner.  Lies, hatred, intolerance... would multiply with or without the multiplicity of the world.


"Gift" to Civilization:  Politics   

And I thought the mosquitoes were evil. 

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I hope to post the People of Etterskell later tonight, and the Broken God's monster tomorrow (not that Etterskell intended the monster to exist; it is of course an accident), and a Flora/Fauna after that. Saving the second monster/guardian that DT granted for last. That I would like to be a Guardian, who will be a composite deity. I don't want to give away more information except that combining an aspect of Etterskell with a hypostasis from at least one other willing deity.


I would also like to include one hypostasis from one *unwilling* deity by invoking Etterskell's authority over hypostases and composites, mentioned at the end of the Interference post. But for that I need the Esteemed Commissioner's ruling that this falls within the limits of the existing Interference. If not, well, Etterskell and I will make do. But the Guardian will be cooler with the involvement of an unwilling God.


I know I'm asking people to buy a pig in a poke, but who is willing to contribute to Etterskell's Guardian? (Permission is no guarantee of inclusion.)


Dean Shomshak

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“The alchemist Doctor Valzain said you could help me,” Rhodri said. “I’ve never felt… right in my body. As a man. For years now, I’ve felt like I ought to be a woman. I asked Doctor Valzain in there was a potion that could change me. He said no — well, that he didn’t know of one — but you might do it through chirurgery. Is that possible? You could alter my body to make me a woman?”


“Mm, yes and no,” the chirurgeon said. “Modifying the body you have would be a long and rather complicated series of operations.” She steepled her fingers. “The more expeditious way might be to transfer your mind into a woman’s body. Easiest, of course, if I can find a woman who would like to occupy your body in return.” She looked back and forth quickly and said, a bit more loudly, “My practice uses only volunteers. Though,” her voice dropped lower, “The ease of finding a volunteer depends on how much you’re willing to pay.” Further discussion ensued.


As they rose to say goodbye, the chirurgeon added, “Also keep in mind that finding a transplant volunteer depends on how, er, picky you are about species. Does it matter to you to stay a dwarf?”


Gender dysphoria happens in the Sharded World — no surprise that in a world defined by breakage and imperfect repairs, selves and bodies don’t always match. But complete and final solutions are also possible through alchemical chirurgery.




Cultural attitudes to such transformations vary too widely to offer any generalization.


Some people also feel they are the wrong species: the human who wants to be a dwarf, the elf who wants to be a satyr, and so on. Or for more sinister purposes, the shade or K-rac C'ho C'o who wants to move among other folk completely unsuspected. Even stranger transferences are possible, as the widely told but possibly apocryphal story of the river that fell in love with the elf who bathed in it.


A few people, however, want truly extravagant changes to their bodies that follow no plan ordained by the Gods. They want four arms, or an animal’s head, fur and claws, or wings with which to fly. These dreams too are possible of fulfillment. And these are the folk of Etterskell. The God did not create them; they create themselves, and few are alike.


Some are beautiful. Some are horrible. Many are just plain weird. All they have in common is a strong will to change themselves. One does not embark on such metamorphoses lightly. It must be conceded, though, that a majority of them started as human.


Sapient Race: The Chimerae










ADDENDUM: The Chimerae are a real pain in the butt for the crusaders who see Murder’s folk. The K-rac C'ho C'o don’t all look alike. If you encounter some strange-looking person, therefore, is it a Chimera — or is it one of Evil’s spawn that can spin a convincing story about their personal odyssey of body modification?


Dean Shomshak

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7 hours ago, DShomshak said:

I would also like to include one hypostasis from one *unwilling* deity by invoking Etterskell's authority over hypostases and composites, mentioned at the end of the Interference post. But for that I need the Esteemed Commissioner's ruling that this falls within the limits of the existing Interference. If not, well, Etterskell and I will make do. But the Guardian will be cooler with the involvement of an unwilling God.


I know I'm asking people to buy a pig in a poke, but who is willing to contribute to Etterskell's Guardian? (Permission is no guarantee of inclusion.)


Dean Shomshak

Last year I had my god kill a god off screen. This year I had my god murder an entire continent so go ahead.

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You want an update ?


Say no more !




Player 1. Assault God of Intoxicants, Oeneus

  • Geography. Pastures

  • Sentient Life. Satyrs

  • Gift to Civilization. Herding

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. Caprines (sheep and goats)

  • Interference. Fitz’s Monuments are built with rollers  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Sex

  • Secondary Domain . Music

  • Secondary Domain: .

Player 2,Cancer God of Fire, Thoal Anni’in

  • Geography. The World is a cylinder

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization: 

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Purification and Healing

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 3,Csyphrett God of Heroes, Clarkent Kal

  • Geography. Watch Tower

  • Sentient Life. Gandians

  • Gift to Civilization: Book of Dooms

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Justice

  • Secondary Domain Righteousness

  • Secondary Domain. Exploration


Player 4. Death Tribble, God of Murder, Crax

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life: K’rac C’ho C’o

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora/Fauna/Ore: Flora Intoxicana aka The Murder Plant

  • Interference: Murdered an entire continent

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Soul Eater

  • Secondary Domain. Evil

  • Secondary Domain. 

  • Secondary Domain. 

Player 5, DShomshak God of Multiplicity, Etterskell Breaker of the Sharded World

  • Geography. Cracks that can take people backwards or forwards in time

  • Sentient Life. Chimerae

  • Gift to Civilization. Alchemy

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. 

  • Interference. Hypostases and Composite Dieties

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Accidents

  • Secondary Domain. Parts and Wholes

  • Secondary Domain: Transplant Surgery 

Player 6. Enforcer84 Goddess of Strife, Ceass

  • Geography. Wildlands

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Hippopotamus

  • Interference: 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: 

  • Secondary Domain: Freedom

  • Secondary Domain / Option: Courage

  • Secondary Domain / Option. 

Player 7. Hermit Goddess of Hope, Nadiya Brightbringer

  • Geography. Elven Lands

  • Sentient Life. Elves

  • Gift to Civilization. Competitions and Champions to settle disputes etc

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore: Skywood

  • Interference:  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain.  Resiliance

  • Secondary Domain: Intuition

  • Secondary Domain / Option.


Player 8. L Marcus God of Intrigue, Masque

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Shades

  • Gift to Civilization. Espionage

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Spiders

  • Interference: .

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Ambition

  • Secondary Domain. Intelligence and Wits

  • Secondary Domain: Shadows


Player 9. Logan  God of Avarice, Nagus Sterling

  • Geography. .Holy City of Hedonia

  • Sentient Life: Dwarves

  • Gift to Civilization.Commerce

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Squirrels

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Fleeze the First Dragon

  • Secondary Domain . Profit

  • Secondary Domain:/Option: Opportunity

  • Secondary Domain / Option. 

Player 10, Old Man God of Illumination, Alitheon

  • Geography. The Celestial Skies

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora/Fauna/Ore: Fireflies

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Flaming-Eaux

  • Secondary Domain. Learning

  • Secondary Domain. Death and Rebirth

  • Secondary Domain. Guidance 


Player 11, Pariah Goddess of Small Things, Strangecharm

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Wisps

  • Gift to Civilization. 

  • Flora/Fauna/Ore. Talking Mice

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Sand

  • Secondary Domain. Rain

  • Secondary Domain.Choices

  • Secondary Domain. Coincidence 

Player 12, Pattern Ghost Goddess of Reflection, Aziza

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. 

  • Gift to Civilization. Philosophy

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. 

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Truth

  • Secondary Domain: Indecision

  • Secondary Domain: 

Player 13, Psybolt God of Hatred, Mister Rancor

  • Geography. 

  • Sentient Life. Humans

  • Gift to Civilization. Politics

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. Mosquitos

  • Interference. 

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Pontianak

  • Secondary Domain. Intolerance

  • Secondary Domain: Vengeance

  • Secondary Domain: Manipulation and Lies 

Player 14, Sociotard Fitz, God of Bastards and Neglect,

  • Geography. Elemental Plan of Sewage and Middens

  • Sentient Life. Rivers

  • Gift to Civilization. Monuments and Pilgrimage

  • Fauna/Flora/Ore. Wolves

  • Interference. Alchemy lances protected by the Sons of a Gun

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. 

  • Secondary Domain. Midwifery and Birth Control

  • Secondary Domain: Water

  • Secondary Domain: 


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20 hours ago, death tribble said:

Elves could drink it as an intoxicant and they would be ok but enough of it would lead them to becoming melancholic and losing all hope.




It was an Elb patriarch who made the first prayer about it. He would not be the last:
"Oh Nadiya Brightbringer, Goddess of Hope, Resilient Wanderer, she who guide from the gut," the elb looked at his sickly daughter who thrashed against her restraints, "My daughter has sought to take her own life. Such a melancholy has taken her. They say with time she maybe able to recover from her addiction from the Flora Intoxicana. There is always hope! I know this I..." The father choked, "But I love my girl, and I feel so weak. Please, I beg you, in the name of fathers everywhere, fathers who would give the world for their children... but are in the end only mortal, help us! Help us fight the murder plant! Are you even listening?"


Oh, but she was.

And her response came in on seemingly delicate painted wings! Insects of such beauty and dainty grace, how they danced along the fields and flowers! Their swarms were delightful to behold  and uplifted the spirit. It was glorious!


And then, they had their offspring. The winged insects laid their eggs on murder plants, seeming to prefer them to all others. From these tiny insect eggs, their larvae broke out, and upon the Flora intoxicana they dined! Small, bypassing the thorns easily to dine on the plants before others might harvest them. Immune to the negative effects of the plant, the larvae would ravage the plant, rendering it unusable for a long period. For a part of that period, the larvae would form a cocoon about itself, and then shortly after, burst into the adult form, another generation of beautiful delicate winged skydancers! By the time the Flora Intoxicana plant recovered, a new batch of larvae would already be hard at work hindering it, if not neutralizing it entirely.

Many would admire the winged form, and see them as hopeful little miracles. Some would never know it was the Larvae that were actually saving so many from addiction and doom.
The Brightbringer was not one to oppose so directly, but the so called Murder plant had been constructed so it attacked the hopes of elves itself. Hope? Hope is, at rest, gentle. But nothing fights back more fiercely.


Fauna pick (#2): Flutterbys! (Whose larvae favor devouring Flora Intoxicana and rendering them far less prevalent)


(The Multiplicty factor might be partly responsible for the sheer varation in colors and wing shape among the flutterbys, but the preferred food is fixed)




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