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Re: Ctrl+V


I kinda lurk a bit, but I really couldn't resist chiming in myself. I'm pretty picky about the people I play with. However, every now and again, I'll make a mistake...


The first one is when I was gaming down in Carbondale. We had a regular gaming group and everything, and our DM was really supurb. Years later, I still have good memories of the games we played, really a lot of fun.


They have a convention every year, though, and naturally we were all gonna go. It was a good chance for Joe, our DM, to play a game instead of run a game. There's an All Flesh Must Be Eated game being run by someone we're not familiar with, but Joe loves zombie horror, the other bloke loves killing zombies, and I'll play anything. (Our fourth was helping run the con.)


Anyhow, this guy comes off like a total mouth-breather, but this happens and he looks like he's prepaired. He's set up with pre-made characters, has a bag full o' zombies, ect. We're tipped off, though, when we see the characters. Joe is given an african-american Catholic priest with one arm from the deep south who specializes in african tribal dances. For some reason. (Our DMs reasoning was that all knowledgable black men know tribal dances...) Chad gets the military sniper with a huge rifle and a gilly suit. I'm given a hard-ass gunfighter with a maxed-out gun score and a huge pair of pistols (with 40 boxes of ammo.)


We start in a casino, where everyone is partying all the time. It's on a mountain. Surrounded by legions and legions of zombies who are trying to climb up, but always fail. Clint Eastwood, a one-armed priest, and a sniper in a grass skirt walk into a bar - it sounds like the beginning of a lame joke. Nobody seems to realize we're surrounded by zombies, and I'm not really certain where food comes from, but I just leave that alone. We're hired by a mob boss to carry something to someone in a tunnel somewhere.


We get next to the tunnel and here scratching. It seems that we're supposed to open the door to the outside, but that seems terribly dumb, so we just don't. Instead, someone else comes along and lets all the zombies in as part of an elaborate plot to, I suppose, get everyone eaten by zombies. The bag is no longer of any use to us, so the knife-fighting one-armed tribal catholic priest, the sniper, and Clint Eastwood make their way up to the roof easily murdering every zombie they see. It seems that according to the rules, Eastwood can shoot about 30 times a round. The DM decides to limit this to 4, because he wasn't aware of how I could do this.


That's ok. I'm still pretty dangerous. Now, zombies are making their way up, but as soon as they get let loose, everyone in the casino flies away in helecopters. It's pretty astounding. They're all gone the very second. When we get up to the roof, though, there are 50 zombies waiting for us somehow. I've no idea how they beat us to the roof - I guess some kind of zombie express elevator. We kill about 20 zombies before they all stop, and a giant friggin' demon shows up.


Bullets don't hurt it. Crazy-priest magic doesn't hurt it (I forgot, the priest has crazy voodoo magic.), in fact, nothing hurts it at all. It goes on a big rant about how it'll eat our souls, and we're totally doomed.


I figure, what the hell, right? We're screwed, so let's see if my native bull-shitting talents still work.


"Well, ok, you're going to eat us, I can see that." I say. "But, you know, since you're the invincible over-fiend of death, can I ask you a question?"


The DM is puzzled, and my friends are waiting to see what I'm doing.


"Er, well, yeah. Yes, worm, you may ask the demon a question!"

"Ok, I'm just wondering what's with the zombies. And the eating people. Why are you eating all the people? Seems weird."

"Well...I'm a demon! And people are soooo tasty. And the zombies are my children, who hunger for the flesh of the living.."


"Hm. Have you ever ate beef?"

"No! Only the flesh of man!"

"How do you know you wouldn't prefer beef?" I ask. "You've never even tried it! Here you are, killing people, when you could be eating delicious beef. Why do you suppose people eat beef and not people? It's because cow is better. It tastes better. You could have all the cow you could ever want, but instead you want to wipe out all man-kind. Where are you even going to get a meal after you're done, hm? You've eaten all the everything. I mean, sheesh."


The DM is befuddled. This is probably not what he expected. The thing is, I actually convinced the evil demon lord to go raise cattle. I'm not sure to this day how it worked, but that's what happened. The party got to go free, which is good, because that dude was creeping me out

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Re: Ctrl+V


“Where’s the fun in that?” he mused as she ran her hands across his skin. He liked Jennifer, she had soft hands, a light touch and her scent made the sanitary smell of the infirmary, which he hated, more bearable. He’d been a bit wary when she’d taken over from Beckett, but she was really good under pressure and he trusted her, plus she wasn’t above bending the rules when it was needed. Also, she was a fine figure of a woman, both and lithe and lush in the right proportions, kind of petite, but he liked that. She was very un-Satedan and even more so since she’d let her hair corn blonde hair grow out after coming to the Pegasus galaxy.

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