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What Is the Worst Movie You've Ever Seen?


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2 hours ago, Spence said:


Yep.  If you read the original book it has zero to do with the unholy trinity fascism-communism-socialism.  I know I know, fascism was rebranded right about 25 years ago ( or more) when they went from representing the political spectrum as a line from zero personal freedom/ total government to anarchy/ total personal freedom to the current mess where socialism has been transformed from mass murder to ultimate cool system if government. 


But if you want to actually read the boo, get a version printed before 85. 


I wish I could find a detailed accounting of editions and changes, because the book I read (which was printed long before 1985) was little more than a series of political lectures sandwiched by a couple of chapters that involved powered armor.  The only explanation I can think of for the wildly different opinions on this damn book is that there are multiple, wildly different, versions of it in the wild.

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Most of the films that we are listing are financially successful ones like the Star Wars sequels. But there are other ones like Town and Country which were pulled from distribution. These are the ones that many of us have not seen and will not see. There was one made in China recently which was pulled from distribution called Asura. It cost $113 million and it only made $7 million.

These are the ones were the companies are cutting their losses something that other films on the list Bazza linked to should have had done to them. 

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We also have not mentioned films with the worst fight scenes in them.

Samurai Cop comes to mind. This has a fight scene where the two fighters both men end up spooning (?). Has to be seen to be believed. The dialogue is tripe as well.


I could say something about Rock N Roll Nightmare rom 1987 but you would not believe me. Have a look on Youtube.


Then of course there is Ninja Silent Assassin which has rather odd Ninja outfits. As in day-glo.


But then of course I think this is the best combat move in any film


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1 hour ago, Bazza said:

You need to watch the most misunderstood sci-fi action flick on Netflix ASAP

Better than the original novel, the film version of Starship Troopers briefly redefined the conversation about sci-fi satire.

I wouldn't say it was better than the novel, and I don't know if it redefined sci fi satire. I do know that it made me avoid Voerhaven afterwards.


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8 hours ago, csyphrett said:

I wouldn't say it was better than the novel, and I don't know if it redefined sci fi satire. I do know that it made me avoid Voerhaven afterwards.



Lol we all avoided Verhoeven afterwards, he filmed Hollow Man and then left Hollywood in disgust to make films in the Netherlands again.

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I have seen a lot of bad movies, but the worst was "Joysticks" that came out some time in the 80's.  Cartoonishly bad Video Game competition movie, I walked out of it towards the end, and waited for my friend in the Lobby, and punched him in the shoulder hard, for taking me to this travesty.

The Last Jedi was very close to that.

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15 minutes ago, Scott Ruggels said:

I have seen a lot of bad movies, but the worst was "Joysticks" that came out some time in the 80's.  Cartoonishly bad Video Game competition movie, I walked out of it towards the end, and waited for my friend in the Lobby, and punched him in the shoulder hard, for taking me to this travesty.


LOL, I remember that one. I thought it was just a fever dream I had as a kid. 

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On 3/3/2022 at 7:17 AM, Cancer said:

I saw 2001 in its first run when I was about 13.  I do not consider it a bad movie in any way.  I agree with the review of it published ten years later (on the anniversary of its release, IIRC) in the campus paper, where the writer's key line was, "I didn't understand a d----d thing in it, but I knew it was cool as s--t."  Which it absolutely, thoroughly was in the late 1960s.


OTOH, one of my favorite things back in the day was reading Joe Bob Briggs's reviews of bad movies, for comments like

I'd never watch any of those movies, but the reviews were a high point in my grad school week.


They used to run Joe Bob Briggs reviews in the "Pink Section" of the San Francvisco Chronicle, and those were always a joy to read. He knew what we all wanted....

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12 hours ago, Bazza said:

You need to watch the most misunderstood sci-fi action flick on Netflix ASAP

Better than the original novel, the film version of Starship Troopers briefly redefined the conversation about sci-fi satire.


"Satire" implies that the creator has at least some understanding of the scope and purpose of the original work. I don't believe that to be the case with Verhoeven.

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2 hours ago, death tribble said:

Can someone explain to me how on earth we have missed Night of the Lepus so far ?



For me, it's not the worst movie I've seen. It's certainly not as bad as Can't Stop the Music or Battlefield Earth, and has a certain charm found in many fine Samuel Z. Arkoff productions of the same era.

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Sometimes I think how bad a movie is also dependent on your expectations going in, hence Battlefield Earth. A, reportedly, good scifi book adapted to screen with some very good names attached and then we got...that.

A movie you go into that you have low expectations too in the first place, if it is bad you think, well, I didnt expect much.

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16 hours ago, csyphrett said:

This is a movie that my wife told me about but I missed, just like Frogs


Frogs has Sam Elliot. I can't recall seeing him giving a bad performance. It was on recently. I have seen worse.

Although when they do the bit at the end where the animal heads give their voices, why does a bass sound like a dolphin ? And the death by alligator is a bit lame.

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15 hours ago, Ternaugh said:

For me, it's not the worst movie I've seen. It's certainly not as bad as Can't Stop the Music or Battlefield Earth, and has a certain charm found in many fine Samuel Z. Arkoff productions of the same era.


14 hours ago, slikmar said:

Sometimes I think how bad a movie is also dependent on your expectations going in, hence Battlefield Earth. A, reportedly, good scifi book adapted to screen with some very good names attached and then we got...that.

A movie you go into that you have low expectations too in the first place, if it is bad you think, well, I didnt expect much.

I used to get the magazine White Dwarf in the 80s. They had a reviewer for books called David Langford. He never ceased to make jibes at Battlefield Earth. So I knew a long time before the film came along that it was bad. And then the film came out and was slated. Consequently I have never had the urge to see it.

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