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    Recent News
    …BUT NOT ALONE.  The Outlaw Biker world is an enigma to many of us.  From the outside it appears lawless and violent, but on the inside it has its own set of rules.  Lords of Chaos is an organization book detailing biker culture and focusing on a fictional Outlaw Motorcycle Club located near Hudson City.  An homage to the Outlaw Biker TV shows that have recently come into our living rooms you can bring your Biker games to life.  Immerse your PCs in the exciting and turbulent world of Outlaw Bikers.  Included in this package is a 95-page PDF detailing 12 club members and associates for your Hero System Campaign, 29 Hero Designer Files for all included Characters, Vehicles and Bases, Full Color Front and Back Covers, 20 Full Color Counters, and 8 quality PNG Maps suitable for use in your Virtual Tabletop games. This bundle gives you everything you need to incorporate the club into your campaign or create an Outlaw Motorcycle Club of your own.  LET’S ROLL!

    More M’Larrne for Star Hero!
    This companion to The M’Larrne expands on the lore and society of the M’Larrne Confederacy.
    Product includes:
    •           Four New NPCS! Each with associated plot seeds.
    •           New Weaponry! — coil guns ranging from pistols to sniper rifles.
    •           New Armor! — from covert nanoweave to battledress.
    •           New Gear! — from grooming kits to medical weave.
    •           New Vehicles! — Strike Trooper armor, Light Tanks, Tank Destroyers, starships!
    A Surbrook Press product from award-winning author Michael "The Professor" Surbrook.


    Patreon Update!

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    We're back again with some news from the HERO Patreon! Since our last update there have been several items posted, including a second, updated version of the "cheat sheet" Michael Surbrook is using to translate 1st edition characters to 6th edition characters for Old School Enemies, another character from Strike Force Organizations: the wanderer Sekhmet, who is a fire-based energy projector, and the rough version of Chapter Six of Justice Inc, which contains various sorts of equipment specific to the period. Plus more!
    We've also started to include some PDFs that are available for free, including a new Khymeria file: Forest of Sky Tops!
    Thank you to all those who have joined since our last update:
    David Toomey  


    Patreon Update!

    By A.C, in HERO System News,

    We've got a few more posts up on Patreon! Greg continues work on Argent: The Power and The Profit, and a section about Argent's presence in various nations around the world was included in the most recent update. We also have some notes from Michael Surbrook's Old School Enemies, and the Wanderer Hammon (or Ram) from Strike Force Organizations; a brooding, moody brick whose primary tactic involves running into things at full speed.
    You can read all this and more for just $5 a month on our Patreon, link below!
    Thank you to all those who have joined since our last update:
    Matthew Hoffman  

    Another chapter of Champions International has been released! Avalon is a city-state of mutants in South America; a place where mutants can go to be safe. Safe from harassment, safe from being hunted just for being different. Here is a place that not only caters to mutants, but was created for mutants to have a secure place in the world, providing a sense of reassurance and comfort to those who seek refuge.
    This Champions International Supplement introduces Avalon, a pivotal new country in your campaign. More than just a land of mutants, Avalon is a beacon of hope for those who seek refuge, inspiring a sense of hope and optimism in players. It's a place where mutants can find protection from those who wish them harm, offering players a new realm to explore and decipher friend from foe. Link below!

    Within the pages of this dark tome lie The Sylvestri: the most evil family in the Champions Universe. Detailed in all of their sinister black magic glory, this dark clan’s core purpose is to corrupt and degrade humanity. Satanic worshipers of the Dragon, they know that the spiritual chains which bind their master tightens when mortals treat each other with kindness, honesty, and respect. Hatred, greed, and vengeful rage loosen those chains; great atrocities may break a chain completely, giving the Dragon greater influence over human souls. Thus the Sylvestris and their demonic patrons encourage every sort of crime and vice, from tax evasion to murder, promoting crooks and despots in place of responsible leaders. They foment wars, plagues, and famines to create such misery, cynicism, and despair that Earth and Hell become one - and the Dragon is free at last to reign for all eternity.
    Can you stop them?

    The Hero Patreon continues to grind away, with Greg continuing to work on Argent: The Power and The Profit, and Michael Surbrook starting to work on a new book called Old School Enemies. Carlos also continues to work on the interior layout of Strike Force Organizations.
    The most recent Patreon post also includes a bit of the behind-the-scenes process with an excerpt of an email between Greg Elkins and Jason Walters where they discuss Argent: The Power and The Profit.
    You can become a member of the Hero Games Patreon for just $5 a month, which will give you access to chapters of various works in progress, behind the scenes Q&As, along with the entire backlog of partial and completed PDFs. Link below!
     Thank you to everyone who has become a Patron since our last post!
    John on the Ozarks

    Up now on Kickstarter: Transgressive Horror Resurrected — More Reflections on Scare Films that Broke the Rules! Featuring such game industry luminaries as Jason Walters, Ken Hite, James Lowder, Chris McGlothlin, Cynthia Celeste Miller, and John Wick.

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