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So, it's a mentalist.  He's got telepathy;  he can go into a subject's memories.  The power in question is that he can read the memories, and while doing so, make a "copy" of them onto a medium of some sort that can be prepared in advance.  (That part is likely just Charges that can only be recovered in a lab.)  They can be played back later;  a separate aspect of this would be a projector that can read the contents and create an image of the scene.  


But I can't offhand think of how to buy the power to make the copy in the first place.  This power would not, in itself, alter the subject's memories at all.

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27 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

So, it's a mentalist.  He's got telepathy;  he can go into a subject's memories.  The power in question is that he can read the memories, and while doing so, make a "copy" of them onto a medium of some sort that can be prepared in advance.  (That part is likely just Charges that can only be recovered in a lab.)  They can be played back later;  a separate aspect of this would be a projector that can read the contents and create an image of the scene.  


But I can't offhand think of how to buy the power to make the copy in the first place.  This power would not, in itself, alter the subject's memories at all.


That's a really interesting question.  Maybe some sort of usable by other advantage with the restrictions it is by way of watching the images projected from the medium?


Images with the limitations of only of memories that have been previously read? Plus usable by other, charges, etc.?


I would think Transform on the mental copy of the original memory (telepath effectively has a copy of the original memory) to make it stored on a physical medium outside the brain along with a 2" teleport to move it?


No great ideas here, just winging shots at the problem.  :)

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9 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Retrocognition with appropriate focus and other limitations to taste.


DOH!  Yeah.  Lessee...

Clairsent for Sight and Hearing groups, Retrocognition.  0 END, Persistent, and Trigger...+1.  Ouch, 100 active.  


--only through the senses of others

--retrocog only


--Concentration (0 DCV throughout)

--Extra time (min 1 turn, often longer depending on the length/complexity of the memory...call it -1 1/2)


19 points.  Don't think any of these limitations are specious, either, just trying to get the cost down.  

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3 hours ago, Crusty said:

Could you build it using eidetic memory as a linked Power with appropriate limitations?


Eidetic Memory applies to you.  So, OK, you've got you Eidetic and Telepathy, so you have perfect recall of the other person's memory...which you (but no one else) can access.  The trick here is turning that into a memory crystal.

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Then with "memory dependent on Telepathy effect" I suppose.  Because if all you get is +20, the memory won't contain anything where a +30 was needed.


Might work too, that way.  Extra Time and Concentration tends to get shifted to the Telepathy side;  you don't need the awkward-looking build you get with Clairsentience (I don't like buying an adder then tossing a honkin' big modifier when that's all you want...I understand WHY, I just don't much care for it structurally).

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Hmmm....Two parts for me.


First, Telepathy and Eidetic Memory to get the scene/information.


Then Images to play it back with a Trigger so that it doesn't require the original user every time.


or Clairsentience to Images with Transmit and Area of Effect.


then Eidetic Memory only for the Images with a Trigger for repeated Playback.



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Well... If I look at it in terms of the Recording device, I'd probably build it not as recording the memories that the Telepath is "seeing," but rather, that Telepath's Memories of those events. The main question that I haven't seen asked is... How many memories can be recorded at a time? Is it a single Record Tape that overwrites itself, or can they record an infinite number of separate memory Tapes? I wrote this up presuming One Re-working Tape.

Clairsentience: Visual Group (20pt), Auditory Group (10pt), Mobile (5pt) Retrocognition (20pt), OAF (-1), Retrocognition Only (-1), Limited Power:Fixed Target (-1/4), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4)

Total: 55 Active, 12 Real. 

What that power reads as, is the Mentalist can record their own memory of someone else's memory, to the quality that they remember it, one memory at a time, and only one memory can be recorded, and anyone can use the Focus to "watch" this memory. This does not let you Read other people's Mind. That will take a Mind Reading Power. That's the easiest way I could figure it.

Edit: Realized I was considering Senses wrong, tweaked the Power slightly.

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I believe this was already said, but what you’re describing is fancy Retrocognition. It’s going to have a few qualifiers;


1. You’ll need to define your OIF, and if you like, give it Charges

2. Since the character is recording what’s happening as it’s going on, then playback is limited only to what was witnessed (-1)

3. Which raises the separate question, “Can this be used as an attack?” By which I mean, how does he get in, and do I get a breakout roll? Personally I don’t want someone in my head that I didn’t actively invite.


So while you have Retrocognition, it must be UAO, with a focus, and you still need a mechanic for getting in. He stares at you hard, he does a Vulcan mind meld, etc. This seems like an interesting steampunk version of the power, but it needs to be fleshed out a bit more before I can definitively say “build it like so.”

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