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Re: Ctrl+V


Hm. Why do you say that?


Traditional nationalism ain't goin' nowhere.




New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

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Re: Ctrl+V


"I'll admit that it's nice to be out of Hades, but this?" the paladin gestured to the brown, slightly damp walls of the cavernous hall. "Escaping by fleeing to Carceri? You know, the prison plane?". She leaned on the railing of the basilica, gaze wandering over the thinning crowds of the market beneath.


"At least you have a keen sense of irony", she said.


"Oh, I'm so sorry", the tiefling retorted, "perhaps you would have preferred me to take my time rummaging around all my spell components whilst I was being savaged by that pair of creatures. Whatever they were. You're lucky they didn't do the same to you, I mean, what *is* this?" She gestured to the swollen wound across the left side of her belly, white bandage gradually turning red as it soaked away more of her blood.


"I don't feel right, you know".


"I'll patch you up first thing tomorrow, once I renew my spells".


"But it huuuuuuurts", the tiefling girl whined, sticking her lower lip out in an overdone caricature, like a child with a scraped knee. After waiting for a few seconds for a reaction that never came, she turned away with a prim "hmph", and took a swig from her flask. As she returned it to her satchel, the paladin made a tutting sound.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Young Goodman Brown


Written by: Buck Wilcox and Raleigh Holmes (based on the short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne)




In the woods I went a-walking

In the woods I went a-stumbling through the dark


Well his hair was tied with ribbon

And the staff he held it frightened 'way the larks


Yet I followed through the branches

Yet I left good faith behind and played the part


Look around you

He has found you

All the walls are tumbling in fire

I say, dearest heart, I

Haven't far, I

Say thy prayers, no harm will come to thee

But If I

Give up weeping

Abandon Sleeping

Give to grave and dark-clad company


Well a chorus sounded trumpets

And the blaze it pealed the color from the sky


And the good beheld the wicked

And their faces blurred together in the light


I cried out against the roaring

Then the sound it swelled, it hushed into a sigh


My eyes opened to a silence

All alone, on knees and trembling so was I


Look around you

He has found you

All the walls are tumbling in fire

I say, dearest heart, I

Haven't far, I

Say thy prayers, no harm will come to thee

But If I

Give up weeping

Abandon Sleeping

Give to grave and dark-clad company

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Re: Ctrl+V


Name: Ryu

Race: Human


Attributes [280]

ST 15 [50]

DX 15 [100]

IQ 11 [20]

HT 15 [50]


HP 30 [30]

Will 15 [20]

Per 13 [10]

FP 15

Basic Lift 20

Damage 2d+2/5d-1 (Karate: Punch 2d+5cr; Karate: Kick: 2d+6cr; Hadouken: 3d+3 burn)


Basic Speed 7.5

Basic Move 7

Ground Move 7

Water Move 1


Social Background

TL: 8 [0]

Cultural Familiarities: Japan (Native) [0].

Languages: Japanese (Native/Native) [0].


Advantages [269]

Burning Attack (Hadouken) (3) (Chi; Costs Fatigue (+1); Partial Dice (+3)) [17]

Claws (Hardened Fists) [3]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Damage Resistance (6) (Can't Wear Armor; Tough Skin) [6]

Enhanced Dodge (1) [15]

Enhanced Parry (bare hands) (1) [5]

Extra Attack (1) [25]

Flight (Whirlwind Kick) (Chi; Controlled Gliding; Link (must be used with whirlwind kick technique)) [22]

Hard to Kill (3) [6]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Injury Tolerance (Chi; Damage Reduction (/2); Limited Defense: Common (Crushing)) [25]

Reputation (World Warrior) (3) (All the time; Small class) [5]

Striking ST (10) (Chi) [45]

Trained By A Master [30]

Ultra Power (Satsui no Hadou) (Accessibility (Only when Berserk) (+4); Chi) [25]

Very Fit [15]


Perks [2]

Style Familiarity (Karate - Shotokan) [1]

Unusual Training (Breaking Blow, Only vs. well-braced objects out of combat) [1]


Disadvantages [-142]

Berserk (Satsui no Hadou) (Battle Rage; 15 or less) [-7]

Code of Honor (Warrior) [-15]

Compulsive Behavior (Street Fighting) (12 or less) [-5]

Duty (Friends) (9 or less (fairly often)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-10]

Enemy (Shadowloo (M. Bison)) (utterly formidable group) (9 or less) [-40]

Fanaticism (Training) [-15]

Honesty (12 or less) [-10]

Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]

Selfless (12 or less) [-5]

Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]


Quirks [-5]

Goes Barefoot [-1]

Likes bean-curd [-1]

The answer lies in the heart of battle! [-1]

Wanderer [-1]

Wears his gi [-1]


Packages [0]

Karate - Shotokan (Martial Arts) [0]


Skills [96]

Acrobatics DX/H - DX+1 16 [8]

Aggressive Parry (Karate) Tech/H - def+0 13 [2]

Breakfall (Acrobatics) Tech/A - def+1 17 [1]

Breaking Blow IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [4]

Climbing DX/A - DX-1 14 [1]

Counterattack (Karate) Tech/H - def+1 15 [2]

Flying Jump Kick (Karate) Tech/H - def+2 14 [3]

Innate Attack (Hadouken) DX/E - DX+3 18 [8]

Judo DX/H - DX+2 17 [12]

includes: Enhanced Parry (bare hands)

Judo Throw (Judo) Tech/H - def+0 17 [2]

Jump Kick (Karate) Tech/H - def+1 16 [2]

Karate DX/H - DX+4 19 [20]

includes: Enhanced Parry (bare hands)

Karate Art DX/H - DX+1 16 [1]

Kicking (Karate) Tech/H - def+2 19 [3]

Mental Strength Will/E - Will+1 16 [2]

Parry Missile Weapons DX/H - DX+1 16 [8]

Savoir-Faire (Dojo) IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]

Spinning Kick (Karate) Tech/H - def+1 17 [2]

Survival (Desert) Per/A - Per-1 12 [1]

Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per+1 14 [4]

Sweeping Kick (Karate) Tech/H - def+1 17 [2]

Swimming HT/E - HT+0 15 [1]

Uppercut (Karate) Tech/A - def+1 19 [1]

Whirlwind Attack (Karate) Tech/H - def+3 17 [4]


Stats [280] Ads [269] Disads [-142] Quirks [-5] Skills [96] = Total [500]

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