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@Rich McGee, I will give the one shot an A for originality. I mean this is D&D so why not Giant Undead Sharks? I figured the skeletons were sailor who got swallowed by the shark and that is what caused them to become skeletons.  Or did the giant shark attack a ghost ship and swallowed the undead sailors causing it to become undead also?

Edited by Ninja-Bear
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Seth's adventure reviews always make me wish he liked superhero roleplaying.  He quite rightly refuses to review anything he hasn't actually played (which is part of what makes his work so good) but that also means we'll never hear his input on, say, Champions or V&V or M&M adventures and how he'd tweak them to be better.  I don't dislike his coverage, but my CoC and Cyberpunk days are well behind me at this point, and while I still like Traveller I have a strong dislike of anything connected to Mongoose owing to past misbehavior from them, so it's mostly LBB for me.


Going to have to still that "YOUR LIVES" blind bid for an auction sometime.  It'd be a great way to establish there's a supervillain among the bidders - and if you wanted to play it for camp, have two or more identical bids and the villains get into a loud public argument about how the other(s) are just being derivative and imitating the true genius, etc., etc.

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On 8/20/2024 at 12:03 PM, Rich McGee said:

Oh, now I get it.  Sure, if the captain's used to being boarded by zombie sharks full of skeletons then it all makes sense.


And people say comics are weird.  :)


Comics have fans and shareholders. Us? Not so much.

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On 8/21/2024 at 9:53 PM, Duke Bushido said:


I have no #%×#@ _clue_ what's going on here, but want so badly to pet that dragon....



Also, read the next page - there's going to be three, with the last on Monday - and ask yourself if you're really sure you want to pet Kitty-Smaug there.  :)

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I find such videos to be good occasional palate-cleaners, but too many of them quickly turns one cynical to the genre and subsequently sets one on the path to employing subversions which - while seemingly daring - are already old-hat (seriously, how often have we seen the "Scary creature is actually a benevolent specimen of its kind." convention?).

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On 8/26/2024 at 9:51 AM, Steve said:

Interesting. Anthro kitties beat up a kitty dragon and only took a few items from its hoard.

Having just re-read the Hobbit, you really need to cherry-pick when it comes to dragon hoards.  No one can carry off the whole thing without bringing a whole train of pack animals and bearers.  Those idiot Dwarves didn't have any kind of plan at all for what they'd do if they somehow did get Smaug out of the way, and as their burglar rightly pointed out it'd take him a lifetime to steal things one hobbit-load at a time - and what do you do with it if he did?


I'm convinced Thorin and company just had a death wish and were attempting to commit suicide by dragon.  Makes Gandalf's decision to rope Bilbo into things all the more baffling.  Was he hoping spending enough time around a nice, sensible hobbit would act as therapy and get them to call the whole thing off before they got there?

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21 hours ago, tkdguy said:

Has anyone played a solo game using HERO? My only experience was running a combat scenario to test out characters.

I started one years ago using 4th Ed. I created a Blaster named Neon. I used some of the random rolls in the BBB to start out what crime he was going to stop.  I didn’t run it long-life and all but it was fun. I tried to run villains based off their Disadvantages. So no battle to a KO.

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During my time grasping the DM's quill, I have learned that the most important resource - for those of us who don't run Earth-based campaigns or heavily lean on Earth-based appellations - is this ->





"These are NPC names. These are my names and to you, they're gold and you don't get them. Why? Because to give them to you is just throwing them away."


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5 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:

I used to harvest the names on the floods of spam I got, some great names there.


It is my only regret a out spam filters becoming so effective.




I avoid generators and lists. My preference is to concoct them myself, avoiding plagiarism in the process (if a name is too good to pass up, I note its origin in private, confine its use to private entertainment and bestow credit if asked). Corruptions/permutations of spoken plus written words are fair game, however; more than a few characters are the result of me simply listening to a Yorkshireman's native accent when he spoke on any number of subjects. Typos also occasionally prove useful.


By the way, at least one person I've encountered has recommended (public) phone books as a resource for unique names.

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